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Choi Nhi Clinic Athens...Anyone know it?


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Very impressed with the stories I have heard about this place so far...met Malcolm Mendelson who seems a straight up guy...have been told this method is best for 'Oriental/Asian men only. Is this true? Also, is there anything good to say about how they remove donor hair without decimating the donor area?

Thanks for your help guys...

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  • 2 years later...

I would avoid this place like the plague. I know of people who have gone and if you think getting a consultation in the back of a car while on the way to a pub , or being looked after by a fugitive from the law in the US is a good way to get a transplant or a nice holidy go for it. I for one dont. PS also try to get a refund when he fucks up HA

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  • 4 weeks later...

Due to the fact that i have been ripped before with another clinic, I decided to do a bit of research. The owner malcolm mendelsohn does not have a very good name, nor does NHI hair clinics. As a matter of fact, i have yet to read anything good. I would take the above advice and avoid.

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IMO, I'd stay away from NHI which appears to be the Bosley and MHR Hairmill of Europe.


If this clinic uses the "Choi" implanter, I'd recommend reading the following article: http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/346...131067203#6131067203


In short, the Choi implanter attempts to semi-automate a manual process and there is no proof of it's superiority. In fact, I'd say that though automation of some things in life is good, that this ine one thing that should NOT be automated. The skill and artistry of the physician is what makes a quality hair transplant.


Do not go to any doctor unless you have seen numerous before/after photos posted by real patients, not just the clinic.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member



I haven't heard anything positive about NHI or Malcolm Mendelson. You will find a great deal of info on this company on the UK forum below;


Malcom Mendelson


In short, you should stay away from NHI and instead continue to research HT's to find a world class physician. As Bill said, the best place to begin is by familiarising yourself with the coalition Drs recommended on this site. They have the reputation as the top HT surgeons in the world which is backed up with extensive patient recommendations and pictures.


Good luck with your research.

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had the procedure done with Malcolm and his team and am over the moon with the results. The transplants will work with any nationality (I, myself am white). My brother was so impressed with what I had done that he has now also had it done himself and is also over the moon with the results. I did about 2 years research before I found NHI and was very impressed with the overall professional package.


I would not believe any of the criticism that has been stated below, as I found Malcolm to be a very honest and straight guy, I can only assume that what has been said below is some sort of underhand tactic from a competitor.


To be honest you don't even have to take my word for it, why don't you just call NHI and ask for past patients numbers and talk to them or go and see someone that has had it done by NHI.


Good luck with you decision but I can highly recommend NHI if you want a great result.

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  • Regular Member

hi sean

i considered going to NHI but all they promise is lies i am so glad i found this forum and all these great people to help me make the right choice. i hope you do too i would hold off going and look at going to some one recomended by this site. i nearly became went to NHI but i went to see malcolm for a consulation and he just looked at me and said i was a medium session this got me thinking how good can it be when all they offer is THREE opions on how many grafts you have, and for the price you would pay there plus flights ect you could go to usa and go to some of the best in the world IMO hope this helps sean.



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Why is my BS alert system going off when reading David's post?


Could it be that other forums are FILLED with patients of NHI who are disgusted with their results?


Wide scars and a bristle-like grafts seem to be the biggest concern.


David's post is yet another reason for us to be wary of "fantastic results"---


Nobel, NHI, Norton, and many others prey on the uneducated and do not wish to take the next step in the HT evolutionary process.


However, they charge like they do the best work in the history of hair transplantation.


Of course, this in my OPINION, but it could be the underhanded tactics of a competitor.


Please------ Somebody get a shovel to clean up all this crap left by the NHI rep.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Originally posted by David3:

I would not believe any of the criticism that has been stated below, as I found Malcolm to be a very honest and straight guy, I can only assume that what has been said below is some sort of underhand tactic from a competitor.



This is so typical and transparent, first post and reads like a glossy advert for NHI. Fortunately anyone who has done even a small amount of research will discover a number of unsatisfied patients of this clinic who mostly end up going for repair work in North America.


Definately BS, B Spot!!

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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Just do a search on here and hear feedback from actual patients.. Also, look at the results of the people who are on here recommending.. Many of us have had several procedures, and have been on this site for years...This is one of the only places where you can receive objective advice..


Who would you rather believe?



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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B Spot called it...


David's post is the typical sham post one would expect from such a clinic...


You can see my thread below about choosing an HT doctor...in which I discuss briefly about spotting shams.


How do I choose a hair transplant doctor?





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Quoted directly from my thread above:




The internet is your best source of information that you can find and use...but be careful in your searches...not everything you read is true. So a few cautions: Be careful of marketing tactics that are obvious to some and not to others. Marketing tactics include:


1. Over generalizations on very specific items

2. Over-use of glowing positive words like "natural", "easy", "satisfaction" and "guaranteed".

3. Before/after photos that are:

a. Small and/or blurry

b. Taken from different angles

c. Taken in different lighting or surroundings (Camera flash plays an important role in trick photography...results can look better or worse depending on angling and use of the flash)







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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by David3:

I have had the procedure done with Malcolm and his team and am over the moon with the results. The transplants will work with any nationality (I, myself am white). My brother was so impressed with what I had done that he has now also had it done himself and is also over the moon with the results. I did about 2 years research before I found NHI and was very impressed with the overall professional package.


I would not believe any of the criticism that has been stated below, as I found Malcolm to be a very honest and straight guy, I can only assume that what has been said below is some sort of underhand tactic from a competitor.


To be honest you don't even have to take my word for it, why don't you just call NHI and ask for past patients numbers and talk to them or go and see someone that has had it done by NHI.


Good luck with you decision but I can highly recommend NHI if you want a great result.

The above David3 post is clearly a sham post designed to distract from the facts. Just the fact that he says "the transplants will work with any nationality" is a dead give away that it was clearly written by Malcolm Mendelsohn and company. To be very honest the more I read about Malcolm Mendelsohn and nhi clinics the more I know what type of hair cowboys and criminals to avoid. This has been a very educational and enlightening experience and I would like to thank you all. The question is. How come they let people like Malcolm Mendelsohn and nhi clinics rip people off so openly? Is there not a regulatory body of some sort? I know he is in Greece, But Greece is part of the EU (I think) and does the EU not have common consumer protection laws for all its member states?

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  • 1 year later...

Hi yes I know the Choi NHI Clinic in Athens. I am based in the UK and went to Athens a couple of weeks ago for a procedure. initially I was a little nervous, but I have to say, honestly, the experience was great. The procedure was painless and the clinic team were very professional. The thing that surprised me most, looking back is that this whole thing was not a big deal I had no post-operative pain or swelling and now - nearly three weeks later i'm wondering why I delayed things for so long. If you're thinking of getting a hair transplant I'm sure there are some good places around, but I would recommend NHI in Athens to anyone...go for it guys!

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JonJ; I am happy your experience went well. Recommending a doctor or clinic without have your final results is carries little weight. I know lots of stories of people like you that left a clinic extremely happy but 10 months later when the results were suppose to come they were extremely disappointed.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Hi Lorenzo, Good point mentioning that I should wait to see how my results go. I have to say though that I went to NHI in Athens after being recomended by a friend who was a past patient (about two years ago). I'm hoping that my results will be as good as his were!! I'll log in to this site every few weeks and let everyone know how it's going. I don't like all the negative comments flying around the site, I'm guessing that a lot of people find this site when they are worried and are looking for advice. If someone has had a bad experience they should go back to the clinic to discuss. Like you, my comments and opinions are 100% mine. If people are considering this procedure they should ask to meet with past patients and then consider their decision.

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  • 1 month later...

I have had a procedure done with Malcolm at NHI and also a great american guy called jeff who looks after you over in Athens , two of the nicest guys i have ever met.


My results are amazing i had the 6000 grafts done and i now have a full head of hear and i am only at 6 months level , its supposed to take 12 months to grow, so look forward to growing more hair,apparently my hair has grown too quickly but im not complaining, instead of the normal 3 day stay - i decided to stay in athens for 3 weeks- amazing time with jeff and malcolm- great guys- and great results - some of the stuff on here people have wrote must be off competitors because im am very happy, and i was very thin on top- i keep my hair to no 2 all over now and i can go swimming, shower every day its great - i got conned into a unit piece for two years, just living a lie and very awkward, nobody could tell but i was always very conscious with wearing it- I would recommend anyone to NHI - I am very happy with my results and lucky cos i dont need second procedure!

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Hi guys,


I said I'd tell you how things were progressing. I had my op with NHI in Athens almost 3 months ago. At this stage I can just see some fine hairs coming through so I guess it's still early days yet... One thing that's really good is that the scar is almost invisible as my hair is pretty short at the back. So all in all a good experience so far. After reading the previous post (Dean) I'm hoping that I'll be doing as good as him at 6 months. Jon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jon,


Glad you are doing well after the NHI experience - Im almost at 6 mths since procedure in Athens at the end of jan 09 , more hairs are now coming through as malcolm and co promised, and also my hair seems to be getting a lot thicker by the minute, it was quite wispy within first three months, but i shaved it at no1 for first 3 months, im now letting it grow on top and it looks great now, looking forward to the next six months for more again, i have a full head of hair and front hairline back, but looking forward to it getting even more dense ,but happy even if it stays as it is because that unit system i had as they call it was like wearing a hat !lol!if you would like some pictures of my development email me on lmaximus77@aol.com - Would like to see how you are getting on too- Patience is key to all this , it doesnt grow overnight - its like starting as a baby all over again once you have had the transplants, and thats normally 12 months full growth wait!





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Hi Sean, Hope this helps !


I had my procedure done in Athens c/o malcolm NHI July 7th 2008 with the Choi technique which gets the hairs closer together and in turn gives you more density than the normal procedures in the UK plus its so much more expensive in the UK, I am over the moon - i must admit though i was so scepticle,so i went to see first an ex patient of NHI in wales and was impressed and thats what made me take the plunge,i had 6,000 hairs on a transplant done in athens and instead of the normal 3 day stay NHI take care of , I decided to make a holiday of it and stayed 3 weeks in Athens.

My situation was that i went very thin on top via stress and i ended up wearing a unit which is a bit like wearing a hat - wont mention the company that supplied it, but you dont take it off for a swim or shower - and after 6 months i now have a full head of hair but i still have another 6 months to wait for full growth, the key to this is patience , its not an overnight thing, i shaved my head to no1 for first 3 months whilst i was getting growth through and then nobody knows - I had a full head of hair from day 1 it looks a bit like 4 day stubble on your face, and now i have more density i am growing it more on top now,im very pleased with my hair - Now i just worry about bills not my hair anymore! i would therefore highly recommend NHI to you - But it also depends what your expectations are - Mine were very high- I wanted my hair line back and all my hair- i expected and told NHI c/o Malcolm what i wanted and he said that it can be done, and it has been done ! if you want some pics of my progress and results at 6 months -just email me - no probs - got pics right up to 5 mths - will get some done at 6 mths now to send to you, can also show you me at pre-op day ! i have seen some silly comments put on this forum, glad i only found this forum after i had the procedure done - the bottom line is see an ex patient , and thats the only way you can be sure - i dont think i would of gone for it had i not seen the results - also malcolms hair is a very good advert cos hes had the choi done and his hair is amazing, he consulted me at hotel in london after i had seen an ex-patient and he then cemented what i already new ! SEE AN EX PATIENT THEN DECIDE!







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