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Posts posted by RodG

  1. Hi Doctor Wu,


    Oravan from DHT Clinic recently gave you a very good recommendation when I was considering a hair transplant. I am in need of a second HT to cover my crown and I am considering another procedure next year and a holiday in Taiwan would be a welcome change from Thailand.


    I have forwarded you an email and I look forward to corresponding with you.


    Kind Regards



  2. Hi,


    1. The cost is 85 bht per graft and my HT operation had 3743 transplanted during the procedure.

    2. I emailed photographs and had an assessment 2 days before the procedure.

    3. I booked about 6 months in advance because I was going on holidays to Phuket and added another few days to travel to Bangkok. I'm not sure what their lead in time is.

    4. I travelled 3 days after the operation and had the large sutures removed at my local GP. The clinic gave me instructions to give to them.


    The only thing that I would suggest to you is to ensure that you have a hep b, c and hiv test completed before your operation. I had this done in Australia to ensure that I would have no false positives and add to my stress.


    My wife and I thought they were professional and they appear to care about you as a patient. I would advise that you enquire with DHT clinic what they are able to offer if the yield compared with the grafts transplanted are on the low side. The literature on the website states that at least 90% of the grafts will grow but they don't clearly state what backup they will give you (this is a question I did not ask). At the moment I am sending photographs every two months.


    HT is an imperfect procedure but many people have very good results. The technicians who work for DHT clinic are very experienced and my understanding is that this is an important part of the procedure apart from the experience of the Doctor.


    I am almost 4 months post operation and my strip scar is minimal and near indetectable. I was a norwood VI will minimal hair and at this stage I seem to have very good growth. I have a hair line and also many fine hairs growing like crazy. I'm trying to keep my hopes under control but at this stage of the process I am certainly encouraged (still crossing my fingers though).


    If you want to send an email to my just pm me and I will forward it to you. I can send you a before photo and one at 4 months out.


    Good luck.



  3. Hi,


    I am from Perth W.A. I did a lot of research regarding a HT procedure and I didn't have any luck finding a surgeon who was recommended by this forum. I ended up having my HT done in Bangkok at DHT clinic.


    Cost was quite competitive and I am 3.5 months out from my HT with very encouraging results.


    I personally would stay away from a clinic that has history of bad results.





  4. Hi,


    I'm 49 years of age and I guess that I am NW5 or perhaps worse. My hair started falling out at 21 and I guess about 50% was lost at about that age.


    You have been given good advice. Start taking propecia and minoxidil because they are both proven products that can stop and perhaps turn back the loss.


    I hope it works out well for you.





  5. Hi,


    Your better off flying to India and getting a HT with Doctor Madhu's clinic because at least he's recommended on this forum. His price is pretty close to the price quoted on the initial post.


    Why go and have a HT with a clinic that isn't recommended?





  6. Hi Recession,


    I understand your concerns but my comments in my previous post still stand. I am about 13 weeks post operation and I looked at a photograph from last year at work the other day. It is easy to tell that I have more hair than before. Lots of fine growth and I'm pretty happy 'at this stage' with the HT.


    I actually had my HT with Doctor Path's assistant (Doctor Kulakarn) who will assist him on the day. I think you are in good hands but with every operation there is always that concern that things won't work out.


    In regard to your HEP B, C and HIV test I had mine done prior to the surgery here in Australia. If you have a positive test DHT Clinic will not perform the procedure (at least this is my understanding of the process) and I just wanted it squared away before I got to Thailand, so I didn't have to go thru any false positives (which has happened before).


    Good luck and report how you go we are all interested.





  7. Hi Allan,


    I had my hair transplant with DHT Clinic in August 2010 and they are professional and caring organisation. I travelled from Australia and I remember sitting in the operating theatre before my hair transplant and I asked myself 'what on earth I was doing'.


    For the first 3 - 4 days I experienced a little discomfort (donar strip) and I felt a bit tired if I went shopping too much. I am 3 months post operation and it is near undetectable that I had a hair transplant. A couple of friend's yesterday did not believe that I had a procedure at all. At the moment there is a little growth with many fine hairs growing and are somewhat like baby hair.


    You will be in good hands with the staff at DHT Clinic. Have you decided where you are going to stay in Bangkok? Abloom Private Apartments in 1 stop away from the clinic and is priced quite very reasonably.


    Good luck.





  8. Hi,


    I am a new member of this forum. I had a HT in Thailand in August 2010 and I signed the waiver 2 days before I had the operation.


    I find it disconcerting that a HT doctor of repute is posting that they will be issuing summonses to members of this forum. I understand that doctors who are recommended on the forum need to ensure that they maintain a good reputation for new clients to consider their services. What I like about this forum is the ability of members to scrutinise HT results prior to signing up for an operation.


    After all who wants to go thru life with a bad HT result with visible scars and have to wear a hat for the rest of their life. It's bad enough losing your hair :(.


    Anyway, my point is that wouldn't it be best if Doctor Feller provided some evidence to the managers of this site to ensure that due process was followed (doesn't he have a responsibility to answer these claims). Once this occurred the thread could be locked with an appropriate outcome.


    I presume that Badluck wants to have a refund from Doctor Feller after the lack of results that have occurred from his HT.





  9. Hi,


    I have been living with baldness for 28 years and generally whatever negative comments are made to me doesn't worry me too much. I usually have a pretty good comeback which can put a bully back in their place.


    If your mates are your true friend's they should support you in anything that you do.


    After coming out at work I have found it intriguing that so many people are interested in my HT progress. My hairdresser is keenly watching the results because she wants her husband to have a HT.


    Btw he spent $10 000 on laser therapy and he didn't grow one hair.





  10. Hi,


    I am 49 years old. I had my HT on 14 August 2010 and I had 3743 grafts. I work with about 45 people in an office environment and after 2 weeks I knew that I would be returning to work and it would be noticeable that I had a HT.


    I basically told as many people as I could, I didn't wear a hat when I returned to work. I get compliments on a weekly basis about the HT. No problems at all AFAIK.





  11. Hi,


    I had my HT at DHT Clinic in mid august this year. I am about 10 weeks give or take a day or so. A few hairs have not shed at this stage and there are lots of fine see through hairs that I never had before.


    I did have miniaturised hairs but this is different.


    The of having a HT and the anxiety that you experience can be a little hard to take though. I remember going outside after the second day about 30 minutes in the sunshine and I thought I had ruined my HT.


    Anyway I'm glad your HT is going along well. Do you live in Thailand?





  12. Hi,


    Why don't you have a look at the recommended HT surgeon section of this forum and given it some consideration?


    I wouldn't have a HT done by a clinic which has had poor results. Another consideration is what is their backup plan if the procedure doesn't work?


    I had my HT done in Thailand and I did a lot of research. The clinic I chose was well supported by this forum and numerous online positive results.


    If I were you I would do some more due diligence before coughing up any cash.





  13. Hi,


    Oh well it looks like I'm going to regret my HT with DHT Clinic for the rest of my life :(. Seriously though I had my HT in mid august 2010 and everything is going along really well. The doctors were professional and so were the assistants.


    Doctor Path has consistent good results. I travelled from Australia and I'm unaware of any doctor who is recommended from my country.





  14. Hi,



    Not to sound like I have anything against going out of the country for an HT procedure. Because I really don't. But out of general curiosity I have to ask why. Why all the way to Thailand when there are so many great HT doctors in the US?


    Not everyone one lives in the US. In my case I am from Australia and as far as I am aware there are no doctors recommended on this forum for HT. I was going to Phuket, Thailand for a holiday anyway and it wasn't much of an effort or cost in going to Bangkok.





  15. Hi,


    I completed a wire transfer a month or two before I underwent my surgery. I received an email from Doctor Oravan confirming payment.


    I had no problems with DHT Clinic and I actually had a small refund because they weren't able to transplant the total amount that I paid for i.e. scalp laxicity.





  16. Hi,


    DHT Clinic responds to this email address:




    I find that if I use the other email address listed on the website I don't seem to get responses.


    I hope this helps.






    ps I would suggest that prior to going for your HT that you get a HIV, HEP B & C test completed. Whilst they do test on the day I was told that sometimes they get false positives and this is the last thing that you need to face before having your HT.

  17. Hi,


    I'm at the 2 month post operation HT. I have some of the doubts that you expressed in your original post. I'm crossing my fingers that the HT will work.


    I keep reading about poor HT results on this forum which makes me feel a bit anxious.


    My scar and scalp have healed really well and I'm happy that it isn't that noticeable. It was a couple of scary weeks going to work with so many scabs on my head. I don't easily get embarrassed but I did feel a bit funny a couple of times.





  18. Hi,


    I would recommend that to you that the clinic provide you with a written confirmation that they have received your wire transfer.


    I wire transfered the deposit and approx cost of my surgery to DHT Clinic in Bangkok a few months before I had the surgery. The reason I did this was to prevent myself getting stressed about trying to pay for the procedure whilst I was in a foreign currency.


    When I went for the consultation at DHT Clinic it took a while for them to confirm that the funds had been received. No problems with the procedure but it is nice to have all of this sorted prior to having the consultation and prodedure.





  19. Hi,


    Well I planned by return to work really well. I told the majority of people I work with that I was going to have a hair transplant and that I was going to look a bit strange for a week or two. In my case I have insufficient hair to hide the procedure so I thought it was best to be upfront about it.


    I have read a number of threads surrounding this issue and I don't see the point in trying to hide the procedure. After surgery I did get a few looks from people I didn't know because my scalp had many scabs and it was very obvious. It was a little embarrassing but far less than being 22 years old and starting to go really bald at such a young age. I'm 49 years old now and it doesn't worry me what people think about me.





  20. Hi,


    Post effects of medication should have worn off by then. I wouldn't recommend you driving several hours for surgery. In my case I still had a bit of pain and I found I tired quite easily.


    Can you get someone to go with you and drive you home? Why not wait a few days and get some follow up help from the clinic?


    I personally found that I was pretty good after 4 days and I could have driven a car for several hours but not on the day after HT surgery.





  21. Hi,


    I think that Dr Madhu charges about $1.05us per graft and I'm wondering how much Dr Hasson charges? Is there much of a difference in price?


    TomA who had a HT with Dr Pathomvanich has recently had a HT with Dr Madhu and you might want to wait until he posts his results on this forum. It is my understanding that the technicians are really important part of the process. Apart from placement of the grafts and the hairline which is completed by the surgeon.


    There isn't much feedback regarding Dr Madhu and his results but in fairness he has only recently been recommended by this site. In my case I had my HT completed at DHT Clinic in Bangkok and the price was $3US per graft. I can't speak for the results at this stage because I am only 6 weeks post operation but my donor site is healing really well and my scalp is going along really well. In my case I was always going on a holiday to Phuket, Thailand and it wasn't that hard to factor in a trip to bangkok as part of my trip.


    I think you would be taking more of a chance if the HT surgeon was not recommended by this site. It is a valid point that you need to factor in the cost of the holiday.


    Good luck with your decision. In my case I live in Australia and it is my understanding that no Australian surgeon is recommended by this site. It wasn't a hard decision to go to Bangkok for my HT.





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