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My second with Dr. Ron Shapiro


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  • Senior Member

Well, here goes guys...got a lot to say here...hopefully it will all come out right...Take a few minutes and read it to the end....


You guys might remember my posts and my apprehension regarding my second procedure, and my questioning my results of my first procedure. To start, let's focus on the first procedure....I had in done in Jan of '05...


At the time of the initial surgery, I had researched what I felt was a reasonable amount and narrowed my choices to H&W and Dr Ron Shapiro. Quite honestly, I don't remember what the tipping point was for me, both are top notch, but I eventually choose Doc. My hair is course, heavy, wiry and thick in diameter, excellent in regards to density and the appearance of fullness after surgery, yet hard to predict from a surgeons standpoint....i.e....in some cases, although a graph incision is angled perfectly, when the hair grows, the initial angle is correct as to symmetry to adjacent hairs, only to wave and change directions....making predicting the characteristics increasingly difficult...I was a NW 5v, yet my thinning was diffuse....had never used Propecia, but was using Minox 2x daily and irregularly the Hairmax laser comb. Basically, I had no hairline, and my frontal third was almost all gone minus a tuft in the frontal forelock. We decided to concentrate on creating a hairline and working back within the frontal third, ignoring the crown at this time....


The surgery went well and I was excited about the prospects....in my mind, I though that with this procedure and the minox and the other products that I was dabbling with at the time, and maybe some dermatch, I would be good to go.....I remember asking Doc after the procedure how happy he thought I would be, and he told me about an 8 out of ten, since I already have some hair.


The initial downside of the procedure was the haircut.....I was basically shaved up front, and since I never told anyone I had the work done, I was stuck in a hat for 5 months....just part of the process....My donor density is slightly above average as well as my laxity, kinda tight but not bad. I didn't have the trico closure and the suture method was staples....I photographically documented daily at first, then weekly, then month by month. My staples were painful, had a lot of crust on them and always seemed inflamed. I couldn't sleep much at all for the first week or two. I actually called Doc for a refill on the vicodens, which he agreed to, apprehensively. I remember him saying that it's not common that he sees the need for this, but, during the procedure, it also required an abnormal amount of anesthetic to numb the area, and had to be reapplied frequently, so he correlated the need to hypersensitivity in the area.


I found a girl to cut my hair that lives a good distance from my hometown...I remember asking her to take me in the back of the salon before I'd take off my hat...she even went as far as to make a file to document my growth....At about 7 months, I was finally able to get a haircut where all the areas could be blended....the donor had covered, and the front had grown in sufficiently....The transplanted area was thick and dense, but had some areas that concerned me....an area on one side of my hairline (approx 10-20 hairs) seemed to grow downward, and the transplanted hairs in the frontal forelock, although growing, weren't growing at the same rate of my preexisting hair. My scar was red and I got pimples on it a lot and was uncomfortable...where it commenced above my right ear it was a bit wider than in the occipital area. The thing that bothered me most is that it didn't blend at the lateral humps, therefore limiting my styling options. I was getting paranoid....Started thinking I had a yield problem, started thinking that everything had went wrong....As an aside here, no one had ever noticed that I had a transplant...I'd get comments like ."Hey, your hair looks good"' or "are you using Just for Men" and stuff like that.....but to me, it wasn't just right....


So I'm back to the forums....reading nonstop...for hours each day...Dr Shapiro is regarded as one of the best in the industry, but I was full of doubt....why wasn't my hair "perfect"? I talked with Matt on a number of occasions and he assured me that everything was fine and I just needed some fine tuning with a second procedure....but, what if that wasn't the case? I started seeing some things posted here about Dr. Shapiro that I though were questionable, only to find them deleted.....and all the buzz was H&W, on all the boards...the big sessions, the amazing one pass results. So I start thinking, hey, maybe Dr. Shapiro isn't the best one to go to anymore...maybe its H&W, maybe Shapiro's time has come and gone.....maybe he hasn't evolved and others have passed him up and he's living off reputation....a rep so strong that people don't say anything negative in a public forum in relation to him....


By now I'm doubting whether or not I should go back....I called H&W and talked with Ferkie on a number of occasions....sent him all my photos and considered booking with him....had a lot of long conversations...I even had him show the pics to Dr. Hasson...Ferkies reaction...."just as I suspected...awesome results"....Dr Hasson said the same thing....and even questioned what I expected, and if it was realistic......But I'm so paranoid now, I'm thinking its out of professional courtesy......Then, the subject of other docs come up and the tune changes.....not very much praise.....


By now I'm at the juncture where I'm seriously confused...it seems the more that I learn, the less that I know for sure, I mean, how do you really know? Obviously Matt is gonna be for Dr Shapiro and Ferkie is gonna be for Dr Hasson.




I gave all the above details and scenario to paint a picture of what I was feeling and, more importantly, how I was made to fell that way...As the industry evolves, we as patients seem to expect everything to be perfect...with the new procedures and technology, everything should always be just right ....perfect in fact....a vision in ones mind....


I chose Dr Shapiro for my second surgery. Am I glad that I did....ABSOLUTLY!!!! And here is why....Hair transplantation made simple....Harvest the donor without damage to surrounding tissue and without follicle transsection....Closure....Dr Shapiro recently posted about his views on this....Instrumentation....Shapiro uses custom cut blades.....trimming the surrounding tissue from the donor harvest as much as possible to avoid follicle damage....magnification.....10x for Shapiro,....now through this, he has created an incision that is customized to the finely trimmed graph...the 10x sorts rules out transsection....where else is there to go....incision angle, artistry, skill, experience, approach, placement ....Doc has all of them...


In reference to my above concerns about my first procedure, first let me address the issue of the scar.....I told you that I had redness and discomfort....Dr Shapiro and I were talking about the suture method, staples or stitches, during my second procedure. Also, we talked about the possible reasons that could have caused my scar to be larger that anticipated. He ran through a long checklist of which I cannot remember all, but one of the factors was infection....I told him that when my staples were removed they were crusty and bled, and that it was very painful.....the pain continued after the removal along with swelling....I didn't know any better, I thought it was normal...I also used products on my donor area other than were recommended. And, on top of that, I was back at the gym lifting way too soon after surgery.......forget about not tuckin my chin; I was bustin out squats....


We had a long consult the day before my surgery and the day of the surgery....I ended up getting the trico closure and having a small section of the scar excised at the expense of a few less graphs.....Not only do I have staples, but Dr Shapiro put internal stitches to help ensure that I did not have issue again, along with the preventative measure of prescribing an antibiotic to prevent infection this time.


The lateral humps just needed a slight blend and the vertex and crown were also addressed. .I spoke above about magnification....Doc uses a 10x magnification....I was even privileged to see it in action as he linked it to a screen and let me view some incisions....With the recipient area being shaved, coupled with this magnification, the incidence of transsection of native hairs is virtually eliminated....also, imo, the added magnification will help to prevent shockloss. For those of you in the know, the standard in the industry is 6x....


I sit red faced as I reflect on my doubts...The lengths that Dr Shapiro went to ensure that I get the best possible result go far and beyond what one could expect....His attention to detail, his artistry, his compassion and empathy cannot be understated....I mean, I had a great result with awesome one pass density and I'm still questioning....He is also one of the most humble and gracious men I have ever met....This may sound over the top to some, but I actually feel honored to have been afforded the privilege to have him perform my surgery......A lot of it stems from my guilt of having apprehension....


Lots of things can get twisted in an internet forum, and the slightest hint of a bad result can lead to an avalanche of criticism and doubt....I feel that I owe this to Dr. Shapiro....I owe it to him because if I can doubt him even after an excellent result considering , just due to hearsay and innuendo, what about the people who have never been affiliated with him....or had the pleasure of meeting him...or viewing his work....I know both Matt and Dr Shapiro are aware that I had my doubts and could easily have brushed me aside......instead, they went the extra mile to make sure that everything went right, that we were all on the same page this time, and that plans for the future were mapped out. I was treated with complete respect and received a world class procedure....I could include so much more, but this post is ridiculously long already.....


Shapiro can and will do the big sessions, if you are a candidate.....for me, I'm glad I did mine in two.....we learned how I react to surgery, my yield, my hair characteristics, and were able to establish a base to build from......Would I like to have done the whole thing in one shot, had it come off without a hitch, no need for any fine tuning and a perfect result....yeah man.......I also wish I never lost my hair...and a 12 in. dick would be cool too....


Now, before everyone starts bustin on me saying that I'm doubting the mega session that Hasson is doing, or trying to discredit them or their clinic, I want to say that that is not the intent of this post. Nor is it what I am saying....Although I have never had work done by Dr Hasson, I certainly wouldn't hesitate to sit in his chair....In fact, the post really doesn't pertain to H&W at all...I think it's a matter of approach....We live in a fast paced world dominated by instant gratification, and the thought of one pass procedure is very appealing.....If you are a candidate for it, I say, by all means, go for it....But weigh all the options....meds, laxity, donor, future recession, hair characteristics, realistic expectations, age, ethnicity...the list goes on.....


What is my intention?...Clarification....These forums are a powerful venue. I don't want to see a man of integrity, who operates at the highest level of professionalism and is at the cutting edge of his field, get an undeserved blemish on his reputation......especially if I helped to create it...or to see people doubt his skills, approach or capability. The man CARES about his patients, his reputation and his work....Its not all about the $$$...its about empathy and humility....making his patients happy and getting them back to a normal life...It hard to grasp how he relates to the pain and fear related to hair loss, because he does not suffer from it....but he does...


Don't believe everything you read guys......don't believe this if ya don't wanna.....but I can promise you this, if you have surgery with Dr. Ron Shapiro, you are with one of the best, if not THE BEST, hair transplant surgeons in the world. Educate yourself fully on what to expect, and know that this is a bumpy road to say the least....


In an industry filled with scams and deception, it's refreshing to know that someone comes from the heart...

To Dr Shapiro...all my respect to you...as both a physician and as a man....I'm humbled as a result of our association.

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  • Senior Member

Well, here goes guys...got a lot to say here...hopefully it will all come out right...Take a few minutes and read it to the end....


You guys might remember my posts and my apprehension regarding my second procedure, and my questioning my results of my first procedure. To start, let's focus on the first procedure....I had in done in Jan of '05...


At the time of the initial surgery, I had researched what I felt was a reasonable amount and narrowed my choices to H&W and Dr Ron Shapiro. Quite honestly, I don't remember what the tipping point was for me, both are top notch, but I eventually choose Doc. My hair is course, heavy, wiry and thick in diameter, excellent in regards to density and the appearance of fullness after surgery, yet hard to predict from a surgeons standpoint....i.e....in some cases, although a graph incision is angled perfectly, when the hair grows, the initial angle is correct as to symmetry to adjacent hairs, only to wave and change directions....making predicting the characteristics increasingly difficult...I was a NW 5v, yet my thinning was diffuse....had never used Propecia, but was using Minox 2x daily and irregularly the Hairmax laser comb. Basically, I had no hairline, and my frontal third was almost all gone minus a tuft in the frontal forelock. We decided to concentrate on creating a hairline and working back within the frontal third, ignoring the crown at this time....


The surgery went well and I was excited about the prospects....in my mind, I though that with this procedure and the minox and the other products that I was dabbling with at the time, and maybe some dermatch, I would be good to go.....I remember asking Doc after the procedure how happy he thought I would be, and he told me about an 8 out of ten, since I already have some hair.


The initial downside of the procedure was the haircut.....I was basically shaved up front, and since I never told anyone I had the work done, I was stuck in a hat for 5 months....just part of the process....My donor density is slightly above average as well as my laxity, kinda tight but not bad. I didn't have the trico closure and the suture method was staples....I photographically documented daily at first, then weekly, then month by month. My staples were painful, had a lot of crust on them and always seemed inflamed. I couldn't sleep much at all for the first week or two. I actually called Doc for a refill on the vicodens, which he agreed to, apprehensively. I remember him saying that it's not common that he sees the need for this, but, during the procedure, it also required an abnormal amount of anesthetic to numb the area, and had to be reapplied frequently, so he correlated the need to hypersensitivity in the area.


I found a girl to cut my hair that lives a good distance from my hometown...I remember asking her to take me in the back of the salon before I'd take off my hat...she even went as far as to make a file to document my growth....At about 7 months, I was finally able to get a haircut where all the areas could be blended....the donor had covered, and the front had grown in sufficiently....The transplanted area was thick and dense, but had some areas that concerned me....an area on one side of my hairline (approx 10-20 hairs) seemed to grow downward, and the transplanted hairs in the frontal forelock, although growing, weren't growing at the same rate of my preexisting hair. My scar was red and I got pimples on it a lot and was uncomfortable...where it commenced above my right ear it was a bit wider than in the occipital area. The thing that bothered me most is that it didn't blend at the lateral humps, therefore limiting my styling options. I was getting paranoid....Started thinking I had a yield problem, started thinking that everything had went wrong....As an aside here, no one had ever noticed that I had a transplant...I'd get comments like ."Hey, your hair looks good"' or "are you using Just for Men" and stuff like that.....but to me, it wasn't just right....


So I'm back to the forums....reading nonstop...for hours each day...Dr Shapiro is regarded as one of the best in the industry, but I was full of doubt....why wasn't my hair "perfect"? I talked with Matt on a number of occasions and he assured me that everything was fine and I just needed some fine tuning with a second procedure....but, what if that wasn't the case? I started seeing some things posted here about Dr. Shapiro that I though were questionable, only to find them deleted.....and all the buzz was H&W, on all the boards...the big sessions, the amazing one pass results. So I start thinking, hey, maybe Dr. Shapiro isn't the best one to go to anymore...maybe its H&W, maybe Shapiro's time has come and gone.....maybe he hasn't evolved and others have passed him up and he's living off reputation....a rep so strong that people don't say anything negative in a public forum in relation to him....


By now I'm doubting whether or not I should go back....I called H&W and talked with Ferkie on a number of occasions....sent him all my photos and considered booking with him....had a lot of long conversations...I even had him show the pics to Dr. Hasson...Ferkies reaction...."just as I suspected...awesome results"....Dr Hasson said the same thing....and even questioned what I expected, and if it was realistic......But I'm so paranoid now, I'm thinking its out of professional courtesy......Then, the subject of other docs come up and the tune changes.....not very much praise.....


By now I'm at the juncture where I'm seriously confused...it seems the more that I learn, the less that I know for sure, I mean, how do you really know? Obviously Matt is gonna be for Dr Shapiro and Ferkie is gonna be for Dr Hasson.




I gave all the above details and scenario to paint a picture of what I was feeling and, more importantly, how I was made to fell that way...As the industry evolves, we as patients seem to expect everything to be perfect...with the new procedures and technology, everything should always be just right ....perfect in fact....a vision in ones mind....


I chose Dr Shapiro for my second surgery. Am I glad that I did....ABSOLUTLY!!!! And here is why....Hair transplantation made simple....Harvest the donor without damage to surrounding tissue and without follicle transsection....Closure....Dr Shapiro recently posted about his views on this....Instrumentation....Shapiro uses custom cut blades.....trimming the surrounding tissue from the donor harvest as much as possible to avoid follicle damage....magnification.....10x for Shapiro,....now through this, he has created an incision that is customized to the finely trimmed graph...the 10x sorts rules out transsection....where else is there to go....incision angle, artistry, skill, experience, approach, placement ....Doc has all of them...


In reference to my above concerns about my first procedure, first let me address the issue of the scar.....I told you that I had redness and discomfort....Dr Shapiro and I were talking about the suture method, staples or stitches, during my second procedure. Also, we talked about the possible reasons that could have caused my scar to be larger that anticipated. He ran through a long checklist of which I cannot remember all, but one of the factors was infection....I told him that when my staples were removed they were crusty and bled, and that it was very painful.....the pain continued after the removal along with swelling....I didn't know any better, I thought it was normal...I also used products on my donor area other than were recommended. And, on top of that, I was back at the gym lifting way too soon after surgery.......forget about not tuckin my chin; I was bustin out squats....


We had a long consult the day before my surgery and the day of the surgery....I ended up getting the trico closure and having a small section of the scar excised at the expense of a few less graphs.....Not only do I have staples, but Dr Shapiro put internal stitches to help ensure that I did not have issue again, along with the preventative measure of prescribing an antibiotic to prevent infection this time.


The lateral humps just needed a slight blend and the vertex and crown were also addressed. .I spoke above about magnification....Doc uses a 10x magnification....I was even privileged to see it in action as he linked it to a screen and let me view some incisions....With the recipient area being shaved, coupled with this magnification, the incidence of transsection of native hairs is virtually eliminated....also, imo, the added magnification will help to prevent shockloss. For those of you in the know, the standard in the industry is 6x....


I sit red faced as I reflect on my doubts...The lengths that Dr Shapiro went to ensure that I get the best possible result go far and beyond what one could expect....His attention to detail, his artistry, his compassion and empathy cannot be understated....I mean, I had a great result with awesome one pass density and I'm still questioning....He is also one of the most humble and gracious men I have ever met....This may sound over the top to some, but I actually feel honored to have been afforded the privilege to have him perform my surgery......A lot of it stems from my guilt of having apprehension....


Lots of things can get twisted in an internet forum, and the slightest hint of a bad result can lead to an avalanche of criticism and doubt....I feel that I owe this to Dr. Shapiro....I owe it to him because if I can doubt him even after an excellent result considering , just due to hearsay and innuendo, what about the people who have never been affiliated with him....or had the pleasure of meeting him...or viewing his work....I know both Matt and Dr Shapiro are aware that I had my doubts and could easily have brushed me aside......instead, they went the extra mile to make sure that everything went right, that we were all on the same page this time, and that plans for the future were mapped out. I was treated with complete respect and received a world class procedure....I could include so much more, but this post is ridiculously long already.....


Shapiro can and will do the big sessions, if you are a candidate.....for me, I'm glad I did mine in two.....we learned how I react to surgery, my yield, my hair characteristics, and were able to establish a base to build from......Would I like to have done the whole thing in one shot, had it come off without a hitch, no need for any fine tuning and a perfect result....yeah man.......I also wish I never lost my hair...and a 12 in. dick would be cool too....


Now, before everyone starts bustin on me saying that I'm doubting the mega session that Hasson is doing, or trying to discredit them or their clinic, I want to say that that is not the intent of this post. Nor is it what I am saying....Although I have never had work done by Dr Hasson, I certainly wouldn't hesitate to sit in his chair....In fact, the post really doesn't pertain to H&W at all...I think it's a matter of approach....We live in a fast paced world dominated by instant gratification, and the thought of one pass procedure is very appealing.....If you are a candidate for it, I say, by all means, go for it....But weigh all the options....meds, laxity, donor, future recession, hair characteristics, realistic expectations, age, ethnicity...the list goes on.....


What is my intention?...Clarification....These forums are a powerful venue. I don't want to see a man of integrity, who operates at the highest level of professionalism and is at the cutting edge of his field, get an undeserved blemish on his reputation......especially if I helped to create it...or to see people doubt his skills, approach or capability. The man CARES about his patients, his reputation and his work....Its not all about the $$$...its about empathy and humility....making his patients happy and getting them back to a normal life...It hard to grasp how he relates to the pain and fear related to hair loss, because he does not suffer from it....but he does...


Don't believe everything you read guys......don't believe this if ya don't wanna.....but I can promise you this, if you have surgery with Dr. Ron Shapiro, you are with one of the best, if not THE BEST, hair transplant surgeons in the world. Educate yourself fully on what to expect, and know that this is a bumpy road to say the least....


In an industry filled with scams and deception, it's refreshing to know that someone comes from the heart...

To Dr Shapiro...all my respect to you...as both a physician and as a man....I'm humbled as a result of our association.

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Thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough post about your experience. I think it does illustrate how a patient's perception of their results can vary over time. I think it is fairly common for patients to second guess themselves and their surgeons following surgery, especially before their new hair has begun to grow. Some times this process can be agonizing and or depressing.


I think its great that patients today have surgeons like Dr. Ron Shapiro, Dr. Hasson and Dr. Wong and other leading physicians to compare and shop. It really becomes a matter of comparing excellent to excellent and that is a great dilema to have.


To me the single most important characteristic of a great hair transplant surgeon is that they CARE. Such care permeates every aspect of a surgery and seperates average from outstanding.


I've known Ron Shapiro for a long time, had surgery with him, watched him many times doing surgery and I've read hundreds of emails and posts about him (which by the way I have never once censored, deleted or altered) and his commitment to the patient is 100%. No one is perfect. But we can't ask any thing more of some one than that they do every thing possible to achieve perfection.


When Dr. Shapiro won the Golden Follicle Award this past Fall I had an opportunity to express my thoughts about him as did others (click here, to view these posts).


I think you will see from this thread that many share your understanding of Dr. Shapiro.


It would be great to see your results if you care to post them on this topic.





Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for that great post Jonnnie. Best of luck on your second procedure.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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I had to take 3 breaks before i finished reading that post, glad to hear you are happy and remember you are just out of surgery so your emotions are running wild, i actually wrote down "I love you guys" on my post op questionaire at Shapiros, for that reason this is a borderline "dangerous" post for someone considering surgery, let me explain IMO, you are geeked up on emotions and just poured your guts out about how great Shapiro is, anyone reading that might not even consider a consult somewhere else and just go with Shapiro based on your "intense" post, if i would have been online just after my surgery i would have said Shapiro for President, as it turns out im the one that posted the critical comments you referred to, and BTW i deleted them because everyone at Dr. Hassons office personally asked me to remove them, not to mention the 1 hour call from Matt to defend Doc, i agree with everthing you said about Dr. Shapiro as far as compassion and humility, not in it for the $$$, everything about him being a great human, i still stand by everything i posted and deleted, but now is not the time to discuss that, i felt a tiny bit defensive because i think your comments about deleted posts and critical remarks of Shapiro were directed towards me, im the only one critical of Shapiro in the last year, as long as you turn out happy thats all that matters, good luck and keep us updated even if the euphoria wears off, where are your pictures?

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J69, congratulations on a sucessful surgery, and for sharing your emotional ride so openly. We as men sometimes have a hard time expressing ourselves in this manner, but I think if each of us take a second to reflect we can all relate to those feelings of insecurity and fear, especially when deciding to go and do something about it. I remember actually kind of "forgetting" I was bald until I had to razor down every couple of weeks, but the constant reminder is always there, in every mirror, or reflective suface icon_biggrin.gif

I know that you will be pleased with your results, and on top of that you will be able to continue to share your knowledge and give back to those just starting their journey. I know at times we have not seen eye to eye here and there, but that is what this forum is about!! Anyway, happy growing and keep us updated with your results!!!!!!!!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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reread it mud...im not callin you out...or pointing any fingers...just stating what happened inside my mind...and then whats real...


Im a week post op, and this isnt my first dance and right now it sucks...gotta wear a hat again for months...got staples in my head....sprayin saline all day...so as far as euphoria...id say thats out the window.....summer is comin and I got two kids who like to swim...Im busy tryin to figure out a way to hide that I had the work done..,..and get back to work.....


The post wasnt meant to put you or anyone on the defense....just stating the facts from my perspective....


I stand behind everything I said.

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After surgery, I asked Dr Shapiro if he would compile my surgery info and summary.....Ill paste it below.....As far as pics, I dont know if Ill be addin them.....like I said, the I never told anyone I have had this done, and I dont want anyone finding out.....


I got tons of pics from the first one and I have taken pics and will continue during this ...maybe at the end Ill change my mind and post em, but for now, no pics.....


I was considering journaling here throughtout the course of my regrowth to illustrate the process....


Anyway, here is the summary......and thankx for the well wishes..





"?? Head Size- Large

"?? Hairline -Very thin

"?? Frontal Core- Very thin

"?? Mid Third(Bridge)- Thin

"?? Crown ??“Thin


"?? Donor Density- Average (80-90)

"?? Donor Laxity ??“ Above Average

"?? Donor Area Size- Above Average


"?? Color- Brown

"?? Caliber- Coarse

"?? Curl- Moderate Curl


"?? NOT taking Propecia



"?? Procedure 1 Date- 1/12/05

"?? Donor Details

o Length- 22 cm

o Width-1.5 cm

o Donor Area- = 33 Cm2

"?? Recipient Area Transplanted ??“Front 1/3 to. 1/2 ~ 80 CM2

"?? Recipient Area Number of Grafts and Hair Details

o 1 Hair Fu's - 394 Fu's = 394 Hairs

o 2 Hair Fu's -1231 Fu's = 2262 Hairs

o 3 Hair Fu's - 801 Fu's = 2403 Hairs

o 4 Hair Fu's- 252 Fu's = 1008 Hairs

o TOTAL FU's---2678

o TOTAL HAIRS ---6267



"?? Procedure 1 Date- 4/5/06

"?? Donor Details

o Length- 27 cm

o Actual Width~1.3 (with ~ 1 to 2 mm of scar resected from about ??)

o Functional Width ??“ 1.1 cm

o Donor Area- =29.7 cm2

"?? Recipient Area Transplanted ??“Lateral Alleys and Mid Third ~ 80-100 CM2

"?? Grafts/Hairs

o 1 Hair Fu's - 423 Fu's = 423 Hairs

o 2 Hair Fu's -1046 Fu's = 2092 Hairs

o 3 Hair Fu's - 588 Fu's = 1764 Hairs

o 4 Hair Fu's- 159 Fu's = 636 Hairs

o TOTAL FU's---2216

o TOTAL HAIRS ---4915






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It's funny Mudpuppy, I thought johnnie69 was referring to me because I was less than happy with my Shapiro surgery. First off johnnie, I'm happy your delighted with your second HT from Shapiro. I have no animosity towards you. Hell, we are all in the same boat. However, I recommeded H and W to you because it sounded like you needed a mega session and no one does that better than H and W. Period. I have no affiliation with H and W. Hell, I'm a mailman from NY. Also, I went to Dr. Feller for my second transplant. Now, to say don't believe everything you read; well, yea, good advice. But the title of this forum is HT Experiences and Surgeon Reviews; and some of us have come forward to say we had better experiences with docs other than Shapiro. At 6 weeks post-op from Feller I have hair already poking through my poor yield area from Shapiro. Feller really packed the hair densely and I'm much happier with his work than Shapiro's. If we are here to share our experiences, then let's do it honestly. You don't have to believe me about my HT experiences; and that's fine, you don't know me from Adam. But please don't infer that some of us are being less than honest or have some hidden agenda. I certainly don't and I'm sure Mudpuppy doesn't either.

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dandare...like i told mud, im not callin you or anyone out...dont know either of you and I cant speak for your experience....and where did you read in my post that I didnt believe you....If youre referring to the end, it was a generalized statement.....


My post was to detail my confusion....and then the facts as I know them about transplantation, how it works...and actually what separates a doctor from another.....


Im not affiliated with Shapiro, or for that matter, anyone else....Dr Hasson, from what I have read, and also what I believe myself, is one of the best in the world....in fact, if we are talking only strip here, the only two I personally would use are Shapiro or Hasson.....


But thats MY OPINION...im not trying to jam anything down anyones throat....or badmouthing any other docs....


Listen, everyone got an opinion...I been coming on these and many other boards for almost 3 years...I read constantly....I dont post much, but when I do I feel realtively safe that its factual due to the research I put in....


and dont ever accuse me of bieng dishonest man....I spoke my story from the heart......

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Didn't accuse you of being dishonest johnnie69. In my post I was referring to me telling my story honestly, even if it stepped on other people's toes (which it did). If I had a disappointing experience, and I mention it on these boards, then am I bad mouthing a doc? You used the terms "innuendo" and "hearsay" in your post. I'll say it again; you don't have to believe me. What do I or Mudpuppy have to gain by relating our Shapiro experiences? In the end, we both felt there were other docs who would give us a better result. No harm, no foul, no name-calling.

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Johnnie, i read your post and gave my response, no big deal, you answered back and im ok with it and we move on, im definately not here to try and piss you off or argue, like you said its our opinions, about the having to wear hats thing wowwww does it suck, im 10 weeks out from my 2nd surgery and in the real ugly duck phase, i went golfing today and im dying to remove my hat but no way am i ready, i work outdoors and the heat and sweat are a bitch.


One thing that really excites me about Dr. Shapiros clinic is he said he might start doing FUE soon, well he already does it for special cases but it sounds like he might offer it as a regular procedure, im 10 minutes from his clinic and that would be very conveinent for me, this strip stuff is a bitch i dont care what anyone says, the back of my head is sore 10 weeks out, sometimes i have a touch of blood still along some areas.


Another thing about Shapiros clinic is i think hes starting to be more receptive to larger sessions and now he has the Trico closure and the 10x lense thing, i missed all these advances at his Clinic by a few months maybe thats part of the reason for your excitement on your 2nd procedure.


I hope you decide to post your pics for us to see, and wish you the best.


Dandare im checking into Feller, Cxle and Shapiro for future Fue sessions, im glad to hear you had a good experience with him (Feller)



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Thanks mud....maybe I will post some in the future, not now...


My aunt died today...So I got the call to be a pall bearer this Saturday....WTF.....


I got f%$kin staples and a fuked haircut....


Somehow I gotta find a way to wear a hat...with fromal attire....I more of the jeans/tshirt/ballcap or bandana kinda guy, but....


Anybody got any ideas or pull something like this off before...remember...Im only a 1 week post op...

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Sorry to hear about your aunt and your situation. You may want to consider using cover ups like Toppik or Prothik to disguise your scalp a bit. Some people really swear by these products.


To learn more, click here.


You can also use the "Find" feature on this forum to read about people's experiences and uses of these products.


Best wishes, Pat

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Hi all


I think attempting to "standardize" someone's reaction to surgery can be quite dangerous. This in addition to generalizing a patients donor characteristics ( and Norwood) is impossible. I've had 2 surgeries and in both cases everything went very smooth. I didn't have to wear a hat for months, nor was my donor area extrememly irritated. In fact , with the help of dermatch, I was back to work within a week in both cases ( 1400 plus grafts each time). HOWEVER, I do recall letting my imagination wander on occasions??


How come I don't see results?

When will this grow?

This was a waste of money?

How come the donor area has not grown back yet?


This is human nature.. After 1 year the first surgery looks great and I had a second which has been 3 months since. Obviously I did not have any complications but I think many times people pass judgement before true results can be fairly determine. Personally , I am one happy customer


1417 1st

1476 2nd with T closure

Dr. True





1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Pat...thanks man.... T


The dermatch and toppik arent gonna work cause my hair is too short in the reciepient and then longer/thicker on the sides and back...


My only chance is a hat......Gonna try mens wearhouse....

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I forgot about the journaling....so here goes...


Today is day 8.....my scabs are all gone...have been for two days...


I actually just got up and looked in the mirror to see if there was any redness...before I looked I was gonna report a slight redness, but after I checked, I really dont notice much, if any at all....keep in mind my hair is alburn...closer to brown, but definatly with some red in it.....


What I am doing currently: I shower in the morning....I use the Grafcyte shampoo/conditioner that I got in a kit from the clinic....I apply it and let it stand for five minutes...both shampoo and conditioner.....In the recepient, I am careful still to rub in a light circular motion, and in the donor, right to left and avoid up/down.....my donor is still very tender..the staples are still there...hurts more in the occipital area....could it be cause thats where my hat rests and how I sleep...probably...maybe...I dont know.


For the first five days, I gently patted on the shampoo and avoided the showerhead..and used cold water...whick really sucks but gotta do it....during this period, I constantly applied grafcyte concentrated spray....and I do mean constantly....until I used up the entire bottle...


When the grafcyte was gone, went to the pharmacy and got saline...1000ml bottle 0.9% sodium chloride irrigation,usp, wrapped black tape around my grafcyte sparay baootle to conceal it, and put the saline in that bottle....In the evenings, while im at my computer, I spray constantly...It was gettin in my eyes, so I wrapped a bandana around my head,on my forehead and below the donor to catch the overflow....


After day 5, I started adding fruit of the earth pure all natural aloe....addin it real heavy also....In the evenings before bed, I switched to emu oil now, and put it on rather generously


Heads is still numb from donor to almost vertex...and as I mentioned, donor is real sore...


Last night I finished my last dose of 2x daily antibiotics....I also use gnc's mega man multi 2xdaily, msm 1500mg capsules 2x daily and for now, biotin tabs 2x daily.....I also have l-arg, but im unclear on its effectiveness and use presently, so im not taking it....


Im a minox user, the post op says to wait two weeks....Im a fast healer and I think I could get away with starting now, especially since all the scabs are gone and im not really red anymore, but Im gonna wait till day 10.


Staples to be removed at day 14. Then some kind of haircut....My girl that cut it and kept a file msteriously quit her job and left no contact info, so im bummed about that....


Noticing slight shed during the shower....not heavy but hadnt noticed much before...quit minox 1 wk prior to surgery...so perhaps a combo of that and some shockloss.....although from what I have noticed, most of the hair seems to be coming from around the donor area......top seems to be doing real well in that regard.....Ill pay more attention to where it is coming from if it continues...


Doing alot of research on finasteride...at first I was nevere gonna take it, now Im back researching it again....Lookin for a way to take it without/or limiting the sides.....read some interesting stuff about quartering propecia, DIM and flax seed as counters and others, Ill post what I find after I understand it all....currently reading "testosterone syndrome" by eugene shippman....


I think thats about everything for now.....I am photographically documenting the journey, maybe someday ill post the pics....


Im gonna try and keep this up throughout for both my reference and everyone elses....

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I thought it might be you. It looked like your procedure went very well, and thanks for the words of encouragement. By the way I could hardly see your staples, really, it looks like when all is said and done your going to have a very nice head of hair. Good luck!

Smiling & laughing does wonders for the soul!

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Well, made it through the funeral without getting caught....for the viewing last night, wore all black with a formal hat from burlington coat factory.....Took alot of shit for it to...because, I didnt take it off, even inside...my family thought I was bieng disrespectful, and my daughter said I looked like a dork, lol.


So I had to hide out, spent alot of time in the kitchen and playing with all the kids...the viewing was for 6 hrs, so, let me tell you, it was uncomfortable....


Showed up for the funeral-10 am- and am just getting home....5 pm.....I even left my hat on in the church.....wrong on lots of levels...and was takin a ton of shit, especially from my mom...finally I called her aside and told her I got a bad haircut and the hat was stayin on, and if everyone doesnt quit giving me shit about it, Ill leave....




Nothing like givin false impressions....


This waiting part sucks...and I just started....cant wait to at least get the staples out of my head...and see if I can get some kind of haircut to blend.....


Like I said, im gonna journal here...both for me and to let others see what it is like to go thru the "process"....


My numbness is starting to subside...slightly, but the donor is still really tender...I am using Mederma 4 x daily on the donor now, and emu oil on the receiptent and donor before bed....starting using minox tonight also...actuallt I am gonna give the Spectral DNC a try, so Ill let you know how that goes....read the book on Test....lets just say it didnt increase my chances of taking finasteride...Ill post more about that later....


Happy Easter.

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Hey johnnie...sorry you went through the uncomfortable ordeal at the funeral. I apologize not weighing in on the matter. A flimsy knit/cloth close fitting black beret is the way to go. While still being a hat it softens the appearance. A small white bandage somewhere near your ear and slightly visible sends the message that you gashed your head on something. I've been known to be somewhat of a guru about social graces and fashion faux pas' and acceptances.


Truth is, you were man enough to get there for your responsibilities. No excuses necessary from here on out.


A bit about vitamin regimens. Any heavy omega-3 is good. Straight flax seed oil out of the bottle is great but the food you eat will bring a glow out. Read Nick Perricone Salmon regimen. Basically Salmon twice a day with bright green veggies and strawberries or blueberries with nothing else but water and two 8oz. servings of fresh OJ will get the job done and rejuvenate a tired face. It will also get the body tight. While Perricone addresses mostly the idea of anti-aging, it's also called a 3 day face lift, but all in all, do that for a week each month forever and you'll stay fairly ripped, slightly tanned without sun and have high energy.


Good luck Johnnie.

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