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New Bee needs a LOT of Help....

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Hello everyone.


I joined in today. Been reading messages on this site for couple of months now.


I am 31 yr old male. Supporting HCM unit for 4 yrs now. Initially I loved it but now I want to get rid of it. Another good part which is now a bad part is that when I got the unit I was not really bald so the transition to unit went un noticed. No one at this point knows about this unit and not even the the girl i am seeing nowadays.


I want to get transplant but I want the transition to be as smooth as possible. I know I will not have same density of hair but that is fine. I am ready for a decent density as long as the transition is smooth and natural.


Since ideally I shud not wear a unit after transplant. The only possible option that I can think of is to get as much as follicles I can in first sitting and then remove the unit and cut the hair really short almost close to shave off. Then wait for it to grow slowly. This way I can get a smooth transition.


I would love to hear from people who were in similar situation and how did they manage the transition. I live in NJ/NY area and would also appreciate if anyone can recommend good doctors who can deal wid my situation.

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  • Regular Member

Hello everyone.


I joined in today. Been reading messages on this site for couple of months now.


I am 31 yr old male. Supporting HCM unit for 4 yrs now. Initially I loved it but now I want to get rid of it. Another good part which is now a bad part is that when I got the unit I was not really bald so the transition to unit went un noticed. No one at this point knows about this unit and not even the the girl i am seeing nowadays.


I want to get transplant but I want the transition to be as smooth as possible. I know I will not have same density of hair but that is fine. I am ready for a decent density as long as the transition is smooth and natural.


Since ideally I shud not wear a unit after transplant. The only possible option that I can think of is to get as much as follicles I can in first sitting and then remove the unit and cut the hair really short almost close to shave off. Then wait for it to grow slowly. This way I can get a smooth transition.


I would love to hear from people who were in similar situation and how did they manage the transition. I live in NJ/NY area and would also appreciate if anyone can recommend good doctors who can deal wid my situation.

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New Bee, The best thing to do would be to read this site. Here you will be able to get good feeback from the guys since we are all over the US. There are sites on here that show you Drs from your area and you can look at their work. Ask questions and then decide what you really want to do.

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What's your NW status? Do you have any financial limitations as far as procedure cost? Are you limiting yourself to doctors in your immediate geographic area?


It honestly doesn't sound too realistic to transition from wearing a hairpiece to letting an HT grow without anyone noticing. If you go to a strip HT, then you wont be able to shave your head close enough as you describe without someone noticing that you have a scar in the back. I haven't seen much of the FUE donor areas other than pictures on the board, so I'm not going to comment on that. Also....do you have any pics?

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Maverick, after researching some HT Dr's in New York, I think I have the one that will do my HT (Dr. Joseph Karamikian). Email me at (stockguy25@aol.com) so I can send you his website. I had some Free Consultation with others that I tell you.

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I was in the same boat as you wearing a "system" before doing HTs. What I did is attached my system with clips so that I could take it off for the HT and then wear it only when needed afterwards.


To assure no disruption to the new grafts I think I didn't wear my system for a few days after surgery. I also cut the tape tab in front so it was narrower so that it was only in front of my newly transplanted hair.


My hair then grew in under the carpet and when density was sufficient I ceremonial burned my system like a femenist burning her bra.


I certainly don't miss it. Best wishes for getting out from under the system.



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"I ceremonial burned my system like a femenist burning her bra."

Heck, I would have run it over with my car, with the E-brake on, then soaked it in gasoline, set it a fire, and danced around it singing "La Cocaracha"!! while pissing on it, and start all over again when the flames went out!!

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maverick, I hate to be cold, but if you think that no one knows you're wearing a system, then I think you are fooling yourself.


I have a friend who also went to HCM, he was convinced that no one knew he had fake hair, not even his girlfriend. What he didn't know was that she had already confided in me that she knew his hair wasn't real from the first date they went on.


Other friends would also ask me if he was wearing a 'system'. Of course they never said anything to his face, they only talked behind his back. I was hoping HCM would be an option for me, but now I know I would never go to HCM. His experience showed me that very few people will be honest about the 'system' to your face, but boy will they talk behind your back.


My suggestion would be to just tell people the truth... they'll respect you more for it.

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Not sure what you're trying to achieve with that post, I don't think maverick needs that right now.



The problem with having a "smooth transition" is that your grafts need air circulation to breathe & grow properly. Even wearing a cap is not recommended after a HT (though most of us do at work for at least the 1st 2 weeks), let alone a hairpiece.


Is taking time off and then wearing a cap an option for you? You can always say you've got some scalp problems and are being treated for it, hence the need to both wear a cap and have a buzz. Or say you had to shave everything off after having got paint/glu in your hair... whatever works for you!


After staple removal (day 14), I had a nr 2 buzz, which puts the existing hair at roughly the same length as the transplanted hair and doesn't show the scar too much. Right now (day 28), the scar has almost completely disappeared under the grown hair, and the whole thing looks pretty neat.


I found that buzzing your hair (if you haven't done it for a long time) to some extent "hides" the fact that there is either more (HT) or less (hairpiece removed) hair than before. People tend to see the big picture (new hair style), not the actual hair count. When I showed up at work without my cap, people didn't notice that, for example, I had my temples closed, they just said "what's the story with this new haircut?" and I said it was my "summer style"!

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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Thanks for all the help. I like the idea of "Hair worth" regarding buzzin the hair short after a mega transplant. Cos after 2 weeks both old and new hair will look same. Honestly, Pat's idea of cutting down the unit and then removing it periodically seems to be cumbersome.


I am attaching my pics. My hair is wet and u can also see the track (aerial view) made for sticking the HCM unit. I got enough density on back.


Coming back to the "hair worth" advice. Won't the new hair sheed off leaving bald gaps for some months before it comes back again? How many think that this idea is feasible. COs i really love this idea. Most do able for me provided my concerns are addreses


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hmmm, hard to tell with a halo shave. I think your best pic was the last one. Looks like 1 good session and you could be very happy with a HT. Personally from what I see in the photos, I would have ditched the unit and went for a close shave. Good Luck

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Thanks for posting your pics. There are a lot of guys out there that are going through or have gone through the same thing as you. Pat is one example. So is Bushy. He recently had his "piece burning" ceremony I believe. He also lives in New York. Somewhere in Manhattan.


One thing I can say is that it looks like you have very excellent donor hair. Better pics would help determine this. Depending on your particular characterstics I'd say going for 4000 to 4500 grafts would do you very well.


Good luck with Dr. Feller. He'll give it to you straight.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Congrats on getting rid of the HCM thing. I think you should alter your appearance to get ready for the HT. I used to have longer hair also, simply have the barber cut very short, will look good and blend in the area were you has the piece.


Good luck.

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