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Posts posted by aaron1234

  1. As Norword6guy was saying:


    "I haven`t considered dying it, however my ex wife never stops nagging me to hit the just for men. Just to explain we have cancelled the divorce since the proceedure so she seems impressed."


    It's a sure sign that a transplant was a huge success when it saves a marriage! icon_biggrin.gif

  2. Severn. Yeah, I have responded well to Finasteride. But I don't think it has completely halted the process. So I do expect to see more thinning in the future. It's a bit scary I must say. How long has it been since you stopped the meds?


    Predator. I have been following your progress and I am much impressed. I will say that my result looks awful in certain lighting and decent in others. But I have no choice now but to go a second round.

  3. Robert McNamara died today. I always was intrigued by his hair loss pattern. As an adult man, it appeared he had his hairline intact with no visible balding. But it looks like he went from a NW1 to a NW7 in just a couple of years. Here are some comparison shots. This kind of balding scares the s*** out of me.

  4. Robert McNamara died today. I always was intrigued by his hair loss pattern. As an adult man, it appeared he had his hairline intact with no visible balding. But it looks like he went from a NW1 to a NW7 in just a couple of years. Here are some comparison shots. This kind of balding scares the s*** out of me.


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