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Anyone in their 20's looking into this?

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Because hairloss isn't in my family at all I thought I could get away with not doing something like this until my 30's. However, in the last little while it's become incredibly apparent just how thin I'm getting so I'm looking into doing it perhaps this summer.


Mainly I'm tired of cutting my hair short to hide the fact that it's happening, and I'm not too keen on being one of those people who shaves their head.


I figure most people my age spend double and triple what a transplant costs on a car, for no other reason than personal vanity, so what's the big deal in getting a hair transplant.


Comments or advice?


update: thanks troy, here's a few pics for perspective


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I too started to really thin out heavily in my 20s, so I know how cheated you probally feel.


I suggest you really consider getting on Propecia for a year before you make any decisions to commit to hair transplantation. The Propecia may stop your hair loss and or reverse it to some degree. You may also want to use Toppik and or Prothik to give your hair a fuller look for now.


This will buy you time. Then at a later time you can consider hair transplantation if it is needed. But at least you'll know that if the time comes that hair transplantation is an option for you.


Best wishes, Pat

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  • 11 months later...
Guest prabu

Hai pat,

my problem is my forehead has gone little bit up..and slight thinnig on my middle of my head.

Iam started using propecia(finpecia)..iam feeling some soreness on first day itself..


iam planning to take for long time...

iam very much fear about the side effects...

for long time commitment is that medicine cause problems in sexual life like problem in child birth or etc.


shall i take it as a life time commitment...?


iam very eager on your advise in detail ...plz clear my tears...

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Guest prabu
Originally posted by prabu:

Hai pat,

my problem is my forehead has gone little bit up..and slight thinnig on my middle of my head.

Iam started using propecia(finpecia)..iam feeling some soreness on first day itself..


iam planning to take for long time...

iam very much fear about the side effects...

for long time commitment is that medicine cause problems in sexual life like problem in child birth or etc.


shall i take it as a life time commitment...?


iam very eager on your advise in detail ...plz clear my tears...

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Guest prabu

Thanks folica...for your immediate reply..


I meant soreness on my entire body ..i feel lazy totally..not sure its b'coz of propecia or not.


so u mean that i can go for propecia..now no need to bother about side effects...


b'coz why iam asking this ...i am having very slight thinning only..

just for precaution iam taking propecia..


i guess i can keep my same volume of hair by using B complex vitamins..


suppose if i use propecia for 1 or 2 years ..after that if i stopped that the side affects will remain same or it will go away..


and finallycould u plz tell me

Is propecia and minoxidil both would work on forehead baldness or not ?


Expecting eperts advise and suggestions...

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people on this forum are here to help but you posted five comments within 30 minutes on


Patience is the key Prabu


well ill try to help


from my understanding

the side effects go away as you get off the medication.

and also if you just started to take the medication, you may experience some effects but they go away as time progresses


also the main area that is treated through minoxidil and propecia is the crown and possibly the upper part of the mid scalp. there have been cases of forehead hair but is thought to be quite rare.

the main purpose of these medication is not to regrow hair but to maintain what you still have.


you said you have thinning, i think these medication will be good for you as the hair that grows out through this medication is strong thick hairs


from what i say after this is my opinion from reading on this forum over the several months


i do not think these are long life commitment drugs from what i been reading these drugs lose thier effects so it is impossible to take it for life


i have read on several occasions on this site that people after using this drug for 7 years have lost the drugs ability and started losing hair in a somewhat accelerated pace. most have switched over to avodart but i havent heard what happens after the switch. since propecia hasnt been in the market for over 10 years and avodart isint even fda approved yet, it is hard to say how the medicine will hold your hair in 10 years.


BUT from what i just said prolly iono maybe scared you...but i am all for the drugs as it holds for hair for atleast 7 years or even longer. do you want to lose your hair now or stall it for several years. i go with plan b


oh btw i dont take propecia haha...im taking it soon(proscar) haha pretty ironic...but atleast i did my homework before i do something


way too long of a post for me...im gonna press the post now button

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Welcome to the forums. Just to offer some friendly advice: it might be better if you start your own thread asking questions that way readers and members can more readily respond icon_wink.gif.


It sounds like you are concerned as to whether or not the side effects you are experiencing are from Propecia correct? I am personally unaware (though I'm not a doctor) of anyone experiencing soreness and tiredness in the entire body from taking Propecia. You might, however, want to check the MERCK website and talk to your doctor.


Just some questions: You ARE only taking 1 pill (1mg of finasteride) a day correct? You MIGHT want to consider taking 1 pill every other day...since you are new on the medication, many doctors and members here alike swear that taking 1mg of finasteride every other day is just as effective as every day because it stays in the bloodstream. Lessening the dosage (or even stopping it temporarily) may help you determine if the medication is doing this to you.


Also...regarding sexual side effects....taking Propecia MAY lessen the sex drive but apparently is a relatively rare side effect. It does not cause birth defects even when taking it while trying to conceive. The only warning from Merck is to NOT let pregnant women handle broken pills.


I hope that helps.



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Guest prabu

Tisab & Bill,

Thanks a ton for ur reply.


How long i need to wait ,to identify whether propecia is working really or not for me..


PLZ replyyyyy ...

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I would try Propecia for at least 1 year before trying to determine whether it's providing benefits for you.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Guest prabu



i already having good amount of hair...but concern is myfrontal has gonu up little bit..


but this propecia make me totally uncomfortable..

like soreness, sweting and total libedo loss those are all just on 3rd day...


iam very much botheringg...

so plz kindly advise shall i keep continu without bothering the side effects ...

i were under impression those side effects would go away after some time while continuing the propecia..

also plz advise me how to determine whether propecia is really working for frontal baldness or not..


No other natural way to recover the frontal hair other than propecia minoxidil and HT..


I mean some natural vitamins which blocks DHT.

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If your reaction to Propecia is that bad I would call a dermatologist or whatever Doctor prescribed it for you. Really, I don't remember hearing of many side effects with those taking Propecia, definitely not experiencing them so fast.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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- If Propecia bothers you so much, stop taking it.

- The only way to determine if Propecia works is to take it for 5-6 months daily. Apparently that's not an option for you.

- There are no vitamins that block DHT.

- There's no need to post a minute after you already posted urging people to reply.

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Are you also taking Minoxidil? That stuff used to make my heart beat rapidly, gave me a sort of all over swelling, and made me feel like I was going to panick or faint. I stopped taking that long ago.


If you're only taking Propecia, make sure you're not mistakenly taking the 5mg Proscar pills. If you have the 5mg ones instead of the 1mg pills, then just take a small piece of each pill a day. Each pill should last about 5 days. You want to be getting roughly 1mg a day.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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