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Posts posted by aaron1234

  1. Emperor,


    You were very supportive with my thread on my average results and I won't forget that. It sounds like we are in the same boat. I'd love to see your pics.


    My thinking is that we have put our feet on the field and now there is no turning back. You are not completely satisfied with the results of your first HT. I can all but guarantee that if you don't go for a second procedure your feelings about your hair will stay the same. The only possible way to improve your situation is to go in for round 2. There are no guarantee's but if you trust your doctor and you are honest with him, than I think the second time around will be much better.


    If we choose to get an HT, we should make the best of that choice. I'm not entirely happy with my first round, but I'm going to do whatever I can to improve on that. Cause settling with what I have now is not an option.


    I agree with Bill, a thin crown is better than a slick bald one. But maybe using the remainder of your donor for the front for your next procedure, and then use FUE down the road to give you some hair on your crown.


    Bring on those pics man!

  2. I've also given this alot of thought.


    Both of my grandfather's are in their late 70's and both have more hair than I (before Fin and HT #1). If only I'm lucky enough to not progress much past a NW 6.


    But I think Eman is right. By the time we reach that age we won't care much about how scar. And I have to think that we'd have so many wrinkles that it would be hard to even notice a scar by then.

  3. If you aren't balding then you are most likely experiencing a maturing hairline. But you probably are balding, so get on Propecia or Proscar (same drug, different dose) as soon as possible. If you want a consultation, find a doc that is recommended on this site, preferably a coalition doc. Do not waste your time with MHR, Bosley, Hair Club, or any of those hair mills. They don't have the best track records.


    But as mmhce said, post some pics. You'll get much better feedback from more members once they get a look at your head.


    ciao for now

  4. They say Meds are effective for a man of any age but works particularly well in younger men.


    Like any drug, sure there are side effects. The first two weeks I was on finasteride I had some pretty intense pain in that special region. But after two weeks it went away..... not the special region but the pain. icon_wink.gif It worked like a charm. It has stabilized my loss. Now in the future I will still be losing more hair but not as much as if I weren't on the meds.


    It's a personal choice. But it works for most who use the meds. Those who experienced side effects can quit the drug and be back to normal within a couple days.


    I've seen no doctor claim the Propecia is killing our kidneys. That's probably alcohol you are thinking of. icon_smile.gif

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