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Muresanu v Wong v Konior

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I have narrowed my search down to the following 3 surgeons:

1) Laura/ Sever Muresanu - Switzerland

2) Jerry Wong - Canada

3) Raymond Konior - USA

Aside from cost differences (which are considerable), what does this forum suggest currently? Who is best for FUE, c4500 grafts?

And who us better out of Laura and Sever for FUE?


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28 minutes ago, JamesSterling said:

And who us better out of Laura and Sever for FUE?

Impossible to answer this as Hattingen operate as a team. From reading patient testimonials, Dr Laura does more of the surgical aspects during FUE procedures and Dr Sever more of the planning. But don't quote me on this!

Personally from that list I'd choose Hattingen, though each are obviously top names in the industry and you'll likely do very well results-wise from any of them.

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Posted (edited)

Wong, together with Hasson were the best, in my opinion, years ago, now a little less so, around the forums, I saw a few too many dissatisfied patients, for surgeons of their level, I only see excellent results from Hattinger. Konior, I know it's pretty expensive.

Edited by ITA
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  • Valued Contributor
3 hours ago, JamesSterling said:

I have narrowed my search down to the following 3 surgeons:

1) Laura/ Sever Muresanu - Switzerland

2) Jerry Wong - Canada

3) Raymond Konior - USA

Aside from cost differences (which are considerable), what does this forum suggest currently? Who is best for FUE, c4500 grafts?

And who us better out of Laura and Sever for FUE?


You could do a hell of a lot worse than these three excellent choices. I would go with who you feel most comfortable with and have the best communication with. All the best which ever way you decide. 

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Posted (edited)

Imo Muresanu. Wong implants in rows which is ridiculous imho and konior is way too expensive (for me at least)


Edited by davidn
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They're all excellent surgeons. I suggest consulting with all 3 and seeing who you gel with the most.

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I have had two surgeries with Hattingen and will likely have a third. Money wasn't an issue and I still went with them. I must caveat this with I had two FUT and not FUE procedures.

Berba11 is correct - Laura does the surgical work and Sever does the planning and follow up. He himself says she is far, far better at making the incisions than he is. They also have techs, and the lead tech has come to Hattingen from Hasson and Wong - she is very good. However, I have not seen too much of their FUE work truth be told but Sever says this side of the business is growing quickly and this is why he brought in the new lead tech from H&W

I think all three are good but I do not think the cost difference between them is justified given the results. I do not like the rows that H&W do in their surgeries and as somebody said above, I have seen a few more dissatisfied patients recently. This is a shame as I have always said, despite going for Hattingen, that H&W is the best clinic in the world but I may revise my opinion on that now. Konior also tends to cherry pick his cases a bit and I do not like his opaque pricing (could be clearer now but he used to charge according to the case and not the amount of grafts etc.)

Also consider where you are geographically - another factor for me having done FUT, which is more intensive and requires greater recovery, was travel time and I wanted to stay in Europe. Consider as well what happens if you need to go back for a follow up for whatever reason. Time, money, stress. If this is as big an issue for you as it was for me and you are in North America, consider one of the latter two. If you are in Europe, go with Hattingen. If this is not an issue for you (lucky you) then choose whoever you think will give you the best result.

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