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Everything posted by jonathanb

  1. very nice result... is it advised to have procedures so close together? what are the benefits, negatives? It does look good!
  2. This result is very exciting to me because I have similar hair loss. After researching on this site (and consultations) for over a year I had already pretty much decided to travel to Chicago for my transplant with Dr. Konior but this just sealed the deal for me. This seems to be a “one and done” procedure and I am hoping (dreaming) of the same sort of result. I wish I had the money now and didn’t have to wait until summer/fall of next year.
  3. Hi- I have been researching for over a year and have just about decided (after much consideration) on going with Dr. Konior of Chicago. His hairlines are so natural and like you desire I was happy to hear that he does the full procedure himself. I have only done an online consult but he is local for you. I am planning for spring 2011 and hope to have an in-person consultation by the end of the year.
  4. Thanks Floyd77. I am looking for pictures to see how the density and texture looks in long hair along the hairline. Anyone?
  5. Best of luck. How many grafts are you planning on receiving?
  6. Dr. Charles, Nice job. How long ago was this transplant done and does he plan to have a second one? Thank you.
  7. thanks for the reply. I was thinking fine/course but that was interesting about the wavy hair. I would love to have wavy hair again.
  8. can anyone remember someone on the forum who grew their hair "rock star" long after a frontal restoration?... would like to see pictures of long hair in the front. most folks seem to keep hair on the shorter side.
  9. when getting a frontal restoration HT does the hair have the same texture? another words does it match the other hairs in the front?
  10. Gemini- been following your cases since the beginning... do you feel your expectations can be met with the reduced graft numbers the doctor was able to get? are you considering going back? looks terrific so far.
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