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Unethical Physicians, continued...

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Hair transplant physicians will do smaller sessions for temple refinement however, at your age there are a number of risks, especially since you are not technically experiencing hair loss, at least not yet.


Younger patients, especially those with minimal hair loss or no hair loss aren't typically good hair transplant candidates for a number of reasons.


See Am I Too Young for a Hair Transplant?.


Admittedly, it would not require a great number of grafts to restore your temples, but there are other factors at play here.


If you do in fact lose hair, you are putting yourself at potential risk of having young looking restored temples with thinning/balding behind it giving you an unnatural look.


In my opinon, wait until you are at least 30. If you haven't experienced any hair loss by then, reconsider it.


Hair transplantation is all about planning for the long term.


Best wishes,



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If you are going to go in for some very minor refinement -- which is all any ethical doc would probably do for you -- I would recommend getting it done via FUE a'la a "lunchtime FUE" session.


Btw, if you really were quoted @ 5k grafts that is unfathomably laughable.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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IMO, you don't need HT.

Try medication now to keep your current hair and maybe grow back some. It works for some.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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there are a lot of Armani shills on here hence my initial reaction to you.



That being said, I think 99% of the people on this forum would give ANYTHING to have the stylish mop you currently have. While it is true that time flies--- so do hair lines--in 5+years your hairline *could* start inching its way back and Im sure you will care much more about restoring that than your temples if and when this occurs.


You still have 15 years until your 40, not as though this is some magic number for hair loss but I only mention it because you did. While I can appreciate worries over the beginning stages of loss at 25, I still agree with some of the other posters that your hair looks perfectly normal, actually it looks very good for a 25 year old. Plenty of guys on here (as Im sure you have read their stories) were totally bald on top by 25.


Bottom line: I think everyone on here, myself included, are just trying to look out for your best interests. From the pictures it doesn't appear to me that you even have a classic 'v' shaped widows peak yet. Even if and when you get this it will only compliment your age and give you a look of maturity.


I can appreciate the fact that Armani is appealing, I mean shit who doesn't drool over those hair lines. But the simple fact that they quoted you 5K grafts only substantiates everyones concerns and questions over his ethics or lack there of. I don't know where the hell they were going to put those grafts. I think you would have ended up looking like this guy (see attached pic) if you had gone to Armani.


If I were you I would try out meds wait a couple more years and see what happens. I bet anything much of your concerns over your hair loss are just a result of adjusting to your image in your mid-twenties. In a few more years most of your peers will have a more mature hairline and you might stay just where your at.


The biggest concern is what is going to happen to these young guys who had their 18 year old hair line returned by Armani and densed pack 1-2/3 of their donor hair ALL up in the front of their head. Where will they end up in 5,10, 15 years? Hair loss is unpredictable and some guys lose all their hair in 5 years others take a life time. Some of Armani's patients even say right on their web blog that they don't care what their going to look like when they hit 35-40...Yeah right. They will care just as much as they do now. In my opinion some of these guys are going to end up looking like circus acts and Armani will be long 'n gone retired, sipping martinis with his Italian models frolicking on the beach, all his millions stored away in some exotic Island where he can't even be threatened with a law suit.


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I can tell the temple recession ONLY, other than that it is difficult because your hair is combed so forward...


I like your newer do much more by the way. I notice a lot of guys with receded hair lines who have long side burns which accentuates their recession by elongating their faces. Your recession is NOT bad by any means. But if it is bothering you, then I would try shaving the chops off and see how it looks.


I'd have a threesome with Rosie O'donell and Oprah to be able to style my mop like yours by the way...Id definitely forget about the hair for now.

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I still hold to my above statements...


By the way, in line with straightening your hair line, Armani hair lines, and my suggestion about your self-image changing between your mid to late twenties, take a look at my boy Dean. Now, if anybody was known for their cool mop it was him and women regard him a sexual icon of all time. He in NO way has an 18 year old Armani hair line.


Ill be 29 in march and even if I COULD get my 18 year old hair line back Armani style, I don't think I would. I think it looks like a kids hair and not a mans... AND I think in 2-4 years you will *probably* think the same. maybe not, maybe thats just me...


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lol. u guys made me feel confident in my hair, so i gel my hair back for the first time since 19 and my gf says to me "yuck. u look like an alien..." im not used to people treating me like im repulsive.. Im making an appointment with hasson and wong. they r down the street from me.

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lungs if h&w are so close why didn`t you go there first for a consult after reading all the positives on here about them.

they would give you a honest opinion on your hairloss as they dont need to operate on people who dont need a ht.

i`m pleased you are now taking the advice from the guys here

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Perfect Fit,


Sadly, I have talked to a few patients offline who are far from satisfied. But for reasons that I will not mention due to confidentiality, they have chosen not to post their experience despite my encouragement and challenge to do so.


I also feel that many patients believe in what Dr. Armani has to offer and therefore are oblivious to what are in my opinion, his lack of ethics.


In my opinion, suggesting 5000 follicular unit grafts via FUE for a level 2 on the norwood scale is an extreme over-estimate not to mention his extreme prices for FUE.


Let me ask you this...


If the patient receives 5000 grafts via FUE on a norwood 2 and experiences 50% growth yield, how would the average patient know? (See my post above describing my fear of his sacrificing proper graft care for speed.) After all, 2500 grafts on a norwood 2 will still create a positive cosmetic improvement. But as you all know, a loss of 2500 grafts would be terrible considering our finite donor supply. 50% hair growth yield is horrid.


In my opinion, there will most likely be many dissatisfied Armani patients in the future, especially those younger patients as they age and experience additional hair loss.


Of course, I have yet to see even one patient reach his supposed average of 15,000 follicular unit grafts via FUE. Those that do will most likely have a donor area left looking like swiss cheese, at least, on the average.


I suppose time will tell.



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I think that's a very good point regarding the rampant over-estimation of grafts for patients with very mild NW levels; and how it can very easily mask poor FUE growth. The more I learn and see the fishier it all seems.


And I have yet to see clear before and after cases of higher norwood levels undergoe these types of (experimental...) FUE megasessions....despite the ad nauseum promises of delivering the goods. Logically *and* empirically there is so much weight against Armani's theses; of course, I hope he is correct and I would be among the first in line if what he says to be true was proven so. Still, it boggles the mind how much people are risking -- and paying -- without the true credibility.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Since Dr. Armani has been discussed, I just thought I'd add this image. In my opinion, there are a multitude of problems with this advertisement, but for this discussion, pay special attention to the areas that I've circled.




Since when is there no surgical risk with FUE? Since when is FUE a non-surgical technique?


See an indepth discussion between myself and Dr. Feller about the benefits, risks, and potential problems with FUE and see for yourself if there are no surgical risks.


In my opinion, those who claim there are no surgical risks of follicular unit extraction (FUE) are ignoring them. In my opinion, ignoring them will lead to damaged grafts and poor hair growth yield.




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Actually the language in the ad is ambiguous enough to pass as a legit advertisment.


However, the big concern is that Jeff (the guy in the pic) is a strip patient.


I believe the entire HT community is holding its collective breath over these fue claims.


I believe like all things, the pendulum will swing back toward the middle.


It remains to be seen.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Originally posted by notgoing2gobald:

I still hold to my above statements...


By the way, in line with straightening your hair line, Armani hair lines, and my suggestion about your self-image changing between your mid to late twenties, take a look at my boy Dean. Now, if anybody was known for their cool mop it was him and women regard him a sexual icon of all time. He in NO way has an 18 year old Armani hair line.


Ill be 29 in march and even if I COULD get my 18 year old hair line back Armani style, I don't think I would. I think it looks like a kids hair and not a mans... AND I think in 2-4 years you will *probably* think the same. maybe not, maybe thats just me...


I was going to say almost exactly the same thing!


Walking through the department stores I was looking at everyones hairlines. It occured to me that most of the male models used in the major department store ads were young guys (mid 20s) but most of them had "mature" or "maturing" hairlines. None of them had the closed temples or really low hairlines. In fact, I believe a high (well shaped) forehead is typically regarded as a mark of attractiveness.


So while I object to the Armani ethics, the real problem I see is that the hairlines are really not impressive when you consider what people find attractive.


A boys hairline may help a young man connect with 17yos or preserve his teen-image, but women are known to like older men and part of a mature look is a mature hairline. I'm not talking about a balding or receding hairilne either, there is a difference.


I might like to add that the armani "curve" aI have seen on most of his patients is almost reminiscent of what you see with toupee wearers. This is not to say that some of them are not impressive. Its just that they are not perfect.

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However, the big concern is that Jeff (the guy in the pic) is a strip patient.


Correct. And I didn't even bring that part up specifically but was the main reason I said "there are many problems with this advertisement".


Whether or not ultra large FUE megasessions will be proven to work as well as strip - well, I guess we'll just have to continue to wait.



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..."a boys hairline may help a young man connect with 17 year olds"...Hmmm on second thought maybe I should reconsider going to Armani. icon_eek.gificon_eek.gif


Do you think the mature hair line will help me connect with the EIGHTEEN year old girls or should I go with the Armani? icon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gif


that is a rather cool name for your do though


-----"this is called THE Armani (GASPS....)"...


I can just see him saying that as his hand his held out under Jeffs pic above.

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