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Concerns about missing Armani threads on hair loss help - Farrel?

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i need some time to sort out what the hell happened. i am very busy now trying to catch up with work. i don't want to comment until i can discuss everything after hearing both sides.

if it was you who single-handyly brought down dr armani you won, we all won. i had a patient pour out his feelings over what happened to him. i won't discuss his case until he comes forward but will back him with any help if asked.


gotta get back to work

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RTC Since you responded here I would just like to tell you that I always thought you were one of the most honest posters.

Your truly on these sites to give support and help people.

LMS did do his part and landed one of the final knockout blows, but I remember 3 or 4 posters that softened him up bigtime for that final knockout.

It was jerkoffs like Gac Pats MMAgay ,Haleystudioes, and JohnnyE that ganged up on these guys and got them all banned.

Armani has set hundreds of guys up to have a great next 10 years but probably ruined the second half of their lives.

Damn shame . He has become a multi millionaire off of young guys emotions and vulnerability.

He has become the new but smaller version of Bosley/MHR.

Anyway keep up the good work you do RTC.

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And to think we may never get to see Pats' beautiful crown work courtesy of Armani.... icon_biggrin.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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nothing is 'wrong' with him i guess, just some opinions i have mostly.....


1. he has several posters cheerlead for him on other sites, im ALWAYS cautious when i see that clinics or docs have posters who ALWAYS show up in EVERY thread with the EXACT SAME MESSAGE, and words of praise. thos e same posters try to attack the credibility of anyone whos peaks differently.. its just so obv... i happen to believe some of these guys are, or have been compesated for doing so... just my belief though. im not sure this recent reemergece of BHT im seeing is good news, but who knows. i KNOW there are guys out there that have had their lives DESTROYED by deciding on BHT in the past, but the same can be said for HTs in general i guess....


2. i know for a FACT that BHT was this close to being considered a LAST RESORT option by the public, this was due to the several failed attempts, and subpar AT BEST results being shown. personally i DO BELIEVE BHT in ANY FORM(outside beard hair into a strip scar) should only be considered as a LAST LAST resort or disfigurment cases...


3. i cannot comment on his regular FUE results because so few are actually out there!! only ones ive seen are his own cherry picked vids... are there any real posters here who have had an umar procedure?? come to think of it 98% of the work ive seen umar do has been what umar himself has posted and NOT a patient of his finding the forums and documenting there progress on their own..


4. its my understanding that BHT is largley unproven still, and collectivly BHT yield has been poor.. ive seen nothing as of late consistant enough to change my thoughts. on top of that even the 'sucessful' bht ive seen, while an improvement, is STILL unnatural looking.


again, id LOVE to see some regular FUE patients of his, apart from his 3 or 4 cherry picked youtude vids... im not saying he does bad work at all. im just saying i would not trust BHT at all for anything other than a beard hair TEST into my strip scar. and his FUE results are hard to find


im not an umar expert buy any means.. these are just my observations.and thoughts. im not a patient of his so i just go off what ive seen the past could or years. hope that aswered your question

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RTC-- im glad you saw my reply. im still working on not acting like a baby that that SOB banned me and hopefull, as you can see..


hope the trip was good, and im hopin you didnt forget to go 'vogue' for us... ill keep my eye out on HLH for those picsicon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by lost my swagger:

RTC-- im glad you saw my reply. im still working on not acting like a baby that that SOB banned me and hopefull, as you can see..


That SOB lol...Dont get angry with him LMS,propably he justs wants to protect his marketplace, how can it do business when it has me or you or other transplant critics being so loud and expressing concerns?Which advertiser is going to pay his hard earned money to be promoted in a site where there is so much "negativity" as he put it?He bans a couple and everyone will shut up lol


Take it easy LMS and be glad that one battle was won...because in here you cannot win the war.Pretty soon (if not allready) you will undertstand that you are in fact in war with these forums...

should we believe everything?

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Falkeros i dont bother to wage wars in hairloss forums that i know i will loose.I was just giving a friendly advice to LMS.


If you want to know what i think about these forums in general i will explain it to you.There is a structural mistake in these forums that are supposed to help the hairloss sufferers.They take money from doctors and that means they cannot be unbiased and to a certain degree they can be controlled.


I am not sure exactly how does this work herein practice (i know the theory) because i havent been posting here or following the forum, i have been in forums 6 years now mostly on HLH and hairsite.What i have seen is that bad cases dissapear, threads being deleted, posts deleted, people banned for criticizing doctors or consultants.


also i have noticed companys, doctors can threaten to sue and then immidiately all conversations stop and noone can ever mention the product or clinic again.


I am guessing that doctors and companies can sue forums because since they take money from other doctors they can make a case that you do it on the other doctors favour.


Maybe these forums should not make money or be based on donations like other forums.That way people would be more free to post whatever they think about transplants without being marked as negative or whatever or that they try to bring down the indutry...is the industry so sensitive that cannot take one posters words or one patients bad experience or are the doctors so controlling and (rightfully so)since they pay money to be advertised here and do not want a negative marketplace being formed


Just to give you an example of what i am saying in regards to this forum...why you care if john36 is angry with the industry and speaks about it?Let him make his case and pursue his own road and share what he wants to share...lets not just tell him to be repaired and move on.Maybe thats not what he wants to do maybe he has another mission why his mission is so threatening?


i am in noway against this forum in particular i spoke about hairloss forums in general..(at least you took a stand and fought a lawsuit others even with the sound of lawsuit shut everyone ups)i am just expressing what i feel is a structural fault that can never make these forums completely patient based.

should we believe everything?

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i am just expressing what i feel is a structural fault that can never make these forums completely patient based.


i know,i agree, nice post BTW hopefull.... ive realize why farrel did what he did, what bothers me is he used his position of power to paint you and me as something we NEVER were, and many will buy it...he does time, he spins things to make it truly HIS forum.... if you go against the grain you can easily be silenced.. this has been proven by ALL of these forums.... get to loud about something that those in charge feel may hurt their 'business' and they take care of it... it is understandable really... it makes sense... there is ALOT of good that can be found on these forums.. ALOT... and they are resposible for many making MUCH better decisions then they would have otherwise. but lets be real, when money is involved EVERYTHING is different.and it can never TRULY be a forum of the people.. this is a great source of information. and that is important. but ill keep trying to point out bull that can be found in these places, posted by the clinics themselves mainly, and try to offer anything else positive i can. im still a sufferer myself who is still learning what my next move should be...i just want honesty. thats it.. and i just dont feel the HT world is honest at all.EVEN WORSE I FEEL THE HT BUSINESS AS A WHOLE, USES THESE FORUMS(WHICH I WISH WERE STRICTLY FOR US) TO MAKE MORE MONEY! this FACT is why i feel its all the more important that WE! keep these clinics HONEST... if WE, the real posters looking for real answers dont keep them honest, then who will?. i think the industry has proven how they prefer to run shop, and that is just UNACCEPABLE.. so with my voice(whether im right or wrong)i will just try to call things like i belive them to be, while remaining as respectful as possible to the rules set by those who are TRULY in charge here...


this is not MY playground, im just playing in it. and im thankful to have the chance.

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Hey just reading your post...what happened to you...are you scared up also from strip? Do you have a blog?


Man I would have already started the repair process if I knew witch Dr to choose...I read these boards and others only to here bad things on just about every Doc, Its hard to pick one...it really is.



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I appreciate your explanation, and to some degre, I can understand what you are saying.


But we are big here on public accountability and transparency, and that goes not only for physicians, but for patients too. We believe this is the only way to run a FAIR forum for everyone.


This is not a breeding ground for our "patient" members to run around saying anything they want to and get away with it. It's about sharing genuine experiences and giving everyone an opportunity to have their thoughtful say. Whether it's a physician or patient who has a hurtful agenda here, they MUST be called out, and we see to it that it is.


Your argument that money causes forum owners to cave into demands is faulty. In fact, if the owners of a forum don't have incoming revenue sufficient to pay all those who work hard and make some level of profit, how can forum owners be expected to fight against frivlous lawsuits, like the one we've been fighting with Dr. Armani to protect our rights to free speech? Without sufficient revenue, we could not have invested the time, money, and expertise into building all of our websites associated with this forum to acquire the traffic it has. We could also not afford to pay lawyers and would be forced to cave to lawsuits.


In many cases, small time forums can get away with allowing their members get away with almost anything, because nobody can find their forum through the search engines. Bigger high traffic forums like ours are more vulnerable to lawsuits because we rank high on search engines and are easily found. But I'd like to see what happens if one of these small time forums get slapped with a lawsuit for defammation. It would be like watching a straw house getting trampled by a 2 ton boulder rolling down a mountain.


Ethical forum owners will work to keep things balanced and fair regardless of money. We work hard to protect the rights of patients and doctors against agenda driven posters on either side.


All patients are welcome here to share genuine experiences good or bad. But it should be expected that if a doctor wants to share his/her side of the story, that they have the opportunity to do so. This may or may not require a patient to give their doctor verbal or written permission to discuss the details of their particulars.


In the case of John36, we encouraged him to share his experience. We also allowed many of his posts that in my opinion, unfairly represented today's hair transplants. But I am under the belief that it's better to let conversation play out and let educated members draw their own conclusions.


But John's suspension was mostly due to the fact that he continued to misquote one particular well respected physician making him look bad simply because he didn't want to help John sue his doctor.


After warning him several times privately (which he told me he understood and promised to stop), I decided I was tired of chasing him around and warning him. What good is a warning if I don't follow it up with action?


As I said on a number of other posts - I feel for John and hope his bitterness ceases and he seeks repair work so he can get on with his life. But it's not fair that we let him run around and continue to defame a physician simply because he wants to without being held accountable.


Again, this forum is about accountability. And just as we hold doctors accountable for their actions. Sometimes patients must be held accountable for theirs.


Best wishes,



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Originally posted by Glenn:



Hey just reading your post...what happened to you...are you scared up also from strip? Do you have a blog?


Man I would have already started the repair process if I knew witch Dr to choose...I read these boards and others only to here bad things on just about every Doc, Its hard to pick one...it really is.





hey glenn-- while i DO have a very large strip scar and have to keep my hair ATLEAST buzzed to a 5guard or its very visible(its still visible at a 5 guard but i can gel it down to cover it + i dermmatch it) i consider my 2 HTs an improvment over where i would be had i not done anything.... HOWEVER, future loss will most likely be GREAT for me and since i took the uneducated leap at the age of 21 into the HT world i KNOW that this will be a very long road, a road i was NEVER informed about, until it was to late to go back... while my current look can be considered an improvement, if i had the choice my BEST OPTION BY FAR would be to have waited a long long time..... i was NOT disfigured, i DID recieve a standard HT. but it DOES come with issues that clinics will NEVER take about... anything close to natural density cant be achieve without compromising valuble donor. but im sure you know this. the hair can easily behave differently then the native hair around it... i have had 2 HTs and a total of right around 3100 grafts placed in my front 3rd only... my hair is STRAIGHT and that makes a nice density hard to achieve... HERE IS THE BIG ONE... while my hair looks good in many lighings and im quite comfortable without my hat at night, or in clubs, ect.... natural sunlight CUTS RIGHT THROUGH MY FRONT THIRD AND it looks bad.. this is actually COMMON in HTs from what ive seen and heard....... IMO HTs can be a VERY good thing for many, but MOST ALL of these people have ADVANCED loss, realistic expectations and conservative hairlines.. and they are content with a MODEST IMPROVMENT, not thinking they can have their hair back or anything close.... there ARE freak cases, a handful of nicnitros but these are exceptions.. sometimes i feel these great results we see actally cause some harm as they built false hope for newbies who thing they can achieve the same.. 98% of the time they cannot come close...

if your young and have MUCH loss in your future you should NOT be getting a HT in 99% of the cases... but these kids do, because they are sold lies by so many clinics. in my city alone ive seen 3 or 4 mom and pop shops open up claiming to have the latest and greated transplant techniques' and promising things they simply cant deliver.... man i could go on for days about my views on HT, this is the tip of the iceberg but i think people get tired of hearing me..lol...you can feel free to PM me anytime though.


also i have quite a few VERY revealing, HONEST pics of my HTs posted over on hairlosshelp... u can run a search under Lost my swagger and you should be able to find them THEY ARE IN THE HT MAIN FORUM, not the results forum, but they are probably quite a few pages back by now.....


deceptive PICS.... now thats a whole new page i could go on about... lol


glenn---- i hear you on the difficulty of picking a doc ESPECIALLY for repair... you lookin for scar repair only? have you read aout ACELL?? even though its being used by jones currently it WILL get out to others and i belive it shows GREAT promise in terms of scar repair and healing... it can and will be used in scar revisions...ive talked with a few well respected clinic reps who have been in contact with the VP of ACELL, they all seem to believe heavily that it will produce a 'NON SCAR' scar. if that makes sense.. but we will see for sure soon enough what it can do

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Lost my Swagger,


I appreciate you sharing your hair transplant experience on our forum. But instead of bumping this topic and so it remains on track, please create a new discussion thread to share your experience. I also encourage you to post your photos on our forum by creating a free hair loss blog or a new photo album.


Best wishes,



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Your argument that money causes forum owners to cave into demands is faulty. In fact, if the owners of a forum don't have incoming revenue sufficient to pay all those who work hard and make some level of profit, how can forum owners be expected to fight against frivlous lawsuits, like the one we've been fighting with Dr. Armani to protect our rights to free speech? Without sufficient revenue, we could not have invested the time, money, and expertise into building all of our websites associated with this forum to acquire the traffic it has. We could also not afford to pay lawyers and would be forced to cave to lawsuits


You mean like Farrel did recently with Armani and another company.

Anytime Farrel is backed into a corner and caught or accused doing wrong he always throws in the word lawsuit to try and scare and deter people . On the otherhand he ALWAYS caves into bigger fish when they threaten him.

Farrel doesnt want to go to court because theres ALOT of serious issues that certain people know about him that hes not even aware of.

Im suprised that Farrel doesnt make his posters sign a contract in the millions like Armani does

Any Armani patient that has had a bad experience dont let that contract deter you from telling your story or at least contacting someone privately.

That contract has as many holes in it as Tony Montana had in him .

By the the way, for a clinic to say they have gone ALL fue ,they still do alot of strip surgeries to make up for the less then desired growth they obtain via fue.

Their motto is pay us 30-40 grand for fue to avoid a strip scar and when that doesnt grow as well as we promised we will offer you a complimentary strip scar with a huge smile on our greedy face and the back of your head

What a crying shame

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Originally posted by lost my swagger:



i know,i agree, nice post BTW hopefull.... ive realize why farrel did what he did, what bothers me is he used his position of power to paint you and me as something we NEVER were, and many will buy it...he does time, he spins things to make it truly HIS forum.... if you go against the grain you can easily be silenced.. .


I know what you mean but people are not stupid i allready see many people abandanoning that forum. He raves about the forum being under attack but he should be more honest (first of all to himself) and understand that people will not forgive or forget so easily that he let the salesmen BS take over the forum and many people were tricked in that site. These forums are supposed to protect us from the BS not expose us to them...


Add to that the fact that the deleted threads dont seem to come back...

should we believe everything?

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Your argument that money causes forum owners to cave into demands is faulty




I was referring to making money for running a web community, not having to spend it.


Clearly those who don't have the means, lack the integrity, or decide a particular lawsuit isn't worth fighting will succumb to a particular lawsuit. Not every lawsuit is worth fighting, but when the credibility of our patient community is on the line, we feel it's worth fighting.




I'd like your feedback on the post I addressed to you please.


Best wishes,



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Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:
Your argument that money causes forum owners to cave into demands is faulty






I'd like your feedback on the post I addressed to you please.


Best wishes,




hi thanx for the long answer...i understand what you are saying. dont get me wrong lately we have seen some very bad examples and people are generally suspicious ( i dont mean from this forum).


I still think that IDEALLY forums should not take money from doctors and should be based on donations or something but its just my opinion.


also i dont understand how can doctors or companies sue you guys for what people are saying here???I mean people buy stuff and leave reviews on various sites and some reviews are very negative, but i dont see the manufacturarers suing the site that let people give bad reviews. I have seen people calling products scam, overpriced garbage, save your self the money, mine broke...e.t.c. why in these forums there is so many threats and lawsuits???

should we believe everything?

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I've read these sites for years without posting until now.


1. (Promotinoal link removed) will rock because Spencer is honest and smart.


2. This site owner & staff manipulates facts for personal gain.


3. HLH: Farrel is a decent guy but paranoid and cannot move on. He is stuck on the fact that this crew is attacking him so they can ruin his site for their personal financial gain.


This site has a web programmer in South Africa right ? Where did the hack of HLH come from ?

Take a guess !

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What exactly has been manipulated, and for what specific personal gain, with regard to negative Armani information "disappearing" on HLH?


Also, it is rather ironic -- and inconsistent -- for you to label Farrel as "paranoid", and in one fell swoop make a backhanded implication that HTN has a diabolical programmer that hacked HLH. Whether HTN has a programmer based in S. Africa is totally tangential unless you have some searing knowledge into the matter that you are simply choosing to withhold.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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The Reaper,


Since you are clearly not a forum newbie and have a distorted image of what's true and significant, why don't you tell us who you really are?


Are you Spencer in disguise since your very first point was a promotional link to his resources?


I'd also like to know how this site financially gains whether or not Farrel's site thrives or falls. We've been co-existing for years. Our success as a community has no bearing on what Farrel does.


Yes, like thanatopsis, I too would like to know what "searing knowledge" you have that yuo are withholding. Or are you simply here to stir trouble on this community?



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Bill Farrel site NEVER got hacked .

He is using that as an excuse for the Armani and laser threads he erased.

Anyway according to Homa he was from I believe Iran where Homas are from, hence the name

Farrell SHOULD be paranoid and Dr Armani should be craping his pants because there are alot of his patients about to overlook that No 9 Breach of contract 5-8 that has fines of 3 million .

It wont hold up.

Farrel remember Jimmyjam you thought was fake , well I read his entire contract that he was handed once he paid ,had his head shaved and was medicated and it was like a deal with the devil.

I also heard how Armani still does certain things that he claims he doesnt and how he even puts patients under for the whole process Why he uses a drill or should I say why his techs use the drill and how and why alot unhappy posters disappeared from your site at around 6-9 months , Hello Shane.

BLACKMAIL at its finest Lets not forget the paid posters Hello Gac and MMAGUY AND Pats205 I mean Eric Fay

I hope that free fue rots on your head. Ill leave the really sick but important stuff for the lawyers.

Farrel you have been exposed and you dont even know the extent of it yet.

Remember JJ told you he felt you were resposible for his poor fue , well he hasnt forgot about the way you slandered him over and over .

Anyway obviously this nerd Reaper is a fool and a liar.

Cant they find any smooth talking cats anywhere.

All these guys with 1 post have no game whatsoever .

you all belong in the D-league

Peace bitches

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