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Posts posted by RodG

  1. Hi Tarepanda,


    Have you considered Doctor Kulakarn from DHT Clinic? She is the second doctor who works with Doctor Pathomvanich. I had a procedure with her August 2010 and had a good result.


    The price was similiar to Doctor Pong's and I felt a bit more confident of achieving a good result. However, I will say that I have only read positive comments regarding Doctor Pong and if he wasn't good you would have read about it by now.


    It would be great if forum members who have had a HT with Doctor Pong would create a blog. Photos and follow up results are a great way for people to research a particular surgeon.


    Anyway, I wish you luck.






    Ps I'm not shilling for Doctor Kulakarn just trying to give you another option.

  2. Hi,


    Lorenzo has been a member of this site since 2003 and I presume has read a lot of posts about HT clinics and their patient results. Whilst I haven't been a member that long I have, however, read a number of posts from people who have undergone a HT procedure and shared their story with the community but haven't backed this up with follow up photographs.


    I think I even read about a member declaring to the community that a clinic convinced him to make great comments regarding his result, even though he know it was false.


    This site is used to educate people regarding HT's and if you can document your progress with clear photos or creating a blog this will really help other members to research different clinics. I read so many posts from new members declaring they went to a HT surgeon and then later declare the procedure was a failure.


    If you want you can review my blog where I document my HT experience with relatively unknown HT surgeon and the final result I achieved.


    I do hope that you take my comments in the context that they are meant and understand that most experienced members are concerned about the welfare of forum members. Hey, even great hair transplant clinics don't bat 100% success rates. It would be great to offer members another affordable surgeon in Europe.





  3. Hi Lorenzo,


    'Since the hairloss has no pattern there is no guarantee that the grafts will grow and if they do grow no guarantees that they wont fall out in the future'.


    I had diffuse thinning from the front to my crown and I had a HT. The hair that was grafted has grown really well and I'm querying whether you are saying that DHT resistant grafts are going to fall out later?


    I understand that in old age even DHT resistant hair can fallout but wasn't away that this could happen in diffuse thinning hair. Or are you referring to hair in the donor/safe area?





  4. Hi Ryan,


    How much is the transplant going to cost?


    What sort of backup is Doctor Umar able to offer if you have a substandard result?


    What type of coverage do you want? Are you after a full head of hair? Can you live with a result that may be a little see thru?


    I had a HT a year ago and had 3743 grafts. I was basically a Norwood VI. I have had a major improvement but I do not have full coverage and my hair is a bit see thru but nontheless I'm happy. I'm 50 years old though.


    I really feel for you being such a young age with significant hairloss. If you can afford it and believe that Doctor Umar is going to back his results then you could try one session and see how it goes.


    Good luck buddy,


    Regards Rod

  5. Hi,


    The only research that I've done on this particular doctor is on this site and there really isn't much to go on to be honest. Remember that if you 'can't touch it, see it or feel it reading or seeing videos doesn't mean much imo.


    You need to understand that most doctors who advertise on the internet only present their best results. Have you had an opportunity to discuss or see results from patients in person? This would help you os much in deciding to have your HT with this doctor.


    Good luck though...





  6. Hi,


    As part of your research you really need to have a look at patients who have 12 month results. Whilst it is great to read about patients who have had good experiences during the surgery and post op it counts for nothing if your hair doesn't grow.


    Where are you located in the world? Lots of good doctors with results that have proven outcomes.





  7. Hi Vanman,


    I don't have anywhere near full coverage and still have see thru hair at my hairline but I still look 10 years younger than I did before the operation.


    Unfortunately for us hairloss treatments and operations were not available when we REALLY needed it and no amount of hair coverage is going to make us look like we are 30 again. I will warn you that I went thru a bit of anxiety regarding the possibility that the HT was a failure when I was about 3 months post op. I think a lot of people must have these feelings.


    Good luck and happy growing and healing.





  8. Hi Vanman,


    I'm glad for you that you had a good experience with Doctor Pong. I looked at your photos and the work looks neat.


    Can you tell us a bit of detail regarding your HT i.e. grafts and break up of follicular units? You look like you were in similiar to me whereby you didn't have enough grafts to cover the crown but you still will get a good result.


    I found that at about 4.5 months I could really see my HT coming up but please remember that patients have different growth rates and times.





  9. Hi Cardel 25,


    I hope your going well and healing nicely. I found that once the sutures were removed from the donor area and the scabs were gone I felt like new again.


    The hardest part I found was going back to work 14 days after the procedure with scabs all over my head (and no I didn't wear a hat in the office :(). I don't get embarrassed much but I did feel like people were watching me all the time.


    I'm still undecided whether I should have another procedure. I'm 50 years old and whether I get another HT and end up with thicker hair isn't going to make me look or feel like I'm 35 years old.


    I sure wish the medications and HT procedures were around when I needed them.


    Kind Regards



  10. Hi Hariri,


    Doctor Pathomvanich is the main surgeon at DHT Clinic.


    Doctor Kulukarn is the second doctor that a patient can use as an option for having a hair transplant. Because I needed so many grafts and due to my limited budget I was given the option of having Doctor Kulukarn perform the surgery.


    She is a trained plastic surgeon and has been working at DHT Clinic for a number of years. I hope this explains the situation.


    The photos that I attached were taken under fluorescent lighting and my hair was cut quite short. I've attached another photo that I took yesterday after my haircut. I was told to grow my hair a bit longer on top to help with the illusion of density. Btw I'm not the most photogenic person.






  11. Hi Guys,

    Well it has been 12 months since my surgery with Doctor Kulukarn at DHT Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand (August 2010).


    I've experienced a good result and look significantly younger than I did a year ago. I was basically a Norwood VI with significant hairloss prior to my surgery. Here are details of my operation from the clinic:


    The total area of baldness is 133 cm2 and we get involved in the front 110 cm2 [leave the crown untouch]. The density is gradually spread at the half front at 40-50 grafts per square and 20-30 grafts half back. I condense the forelock area with 3-4 hair units. The first 3 rows comprise of single hair unit to make it smooth look.


    The total number is 3,743 FUG,or 7,745 hairs

    1 hair unit= 660

    2 hair unit= 2366

    3 hair unit=515

    4 hair unit =202


    I attended the clinic in Bangkok last month for a review with Doctor Kulukarn and I think that we were both in agreeance that I've had a good result. One of the hair technicians took new photos and she showed me the before/after photos and made the comment that the photos taken prior to the surgery look my father and I look like the son now. May'be not so significant but I do look 10 years younger. I understand that many 'young guns' would not be happy with the density that I have but I'm 50 years old and I'm happy which is the main thing... I had given up hope that I would ever have hair again and was going to have to resort to having to shave my head to a number 1 :( buzz cut.


    I'll try to add my photographs.


    Regard Rod
























  12. Hi,


    It is my understanding that propecia is an effective hairloss treatment and it is worth considering it prior to obtaining a HT. I have read on this forum that a combination of propecia and minoxidil is quite effective.


    What is the point of having a HT at your age without attempting to stop the loss? If you don't stabilise your hair prior to a HT you will have to undergo further procedures as your hairloss progresses.


    I empathise with your situation because it must be difficult to lose your hair at such a young age. My hairloss commenced at 21 and it was difficult period in my life and to a certain degree affected my confidence.


    Good luck young fella but keep away from the aussie HT surgeons.





  13. Hi,


    Do yourself a favour and go off and do lots of research prior to having a HT. I haven't seen any good results from HT surgeons in Australia and I suggest that you go and get some advice.


    Your only 18 years old and I'm wondering if you have gone to your local GP for advice and discussion of using medication? It is a lot easier to maintain your hair than to go off and have a HT.


    Don't consider a HT until your at least in your late 20's.


    Good luck.





  14. Hi,


    Now that you know that 2 of the technicians are from DHT Clinic it must also add to your confidence of a successful HT. I also had a look at strip taken from your donor site and Doctor Rhada's work looks very neat.


    It is my understanding that the technicians are just as important as the surgeon in the whole HT process. I'll send you some photographs when I return home from holiday of my recent follow up visit that I had at DHT Clinic for your information.


    Anyway, happy healing and I wish you the best.





  15. Hi,


    Thank you for updating the community regarding your HT with Doctor Radha Rani. It sounds like she went 'above and beyond' her responsibilities to ensure that everything went well for you.


    Do yourself a favour and make sure that you rest sufficiently and either wear a hat or make sure that your head is out of direct sunlight when you are outside. I found the first 4 days were the hardest after the procedure and once the stitches were removed my recovery was very quick. In regard to a previous conversation that we had I'm wondering whether you were able to ascertain where her technicians were trained?


    I will be watching with interest the progress of your HT results over the coming months.


    Kind Regards



  16. Hi,


    I find it a bit disappointing when I read comments that a norwood VI etc. still looks bald after a HT. I was Norwood VI prior to my surgery August 2010 with DHT Clinic and I've had a tremendous improvement.


    I look 10 years younger than what I did a year ago. I don't have thick hair like a young man but I think my result looks age appropriate. I could always go for a second pass but at this stage I'm happy with the result.





  17. Hi Carver,


    The chose is yours of course but if you listen to the collective wisdom of members from this forum you won't go down the path of lowering your hairline.


    If you do you run the risk of multiple hair transplant procedures and a LOT of money that you will waste in the future. A hairline like that at 40 won't look realistic.


    Good luck with your decision.





  18. Hi,


    I guess considering that you are 27 years of age and wish to have full coverage then a hair transplant really isn't an option for you at this stage.


    I recently turned 50 years old and until last year I was at a guess a Norwood VI. I had HT surgery August 2010 and had 3743 grafts going from the front of the forehead to the top of the crown. I've had a great result and whilst I'll never have a full head of hair I look 10 years younger than photographs that I had taken in my early 40's.


    Good luck I hope it works out for you.





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