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Posts posted by RodG

  1. Hi,


    I'm glad you had a good surgery and you liked the doctor. There are many good HT surgeons around the world but also quite a few dodgy one's.


    What helps the community is when forum members create a blog or post and follow up with results over a 12 month period. We read many initial posts regarding a HT and 12 months down the track the person is posting that they didn't get the result they wanted.


    I wish you well with your HT and I hope you start posting your progress on the forum.





  2. Hi,


    Quote from Doctor Radha


    I work with passion, dedication and good coordination with the rest of the team through out the procedure, in a well equipped OR. We give our best. But the perception of the HT result from the patients side is relative. Satisfactory levels could be variable.


    I thought this was a very honest statement and what I've find is most doctors who post patient results displayed on the internet only show the very best.


    Good luck and please provide the forum of your results because we really need to see finished results.


    Regards Rod

  3. Hi Jessie,


    I've read your story and it seems like you've been thru the ringer with your HT surgeries. I think stuart has given you some good advice and probably some good questions that you can ask your new surgeon.


    Do you have any photos that you can show? The other thing I'd like to say to you is that I was in far worse shape than you at 21 years of age and I ended up having a good career and got married and had 3 great children. Don't less these issues put a dampened on your life because we are only here for a short time. Sorry that I'm lecturing you.


    Regards rod

  4. Hi,


    The safe bet is to go to doctor madhu who is recommended on this forum. The admin has done due diligence on the clinic and his results. It took them years to find a good HT doctor in India.


    That said doctor Radha rani was trained by doctor path in Bangkok and has up to date qualifications. She is very hands on during the procedure and her team only does one HT per day as opposed to doctor madhu's clinic which does up to 3. 2 of her technicians trained at DHT clinic whilst the others are experienced in the field of HT translation.


    The problem is that there aren't many patient 12 month photos to review. However, I have decided to undergo a HT with her and I am booked for 10 february 2012 . It is a bit of a risk but think it should be okay due to the homework that I have done.


    Send me a pm and I will forward some of my correspondence that I had with her.


    Good luck

  5. Hi,


    I didn't do the poll because I think that this is a question for your doctor and not novices like myself. I had read that concentrating on the crown isn't a good strategy because it may take a bundle of grafts to get good coverage ie. Future loss in the front hairline may need additional grafts which may be depleted due to previous surgeries.


    Regards rod

  6. Hi,


    I personally don't see the point in getting a really short haircut after a HT but that is your prerogative. If you definitely want a 3 or 4 cut then FUT may not be the way forward for you.


    You haven't told us the amount of grafts that you require to obtain the result that you want. You also should have done research and understand that FUE will have a little lower yield and will leave some scarring. It is my understanding the FUE costs about double the price of FUT?


    Good luck with whatever you decide.


    Regards Rod

  7. Hi,


    Yes I am happy with the result and basically I agree that I was a Norwood VI and virtually bald. 3743 grafts can only go so far in a case like mine. I don't use any concealers at this stage.


    The photographs that you see are very honest and are not like many that I see on the forum which are not taken in direct lighting. The point I am making is that the result looks a bit better in person. I am 50 years old and it doesn't worry me that I don't have a full head of hair but if I was 30ish I'm sure I would have a different point of view.


    Thanks for posting,


    Regards Rod

  8. Hi Tom,


    The only photo I can see is on your this page and it looks standard to me. Doctor Kulakarn performed my surgery on me and she is the second doctor at DHT Clinic (I couldn't quite afford to have Doctor Path do the surgery). Did she participate during the surgery? She's a sweetheart.


    Anyway, just follow the doctors post operative directions and don't look in the mirror every five minutes like I did :).


    Good luck



  9. Hi Jessie,


    I hope that your next HT surgery goes well for you. I guess the only thing that I can say to you is that we all have to do research and to be fully informed. Were you aware that you had a wider than normal scar in your donor area prior to your recent fue surgery?


    We all need to remember that surgeons make their money by performing surgeries and not just doing consults.


    Good luck


    Regards rod

  10. Hi,


    I'm no expert on this and the only experience I've had is that I have had a hair transplant. However, I do think that the graft is secure and what you are seeing is the hair follicle and not the root but that is my opinion only and if you are that worried you should contact the clinic.


    I think that you are being too anxious about this imo. Many people who undergo a hair transplant go thru a stage of having anxiety about the procedure and whether it will work. I know that I did.


    Good luck and try to stop worrying.





  11. Hi,


    The site admin spent a number of years researching HT doctors from India. Many were not able to demonstrate the high standards of performing fut proceduresthat the site requires for membership. Go to whoever you please and I wish you luck with your HT.


    Regards rod

  12. Hi,


    It iis my understanding that the grafts are secure at about 10 days out from a HT procedure. If you are following the doctors advice you should be rubbing the donor area very lightly.


    When a scab is rubbed off generally the hair will be removed as well but the graft itself is left under the skin to grow in 2 - 3 months time. All this information should have been provided to you post op and is also available by researching on this forum.


    Good luck and don't do anything silly.





  13. Hi,


    I really can't sit by and not say something. Why don't you check out Doctor Madhu who operates from Hyderabad. At least the moderators on the site have done some due diligence regarding his standards and backup that he offers to his patients.


    I presume this other doctor is cheaper than he is?


    Good luck and I hope it works out okay for you.





  14. Hi,


    Doctor Laorwong completed his training with Doctor Pathomvanich at DHT Clinic a few years ago. I did research on him a couple of years ago but at the time it was difficult to find much feedback regarding his HT procedures.


    I would suggest that he is probably okay because of his training with DHT Clinic. The problem arises is the experience of his team of technicians and the level of their qualifications and training that they have gone thru for HT procedures. It would be slight arisk to go with him because of the lack of feedback.


    I think that he charges about $2US per graft for his procedure that he does in Phuket. If you contact DHT Clinic and ask how much it costs for Doctor Kulakarn to do your hairtransplant. She is the second HT surgeon who works alongside Doctor Pathomvanich at DHT Clinic. I had my HT procedure with her in August 2010 and I believe that I had a good result with her.


    It is another option for you to consider.


    Whichever surgeon you use you should find out what level of backup they are able to offer if you have problems ie. low yield or an ugly wide scar.


    Good luck with your decision.





  15. Hi,


    Your hair looks very thin where the donor scar is and appears to accent the scar. The picture doesn't show whether the scar is wide or pencil thin. Are you able to tell whether the scar is wide?


    The redness will over time become less so than what you have at the moment.


    Good luck.





  16. Hi,


    I considered Dr Laorwong back in 2010 but there isn't much in the way of feedback regarding him. I did read a post from a member who posted a positive review about his HT experience but he didn't follow up with a result.


    This doctor did his training with Doctor Pathomvanich and I was under the impression he worked with Doctor Radha Rhani in India. Doctor Pathomvanich charges $1US per graft more and is a known proven performer.


    You could ask Dr Laorwong whether he has any customers who are local to you to view their HT result.


    Which country do you live in?





  17. Hi,


    Doctor Radha is relatively unknown on this forum. I have been following her results closely and at this stage there is one forum member who has been able to demonstrate his result for us.


    Another member has recently undergone a HT procedure with her and had a very positive experience with her but his results are not finalised at this stage.


    I have had a HT with DHT Clinic in Bangkok over a year ago and had a great result. However, I would like another pass to thicken my hairline and do some work in the crown. Doctor Radha trained under Doctor Pathomvanich at DHT Clinic and some of her staff as well.


    I have swapped some emails with her and she appears to be very dedicated in the art of HT and is aiming for high standards at her clinic. I'm seriously considering using her but I suggest that you do your own due diligence because HT procedures can be variable and results differ from patient to patient.


    Do you live in India? If you do can you have in an person consult with her?





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