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Posts posted by aaron1234

  1. If BB does a HT with the expectation of reaching a NW7, he might indeed have a natural hairline. But there will be nothing behind it to give an illusion of density. This could happen to him within a couple of years, even on the meds. I doubt BB would want to look like Joe Biden by the time he's 28. A shaved head look for the next few years would be the much safer way to go... by far.

  2. Hey Pilot Ron,


    Congrats on getting your HT down my Dr. Feller. I'm sure it'll turn out well. The healing time for a donor scar seems to vary. I'm fair skinned and have blonde hair, thus my scar is still very red about 3 and a half weeks post op. My scar from the first surgery had redness until about month 8-9. Right now, since I shaved my sides and back down to a #3, I have to use dermmatach to cover up the scars. Some seem to get away with a #2 guard, but that doesn't hold true for everybody. The lowest I could probably go without concealer would be a #5. But again, I have light hair and light skin.

  3. If anyone else says that this site is pushing young men into getting HT's, then they should look at this post. Baldboy, I must echo what the more experienced veterans said before me.


    I can guarantee you two things:


    1) You will continue to lose more hair, with or without Propecia.


    2) You will regret having a HT at this age.


    Trust me when I say that we all know much it ****in' sucks to start losing hair right after high school.... right after you stopped getting zits. But you think it's bad now? Imagine your friends down the road giving you crap for that little tuft of hair you have in the front from a HT years back with nothing else behind it. A shaved head look is better than a misguided HT look.


    Dude, your dad and your grandpa are both bald and so you are basically keeping up the family genes. Stay on Propecia. Keep using concealer's or even buzz your head and get a soft tan. But whatever you do, don't get a HT now. Any surgeon offering a HT to a 20 year old with this kind of balding is one not worth going to EVER!

  4. regretht,


    I'm sorry you obviously regret having your HT. I totally understand the feeling of being sold of bill of goods. But you are painting with some pretty broad strokes. Just because you had a sketchy doc doesn't indict the rest. But I'm glad you shared your experience with us. By the way, who was your doc? If he screwed you up so bad, then what's holding you back from returning the favor?

  5. There are some very good points being made here. I think I'm definitely an example of one who didn't completely understand what I was getting into with HT's. Before my first procedure, I thought I had realistic expectations. I knew that I'd have a mature/high hairline and that my density wouldn't be that of my teenage years. But even with those reasonable expectations, I was pretty disappointed. Disappointed that my hair didn't look quite right with or without concealers. Disappointed that I would have to address the same area so soon. But now that I started, there is no turning back. I have no choice but make the best out of HT's. And I feel/hope that I have better days ahead of me. But of course, that remains to be seen.


    But like everyone has said, it's a HUGE commitment. Not just financially but emotionally. Maybe this site does raise some guy's hopes up with those stellar results, but I don't feel that this site pushed me into getting a HT. I probably already had my mind made up that I just didn't want to be bald.


    It's ironic. You are balding and are obsessed with losing your hair. You get a HT thinking you won't be obsessed with your hair anymore, but you end up obsessing even more. I'm just hoping that I won't be so self-conscious about it in the future.

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