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Posts posted by RodG

  1. Hi Guys,


    I'm going to see Doctor Radha and tell her about her website. In the past it has been working perfectly but I have noticed in the past few days that it is down. I have photographs of the work that she did for me but the wifi internet in my hotel is so slow that it won't upload on hair transplant forum.


    If you send me a personal mail with your email address I'll try and send what photos I can of the important part of the procedure i.e. the donor and recipient areas.


    I have been to DHT Clinic which is the pre-eminent HT surgery in Thailand and she ranks very highly with them. I can't recommend her highly enough and her surgery is not based on a production line but is about quality and good outcomes for the patient.


    Hi Gulpago,


    Try sending another email to her. In the past its only taken a day or two for her to respond to me. She does all the consultations by herself and doesn't use her staff to respond to patient requests for information.


    Kind Regards



  2. Hi Kardo75,


    I do not understand what you are saying because an FUE procedure is surgery but less invasive than FUT. FUE does also have lower rates of GRAFT survival than FUT and is only used for smaller sessions.


    I have never heard of any of the doctors that you have mentioned. Please do your homework.





  3. Hi Bill,


    As soon as I obtain some photos I'll post them on the forum. For your information I have also been to DHT Clinic for a hair transplant and I am familiar with how a quality clinic operates.


    Hi Chix,


    Her skill appears to be very good due to my tight scalp it was a difficult close for her.


    Kind Regards



  4. Hi Sampats,


    I just had my HT with Doctor Radha yesterday and I am in the process of recovering at the moment. My current procedure was FUT of 2075 grafts and I appear to be recovering much better than my first HT when I had 3743 grafts.


    I think at a stretch and with perhaps painkillers you could go to work after 3 days after surgery but definitely 4 days, if there are no complications. This is my second hair transplant and she is very good and ticks all the boxes for me. Although this is only one part of the equation and I need to show my results over the next 12 months.


    Kind Regards



  5. Hi Forum members,


    After much research and deliberation I have undergone my second hair transplant procedure with Doctor Radha Rani on Monday 30/01/12012.


    My first hair transplant was with DHT Clinic in August 2010 where Doctor Kulukarn (second doctor at DHT Clinic) performed the surgery for me. Unfortunately I was a norwood VI and I was virtually bald, Doctor Kulukarn was able to do a 3743 grafts procedure and I think that I had a good result which dramatically changed my appearance (for the better).


    My initial goal, however, was to have a relatively thick hairline and to cover some of my crown but unfortunately due to my extensive hairloss this was not possible. After much deliberation I decided I wanted another hair transplant but this time decided that I wanted to travel to India and I will admit that price was part of my deciding factor. However, I needed to make sure that the surgeon I chose would have very good skills just like the surgeon that I had with DHT Clinic.


    I discovered that Doctor Radha Rani had spent 18 months as Doctor Pathomvanich's assistant and over the course of a year I did a lot of research about her transplant skills and noted that she had been operating her own clinic here in her home town of Vizag, India for 2.5 years. During the consultation process with her (via email) she was very responsive and answered all of my questions. She told me that because I had had a previous mega session that it would be reasonable to expect 1500 - 2000 grafts for the next session.


    I arrived in India on 26/01/2012 and I have to say that I was a bit overwhelmed with what I saw because it is so different to asian countries that I have previously travelled to and it really pays to do your research because I stayed in Chennai overnight on route to Vizag and the accommodation was really dodgy.


    My arrival in Vizag was very good and Doctor Radha's clinic booked me into a very nice 3.5 star hotel which I have been happy with and I have to say that the food is excellent. I had my consult with her on Saturday, 28/01/2012 and she told me that she expected to be able to extract up to 2000 grafts from my donor hair. She agreed to maintain my existing hairline and to go 7.5cm past my hairline with a density of 30 grafts per sqcm and to continue to go a bit further back but with a reduction of grafts per sqcm. She also placed 500 x 2 hair grafts into my crown area. My baldness was so severe that there is no way to get full coverage but she agreed that it would help my appearance to have a bit of coverage in the crown area.


    On Monday 30/01/2012 I attended the surgery and it was much the same experience that I had at DHT Clinic. I had to provide all my details i.e. health/medications etc. During the discussion with Doctor Radha stated that she was concerned that she could observe a number of 1 hair grafts and thought that my density was only about 65 grafts per cm (my first procedure was 108 grafts per cm). I have to say that I have never read any mention of this on our forum and it was interesting what she had to say. I also asked Doctor Radha whether I could keep my recipient hair without having it shaved because I have a special event at home on my return and I didn't want to look like a circus freak :roll eyes:.


    The procedure was very long and went for about 9 hours. She told me that I was a very restless patient and this had slowed her down quite a bit (well I have a pigeon chest with a bone that sticks out and it was very uncomfortable :( ) and also the vallium didn't seem to work either. After the procedure was completed she told me that she was able to extract 2075 grafts but unfortunately 800 odd were single hair, 1200 double hair and the rest were three hair grafts. She also had to take the scar a little higher than the previous one because my first procedure scar was a bit low and the grafts in this area were a bit too thin to use (I was given the option and chose to have a second scar which meant that she could use better quality grafts). Also my scalp was so tight that it was a difficult close and she thought that my scar might be a little wider than the pencil thin one that I previously had. Doctor Radha planned my surgery during the consult, removes the donor area and sutures it. She also does all of the hairline grafting and she places 50% of the grafts and her technicians do the rest. She was very hands on during most of the procedure except for a break that she had during the day. Her clinic only does 1 hair transplant per day to maintain high standards.


    At the end of the surgery Doctor Radha provided me with instructions and then her driver returned me to the hotel. I was given vallium to help me sleep but I forgot to take them and apart from waking up at 3:00am and taking some more pain killers I had a great nights sleep. I had my hair washed at the clinic today and another consult with Doctor Radha. My pain level has been significantly less than my first procedure (I was out of action for 3 days last time) and I'm going out tonight with some lovely local ladies that I met at the airport.


    All in all at this stage I am happy with how my hair transplant has gone. I'll keep the forum updated on my progress because I feel disappointed when forum members don't follow up on their progress. Subject to my hair transplant outcome Doctor Radha will be another good quality surgeon for forum members to consider in India.


    She has provided me with so much information that I cannot find fault with her.


    Kind Regards




    ps. I told her she needs to post more client results on our forum.

  6. Hi Forum membera,


    After much research and deliberation I have undergone my second hair transplant procedure with Doctor Radha Rani on Monday 30/02/12012.


    My first hair transplant was with DHT Clinic in August 2010 where Doctor Kulukarn (second doctor at DHT Clinic) performed the surgery for me. Unfortunately I was a norwood VI and I was virtually bald, Doctor Kulukar was able to do a 3743 grafts procedure and I think that I had a good result which dramatically changed my appearance (for the better).


    My initial goal, however, was to have a relatively thick hairline and to cover some of my crown but unfortunately due to my extensive hairless this was not possible. After much deliberation I decided I wanted another hair transplant but this time decided that I wanted to travel to India and I will admit that price was part of my deciding factor. However, I needed to make sure that the surgeon I chose would have very good skills just like the surgeon that I had with DHT Clinic.


    I discovered that Doctor Radha Rani had spent 18 months as Doctor Pathomvanich's assistant and over the course of a year I did a lot of research about her transplant skills and noted that she had been operating her own clinic here in her home town of Vizag, India. During the consultation process with her (via email) she was very responsive and answered all of my questions. She told me that because I had had a previous mega session that it would be reasonable to expect 1500 - 2000 grafts for the next session.


    I arrived in India on 26/01/2012 and I have to say that I was a bit overwhelmed with what I say because it is so different to asian countries that I have travelled to. I really pays to do your research because I stayed in Chennai for overnight on route to Vizag and the accommodation was really dodgy.


    My arrival in Vizag was very good and Doctor Radha's clinic booked me into a very nice 3.5 star hotel which I have been happy with and I have to say that the food is excellent. I had my consult with her on Saturday, 28/02/2012 and she told me that she expected to be able to extract up to 2000 grafts from my donor hair. She agreed to maintain my existing hairline and to transplant 30 grafts per sqcm for a depth of about 7.5cm and then to go a bit further but to also address the crown with 500 grafts. My baldness was so severe that there is no way to get full coverage but she agreed that it would help my appearance to have a bit of coverage in the crown area.


    On Monday 28/01/2012 I attended the surgery and it was much the same experience that I had at DHT Clinic. I had to provide all my details i.e. health/medications etc. During the discussion with Doctor Radha she stated that she was concerned that she could observe a number of 1 hair grafts and thought that my density was only about 65 grafts per cm (my first procedure was 108 grafts per cm). I have to say that I have never read any mention of this on our forum and it was interesting what she had to say. I also asked Doctor Radha whether I could keep my donor hair without having it transplanted because I have a special event at home on my return and I didn't want to look like a circus freak :roll eyes:.


    The procedure was very long and went for about 9 hours. She told me that I was a very restless patient and this had slowed her down quite a bit (well I have a pigeon chest with a bone that sticks out and it was very uncomfortable :( ). After the procedure was completed she told me that she was able to extract 2075 grafts but unfortunately 800 odd were single hair, 1200 double hair and the rest were three hair grafts. She also had to take the scar a little higher than the previous one because my first procedure scar was a bit low and the grafts in this area were a bit too thin to use (I was given the option and chose to have a second scar which meant that I would use better grafts). Also my scalp was so tight that it was a difficult close and she thought that my scar might be a little wider than the pencil thin one that I had. Doctor Radha planned my surgery at the consult, removes the donor area and sutures it. She also does all of the hairline and I was told that she places 50% of the grafts and her technicians do the rest. She was hands on during most of the procedure except for a break that she had during the day.


    At the end of the surgery Doctor Radha provided me with instructions and then her driver returned me to the hotel. I was given vallium to help me sleep but I forgot to take them and apart from waking up at 3:00am and taking some more pain killers I had a great nights sleep. I had my hair washed at the clinic today and another consult with Doctor Radha. My pain level has been significantly less than my first procedure (I was out of action for 3 days last time) and I'm going out tonight with some lovely local ladies that I met at the airport.


    All in all at this stage I am happy with how my hair transplant has gone. I'll keep the forum updated on my progress because I feel disappointed when forum members don't follow up on their progress. Subject to my outcome Doctor Radha will be another good quality surgeon for forum members to consider.


    She has provided me with so much information that I cannot find fault with her.


    Kind Regards




    ps. I told her she needs to post more client results on our forum.

  7. Hi Kardo75,


    I'm currently in Chennai, India at the moment and I'm travelling to Vishakaptnam for a HT with Doctor Radha Rani. She isn't a recommended surgeon on this website at the moment but is in the process of applying. Doctor Madhu is recommended by the forum and is in Hyderabad. I'm sure there are other surgeons who would perform a good job but they are unknown to me.


    I live in Australia also and I'm from Perth and if you want to track my progress or telephone me just send me a pm.





  8. Hi,


    I decided on Doctor Radha because she was trained by Doctor Pathomvanich who is very experienced HT surgeon from Thailand and some of her staff trained with his clinic as well. Doctor Radha is more hands on with the surgery as opposed to Doctor Madhu.


    She was also highly recommended to me by a couple of forum members. You should definitely have an online consult with her.


    The forum has seen a number of poor HT results from India.





  9. Hi Cardel25,


    I think that its really important for the community to see the progress of a posters who have had HT's with surgeons who don't have much exposure on the site. I discovered when I was researching for a surgeon that many people create posts, indicating how great the surgeon was but never follow up with results.


    There needs to be more options for forum members who live in Australia/Asia, apart from Thailand to have their HT's performed.





  10. Hi Rmf55,


    It would only take a couple of bad posts regarding a doctor to turn me off from a having a HT with the them. Can you show us some photographs of your hairless because 600 - 800 session is considered to be very small session.


    How much does this doctor want to charge you for this type of session?. I had 3743 grafts with DHT Clinic in Thailand and it cost me $8500au for the procedure. I had a pretty good result.


    Good luck with your decision but there aren't really many doctors who perform consistently good HT's. Its your head at the end of the day.






  11. Hi,


    Do you have any photographs to display for members to assess you hairless? 600 - 900 grafts for a HT session is a very small number. Its a bit hard to justify have a scar for such a small session but I guess that is your decision.


    I underwent a HT in Thailand with DHT Clinic and it cost me about $8500au for 3743 grafts.


    Good luck.





  12. Hi,


    If money is the major deciding factor you could consider Doctor Kulakarn who is the second surgeon at DHT Clinic. I had my surgery with her in August 2010 and I had a good result considering my level of hairless (norwood VI).


    She uses the same facilities and hair technicians at DHT Clinc and at the time of my surfer was the same price as Doctor Pong. Doctor Pong's patients are posting more results and you would probably be okay having a HT with him.


    Good luck with your decision.





  13. Hi,


    Doctor Pathomvanich is the top rated hair transplant surgeon in Asia and you won't go wrong with him.


    He does charge $2.80US per graft and if you have to 2000 - 3000 grafts to fix your patchy leg hair it is going to cost a lot more than you think. If you need 2000 grafts it would cost you in the vicinity of $5600US just for the procedure + accommodation + travel + expences. Probably at least $8000US for the trip for a 2000 graft transplant. He is very good and there are only 1 or 2 others in Asia that you could consider.


    Do yourself a favour and don't go to the hacks in Australia and New Zealand.


    Good luck with your decision.





  14. Hi,


    I was a norwood VI and I had my recipient area shaved. It took about 4 weeks to look normal again. In most cases a clinic will shave the site and if you don't have a lot of hair to cover the area it is quite easy to notice.


    I guess it also depends on your level of baldness. Unfortunately for me it was quite extensive and it took a long time to look normal again.





  15. Hi,


    Your hairloss is similiar to the progression that I had and I underwent a mega session to get good coverage. The majority of grafts were placed in the front third of my recipient area and less follicles towards the back. The crown area was left untouched.


    Go to the top doctors recommended on this site and check out the one's in the US as well. Don't go to a hack with a poor reputation and if you can't afford a top doctor do yourself a favour and wait until you have sufficient funds.


    Good luck.





  16. Hi,


    I remember your posts about your HT experience with Transmed and I also notice that Doctor Kulachi is no longer a member on this website. I think one of the great things that the moderators do on the forum is to put the heat on a clinic if sub par results continually occur.


    If you've tried finasteride for so many years and it wasn't effective I don't know of any other treatments that are effective.


    I checked out your new blog and I really hope you get a good result this time around.


    Btw I was norwood VI prior to my surgery and I've had a good result. I'm schedule for my second HT and hope to improve the density of my hairline and with a bit of luck put some grafts into the crown. You may have to undergo a further HT in the future but you should still have a good appearance if you lose further native hair.





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