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Posts posted by RodG

  1. Hi,


    It is my understanding that at about 14 days after the operation you grafts are totally secure. Be very careful how vigorously you rub the grafts. I had my operation almost 6 months ago and it took about 4 weeks to look relatively normal.


    It is better to go to work looking a bit unusual than to ruin your HT and get below standard results. I'm quite proud to have undergone my procedure and I didn't care if I had funny looks at work during the first couple of weeks. Did your clinic worn what would happen after the HT?


    Kind Regards



  2. Hi,


    This is totally one persons version of events compared with a completely different version from Doctor Umar.


    I had loans being arranged and that company called "Sugery loans" was near completion of a transaction to complete the loan process which was communicated to his administrator.
    I don't want to be mean but it isn't the clinics problem regarding issues surrounding financing your HT. If it is their procedure to pay prior to the surgery there is nothing that can be done about it. If you don't like there practice of requiring pre payment chose another clinic for your HT surgery. I paid for my surgery 1 month prior to having it completed and I experienced no problems.


    Don't mean to be inflamatory but I am just stating my opinion.





  3. Hi,


    I had my surgery at DHT Clinic, Bangkok, last year. To be honest I was fairly out of it because of the medication and I wouldn't have a clue who did what during the procedure. Time seemed to really fly and I only started to feel a little impatient after about 8 hours in the chair.


    If you have any doubts why don't you ask the surgeon? I think it is best to have these concerns addressed before you start getting anxious about them.


    Good luck and I really hope that the procedure goes well for you? Are you from Australia?


    Btw do not go out into sunshine without having your head covered and I suggest using an umbrella if you have to and if you do use a baseball style cap make sure that the little metal part on the top doesn't rest on your scalp. I remember early in the process I kept worrying about everything that I did was going to affect my HT.





  4. Hi,


    I don't wish to be mean to be disrespectful to the previous post but I check out the doctor's website and I would be concerned about having a HT with this clinic. Where is the evidence that the clinic has proven results.


    It would be good to see before/after photos at 12 months to ascertain the results from this HT.





  5. Hi,


    I think that your hair looks pretty normal. Don't be too worried about your hair unless you start to see some noticeable thinning. By all means keep an eye on your hair to ensure that you get on medication to prevent further loss but at this stage your hair looks great.


    My hair was Visibly thin at 21 years of age. Go off and have a good life and stop worrying it doesn't achieve anything.





  6. Hi,


    Thank you for taking the time to document your HT with Doctor Madhu's clinic. I had a HT with DHT Clinic in Thailand in August 2010. I would dearly like to go back for a second run to add some hair to my crown but cost is a major consideration.


    The photographs that you have shown appear to show that the procedure went quite well. How do you feel about having to to wait for the results to grow?





  7. Hi Biscuit,


    'Beggers can't be chosers' I underwent this process to re-establish my hairline and I believe that I have reasonable expectations. I understand that a 20 year old wouldn't be happy with the result that I'm hoping to achieve but I have lower expectations and I'll be happy with a thinning head of hair.


    I have seen many good results of people undergoing HT's with my level of hairloss. Thinning hair is much better than totally bald which was going to be my outcome in the next couple of years unless I had a HT.


    I'm considering another HT procedure in the future subject to a successful outcome of this one.





  8. Hi,


    i agree with u on the easy on the eye part, not that i disagree on the other points u raised though :)


    I don't think I remember that much about my procedure. I remember that about 1 hour into the procedure I was wide awake and I could hear the cutting of my donor area. I was asked whether I was awake and I indicated that I was. They gave me some more medication which seemed to work.


    I remember feeling hungry at some stage and had something to eat later on and after what much have been many hours later I started to feel a bit restless. I was told that they had 40 grafts to go. I arrived at 08:30am and left at about 5:30pm.


    DHT Clinic was professional to deal with.





  9. Hi,


    Basically, if you are going to end up being a NW6 or NW7 it's almost impossible to transplant enough hair to create a good look.
    I am NW6 and I think it depends on your own expectations regarding what a good look constitutes regarding a HT. I had 3743 grafts 4.5 months ago and at this stage I am progressing well. I may not end up with a full head of hair but propecia etc was not available to me 20 years ago when I needed it. I am 49 years old and I have minimal amount of grey hair as well. I have seen some major improvements with hairloss sufferers who are NW6 or 7.


    Back to the original post I do agree that the main problem is that a persons hairloss hasn't progressed enough to indicate what is achievable and what isn't. The last thing that a person needs is to look odd when they are in their 30's after undergoing HT's when they were younger.





  10. Hi,


    I think that you have received from pretty good advice at this stage. The reason that reputable HT surgeons are reluctant to perform on you is primarily because of your age and at this stage your final hairloss outcome isn't known.


    You could have a HT surgery completed now but considering you are only 21 years old you need to consider what you will look like at 30 years of age if you have further hairloss. Whilst HT surgeries have a high level of success not all have the desired level of success. You cut your hair to level 1 with clippers but if you have strip surgery more than likely the scar will be visible and this will only contribute to you feeling depressed. FUE is very expensive and has its own problems. What technological advances are going to be available to you in 10 years time?


    I know that you feel pretty down at the moment but I will tell you that I am 49 years old and I had lost over 50% of my hair by 21 years old. I have a successful career, married an attractive woman and had 3 children. Life didn't stop for me and I think this is the main thing that you need to consider.


    I really wish you luck but do yourself a favour and try not to feel depressed. Life is too short.





  11. Hi,


    I had my HT with DHT Clinic in August 2010. Not sure what technique is used but I did have my recipient area shaved which was almost my entire scalp. I looked like 'Friar Tuck' (a show from UK Robin Hood) for a couple of months but everything is okay now and I'm starting to have some good results (post 4.5 months).


    Doctor Pathomvanich is recommend her on the forum and has affordable prices.


    I wish you luck in your endeavour.





  12. Hi RockZ,


    I read threads like this all the time. You are 28 years of age and obviously a mature person. I had 3743 grafts transplanted using FUT and I am Norwood VI and I am 49 years of age and started noticing MPB at 21 years of age.


    I returned to work about 16 days after the procedure and I had scabs all over my head and it was impossible that no one would notice that I had a HT. I am a government employee and I decided to tell as many people as I could that I was going on holidays and I was having a HT and on most occasions I received positive comments and only a couple where people told me not to bother to have a HT (a colleague actually told me to shave me head).


    I am 4.5 months post HT and I get positive comments from my co workers regarding my hair growth. Do yourself a favour and try not to worry about what other people think about you and the decisions that you make in your life.


    Good luck with your HT.






    ps I'm proud that I finally did something about my lack of hair.

  13. Hi,


    Sounds like you have done your research and if Doctor Gabel if a recommended HT surgeon on this site you should be in good hands (sorry I live overseas). Just curious to know how you decided on your temple layout? Did you have some old photos for Doctor Gabel to review?





  14. Hi,


    I had a HT in August 2010 with DHT Clinic in Bangkok and I was initially aiming for 4000 grafts because I am NW 6. I was a little concerned prior to the procedure that my scalp was a bit tight and I thought it would be hard to get the grafts that I wanted.


    In the end I had 3743 grafts inplanted in the from 1/3 and mid scalp but I was luck any had over 200 4 graft follicles implanted. A HT doctor also needs to consider scalp laxity to prevent wide donor scars which always appear to be an issue on this site.


    Good luck with your HT.





  15. Hi Jimmy,


    I really do wish you luck and sometimes in life you just have to take a chance. HT's are very expensive and whilst the collective wisdom appears to be not to consider price for the majority of middle income wage earners it really is a consideration. The forum does appear to receive a number of posts from new members who go for a HT with Doctors who we have never heard of and they are really worried after their procedures.


    I paid quite a bit for my HT in Bangkok and I know that I will need a second one but I cannot justify spending the equivalent amount again.


    Please update the forum how your HT progresses and perhaps encourage Doctor Pong to post some of his results. Apparently he was trained by Doctor Pathomvanich.





  16. Hi,


    Pretty good photos that show the status of your HT. Don't get disillusioned when the grafts fall out because it happens in the vast majority of cases. At two months it looked like I had never had a HT and it is a frustrating process to go thru.


    I am a bit over 4 months and I am seeing results so far.


    Good luck I hope it works out well for you and please keep us updated. I'm not sure whether I can afford to have another expensive HT and Doctor Pong might be an affordable option.





  17. Hi Subbu,


    You must be happy with the results at this stage. It looks like your growth is right on track. Doctor Rani completed her training with Doctor Pahtomvanich in Bangkok, Thailand.


    When you completed your research of the clinic did you ascertain the level of experience and training that the hair technicians have undergone?


    Anyway good results at this stage.





  18. Hi synz4,


    Thank you for providing your story to our forum. I too considered having my HT done by Doctor Pong but there was not information for me to take the chance and go thru with a procedure. I eventually went to DHT clinic which by the way costs a bit more than Doctor Pong.


    It would be really useful to have this information posted on a weblog to encourage other members to consider Doctor Pong. It is an anxious wait to see the end results and I'm sure if you post the results that you have it will be a useful resource.


    I am post operation 4 months after my procedure. I know that I need another one in the future to finish the job.





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