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Concerns about missing Armani threads on hair loss help - Farrel?

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I'm not sure what happened here between Pat, Bill, and Jason here. But after talking with several members privately, obviously I'm not the only one with concerns.


According to Jason, Farrel admits that a number of Armani posts are gone, but he is going to restore them. Did he say why those are the only ones missing? Are you still going to create a post on the hair loss help forum about this?


Farrel, are you reading this? Can you please address our concerns?


And where the hell is Homa?


It seems like some are starting to speak up over there about concerns about the welfare of hair loss help, though nothing about missing Armani posts yet.




Bill, is it ok to post this link? You can remove it if need be.

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On hair loss help, Farrel wrote


"And thanks to everyone who still supports this site. Its very difficult seeing your name being dragged through the mud on a daily basis. The one thing that keeps me focused is that I know I have the truth on my side.


At the end of the day the truth will triumph over the lies...."


Farrel, stop being so evasive and tell your members what the truth is so your members stop assuming the worst. Why are so many controversial Armani threads missing and if you plan on restoring them like you said, why haven't you done it yet?

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that guy Farrel is really something else icon_confused.gif

2 months ago i wanted to register on his site and i was not allowed since i didn't provide my "real" ISP email address. if that's not a fascism then i don't know what is.

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Mr. GQ,


This rule Farrel has initiated is a bit kooky if you ask me. But you certainly are welcome to contribute and share your experiences and input on our forum.


I was banned from Hair Loss Help because my sincere answer to one of Farrel's irrelevant questions on the thread was unacceptable to him. Yet despite the fact that he banned me, when forum member "Homa" was making claims against him, I invited him to defend himself on our forum. Instead of accepting my invitation, he became irate because I wouldn't delete all Homa's posts immediately and post on his behalf.


I really just don't understand his logic sometimes.



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thanks Bill for the warm welcome!!!


if that guy Farrel should happen to be a supervisor in some kind of company, you could bet your last penny that every employee would be calling him an A**hole with the capital A. so for the love of god i hope he never becomes one in his pathetic life for the sake of humanity and just stay where you are and pretend to be a god of your unsecured/hacked hair loss forum.


there i got it off my chest icon_biggrin.gif

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Probed by aliens? Sweet Jeebus man. Let's hope the probes aren't anal. icon_biggrin.gif


Farrel's silence has fallen on many deaf ears. But the few of us who have spoken up know somethings amiss. Why hasn't Farrel answered these questions? If he really intends on restoring Armani threads, he could at least give us a timeline.


Jason, I thought you were going to post something on hair loss help about this?

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desperately seeking hair---- Farrel has put up a thread for you over on hairlosshelp....


he states that you are free to post your question to him over there and he promises you will not get banned. as of now farrel believes you are lying and you do not actually have an account over on HLH... just lettin you know

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Yeah right Farrel is a lying punk.

Dont do it Desperatley

Hes read your concerns on here.

Why does it matter if you ask again .

He owes it to his members anyway

His site is horrible now .

I was told that he disabled the search so you have no choice but to post .

IMO He skews the numbers of posters onlne also.

Its actually a Ghosttown over there now.

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Kinda "funny" how just as a peaceful revolution of (anti-Armani) thought started to crop up on HLH Shane passes off the reigns to Pats....who, just as the results start to peep through -- his own, included -- he goes MIA.....all around the time of Homa's accusations and the mystery Armani thread deletions, etc....PGP, I don't know if GhostTown or ShillTown is the better descriptor! icon_wink.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Frankly I don't post much on either site anymore:


1. The world has bigger issues than grown men fighting over hair transplants and HT Doctors results.


2. It seems to me we are all intelligent enough to asked informed questions and see through BS.


3. I guess I have come to the conclusion that those who continue in this mindless banter must have emotional issues that will not be helped on any website.


4. We are all guests on this site or HLH and the moderators can do what they want - if we don't like it we can leave or not post (like I have done). To get all wound up and post endless arguements is foolish.


Nothing beats visiting HT patients in person, googling the doctors name for complaints and doing a lot of research before going under the knife.



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"2. It seems to me we are all intelligent enough to asked informed questions and see through BS."

Nothing beats visiting HT patients in person, googling the doctors name for complaints and doing a lot of research before going under the knife
. Well said Nic Nitro agree 100%
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PGP - I am not sure if you meant this for me: "Tell Farrel Hi" ?


However if you did: I have no allegiance to any site owner and speak my mind politely with thought. The only goal I have ever had is to give back as once upon a time there was a group of HT men that guided me into taking my first step.


I have voiced similar thoughts on HLH as well and directly to Farrel via PM.


The focus needs to be on results, safety, procedural improvements, research & development and a community working together for its betterment.


I left jr high bickering 35 years ago and I don't want to go back to it.


I spoke up one final time with hopes that this nonsense will stop and the members on ALL sites get back on track with the real issues.

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I do not know what is true, what is rumor, what is just unproven allegation etc. I would be concerned if any of the allegations are true because as I said before we are dealing with peoples lives in regards to HT's. It is not just a business transaction. If a car dealer sells a bad car people can move on from it. It a HT doctor uses deception to sell a HT often the patient can not move on from it.

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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Exactly wantego.

Another thing , Farrel allowed Armani and his cronies to hijack his forum.

Nothing but controversy surrounded them day after day . Thats why I started calling it the Armani forum a year ago

Then all of a sudden Farell "claims" someone hacked his site and erased only the negative Armani threads and a laser thread where Dr Feller destroyed the whole board.

IMO Those two things more then likely put alot of heat on Farell by people that put food on his plate.

He now is trying to tie DSH in all this . Such a classic spin move .

He owes it to his posters to explain all questions asked. The problem is he has them all scared to death to speak out or to even ask.

He doesn't really want to answer DSH . He just wants to find out who he is on his forum.

Farrel is so smart that hes actually stupid.

Now he is trying to play all high and mighty by saying he wont let anyone post about HTN on his site yet he let more then a few HTN threads go on for weeks without stopping it.

Now he wants everyone to feel sorry for him . Hes a snake with a priests collar on.


Oh and Nic . I have no beef with you at all.

I just find it funny that you have probably 2000 helpful posts on hlp and 60 here [all about you} yet you come out of retirement to post openly on here yet privately to your buddy Farrel .

Why didnt you just sent Bill a pm or post openly on HLP on this particular thread. Maybe you did ,but I didnt see it .

Or why didnt you let the guys on hlp know they are out of line in the past when a few dogged this site on 4 -7 pages of lies? Maybe you did but I didnt see it .

At least we have something to go on. Some of which Farrel has no idea has a good chance to smack him upside the head in the near future.

This isnt just about Farrel . Hes a nobody .

I agree with all you say about what these sites should be doing but if he is covering up for doctors would you still call this bickering . Or are these allegations ok with you

Farell has been asking people behind closed doors for support . I hope you came on for other reasons.


Farrel you have no one to blame but yourself . I saw this happening a year ago . You sold out or have been bullied .

If its the latter then Im sorry . If its the other then you should be terribly ashamed of yourself.

Hopefully one day youll truly be exposed for what you are and we can all use the words you used to Latin .


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I really wasn't going to reply to this thread again, but I have to applaud "Please Grow Please" for seeing through Farrel's motives like a screen door.


Message to Farrel:


What you do with your forum is up to you. Though if there is any truth to all the claims made, it would be a travesty of justice. In fairness however, I will be the first to admit that several claims made by "Homa" have been unsubstantiated.


But instead of trying to spin this around and pour your energy into whether or not "Desperately Seeking Hair" is a legitimate member of your forum, why don't you just address the concerns made now by several members on our forum - some of which, are indisputably and also members of yours.


And if you are really so noble as to prevent people from discussing HTN matters on your forum, why is it that you allowed a few banned troublemaker members from our community to spread lies about us on your forum for weeks several months ago? If that wasn't bad enough, you spurred the conversation on by joining in the calamity and then banned me from your forum.


Pat also informed me that years ago, you had pinned a topic about him on your forum for months and would delete any posts defending Pat on it.


Maybe your new found nobility is because you've learned a valuable lesson, or maybe it's because you are trying to rebuild an already damaged reputation. I can only hope there is sincerity in your words.


Frankly, I have better things to do than indulge in this controversy with you. But if you want my advice, answer the questions and concerns posed by various members of our community and yours, and assuming your response is legitimate and compelling, this topic will fade off into the sunset like other controversies of the past.


And though it only adds to suspicion that you are not addressing this issue, as a favor to you, I will personally send "Desperately Seeking Hair" a private message to encourage him to post on your forum if that's what it's going to take for you to address this. What you and he choose to do after this, is up to you.





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Oh and Nic . I have no beef with you at all.

I just find it funny that you have probably 2000 helpful posts on hlp and 60 here [all about you} yet you come out of retirement to post openly on here yet privately to your buddy Farrel .

Why didnt you just sent Bill a pm or post openly on HLP on this particular thread. Maybe you did ,but I didnt see it .

Or why didnt you let the guys on hlp know they are out of line in the past when a few dogged this site on 4 -7 pages of lies? Maybe you did but I didnt see it .

At least we have something to go on. Some of which Farrel has no idea has a good chance to smack him upside the head in the near future.


I guess guys like this have a Phd in Web Blogging Analysis. I didn't come out of retirement, I read each site about once every 2 weeks with hopes of finding something worth reading.


I posted on HLH a lot before because I found the format easier than this site. Just a personal choice AND I don't have time to keep multiple sites going with photo's and answers. I have a career, family and hobbies that take me away from the inside of my house never mind a computer screen.


When I voiced my discontent about the content on HLH to Farrel: 1. it was public and 2. I did send him an email because the site was down during his rebuild time.


Lastly I don't read every thread - the stupidity level rages on most sites now. Vodka workouts on one thread, penis growing exercises, on Hair loss sites mind you. I am interested in results, new advances and keeping current on the industry. I am not going to read the BS that goes on between who is the best doctor, etc. or fraud. None of it for the most part is provable, there for it is speculation and worthless.


For the guys who want this speculative discussion, God bless you, it's a free country (at least for now), but I suspect some of the older guys will drift away from the sites. (and we are the ones for the most part that have a budget to afford HT's.)

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Back to what this was all about to begin with.

Farrel, I know this bothers you so make it right .

Put all those missing negative Armani threads and the Feller laser one back up

Dont let all those Armani hitman get together and gangster your site anymore.

Most importantly quit thinking your shit doesnt stink,and try to remember your just a little bitty fella that runs a forum ,nothing more.

Maybe put a full length mirror in front of your computer to constantly remind yourself of that.

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lol . No just silly. Ive talked to 4 hlp posters that also post on here and they are just fed up with Farrels antics and have said others on hlp say the same thing

This thread is done as it doesnt help anyone on here .

Hopefully hell get his act together and start running a tight ship.

Bill is it possible to lock this thread ?

Farrel will hang himself soon enough

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Hello Farrel.


I agree with everyone else that instead of answering my questions you are attempting to remove the spotlight directed at you and shine it in my face. Apparently standing in the light is blinding you. Am I a legitimate poster of hair loss help? Yes! Is my alias on hair loss help relevant to the questions I posed? No!


I have no intention of posting the same questions on hair loss help since I know with certainty that you've already read my posts here.


I'm sure you'll use this to justify why I'm a "fake" as you so nicely put it and use it as an excuse not to answer my questions. I started the thread but there are many concerned parties. Stop beating around the bush and using diversion tactics. Like it or not, you are in the spotlight. If you have nothing to hide, addressing this should be easy for you.

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