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If I choose a "top guy" in NYC and Turkey, are there substantial financial savings by going to Turkey? Can someone give me a rough estimate? After airfare, hotel for some number of nights, if I'm going to save many thousands of dollars then the trip to Turkey would be worth it for me. If it's more in the range of $2,000 that's not worth the trouble. Has anyone looked into this? Thanks!

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Are you just asking this hoping somebody will say you should go to Turkey? I would choose the clinic based on several patient posted results over a number of years, and not just cherry picking the good ones people post but looking at the bad ones too (all clinics have them, even the best ones). That could mean you end up in NY, Istanbul or a third country city. 

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, TrixGlendevon said:

Are you just asking this hoping somebody will say you should go to Turkey? I would choose the clinic based on several patient posted results over a number of years, and not just cherry picking the good ones people post but looking at the bad ones too (all clinics have them, even the best ones). That could mean you end up in NY, Istanbul or a third country city. 

I think my question was pretty clear, sorry it was so confusing to you. Here's how the world works for most people when it comes to finding a doctor:

First you do a search for providers in your area. Then you look at reviews, feedback, patient testimonials. Finally you might consider cost.

Do I want to travel to Turkey when I live in the city that has the best of everything? No, no I don't. Might I travel to Turkey if it means saving $10,000? Maybe, maybe not. That's why I started by looking for a cost comparison. If you don't have a cost comparison, resist your urge to reply unnecessarily. I don't care about your thoughts and they don't answer my question.

Edited by SixHouse
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You are not buying a car you can get rid of. This is permanent life changing surgery that you will have to look at in the mirror every morning you wake up for the rest of your life. Trying to find a $10k saving by shopping by geography nearly almost always ends up costing you more in the long run. You could save $10k by choosing a great surgeon in Turkey. But with over two thousand clinics and growing I could only recommend about four or five. No two patients are the same. Have a look at the patient results posted section of the forum and see who is performing a large number of excellent results on patients who have a similar hair loss as yours and with the same goals you are trying to achieve. 

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This is probably true but also not reality in most cases. The average person will usually pick #2 if it means saving 10k compared to #1. And since you can never know someone's financial situation, best to just answer directly if you can, otherwise keep scrolling. I still don't have an answer to my simple question.

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1 minute ago, SixHouse said:

The average person will usually pick #2 if it means saving 10k compared to #1.

My advice would be don't be average. Go to the best surgeon you can afford. You need to do your research. There are no guarantees with results regardless of how skilled a surgeon and his/her team is whether that is in New York or Istanbul. I can tell you though that you can save $10K on cost by going to an elite surgeon in Turkey compared to a surgeon in New York. You will have accommodation, travel to the clinic and hotel and some site seeing thrown in. If this is what you want. Personally I would be more worried about the quality of the work.

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1 minute ago, Gatsby said:

My advice would be don't be average. Go to the best surgeon you can afford. You need to do your research. There are no guarantees with results regardless of how skilled a surgeon and his/her team is whether that is in New York or Istanbul. I can tell you though that you can save $10K on cost by going to an elite surgeon in Turkey compared to a surgeon in New York. You will have accommodation, travel to the clinic and hotel and some site seeing thrown in. If this is what you want. Personally I would be more worried about the quality of the work.

This question is part of the research 👍

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I disagree with your methodology and agree with Gatsby. The methodology, for those that want the best result, should be to identify the best clinics based on consistently good patient posted reviews over a number of years and seeing how the clinic deals with bad results, which inevitably happen at all clinics from time to time. This should be independent of geography. Then save money so you can afford it there/at one of the ones on the shortlist. It is better to wait a few additional months so you can get the best transplant. As Gatsby says, it will be false economy in the mid- to long-term if you will need corrective surgery. You also have a finite number of grafts so only get 2-3 bites of the cherry, irrespective of whether they are aesthetic or corrective surgeries. Make them good ones.

Also agree with Gatsby that the aim should be higher than average. Most people have bad-average transplants and this forum is a very small subsection of a much larger population. How many people do you think went to the same clinic as famous sports stars etc. just because they had gone there without seeing the full result and without doing their own research. Most people are sheep. Anecdotal evidence: I recently went to a wedding with my wife and saw an absolutely horrendous hair transplant. It was so unnatural it was untrue. It was a very low (unnaturally so) very straight hairline with many multi-hair grafts in the hairline. It stood out like a sore thumb. The guy definitely used a lot of grafts to get there and will now need to have corrective surgery for additional cost, and potentially grafts. 

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The savings, if any, is going to depend on how many grafts you need. If you are only need 1500 grafts then you're probably not going to be saving much after you factor in air fare, hotels, and food. If you require over 3000 grafts then you are going to start seeing big savings. Without knowing your situation there's no good answer on the savings.

With that said, you do need to be careful about where you go. Don't just look for cost savings. Getting a bad hair transplant will cost you more after the required fixes, not just in money, but also time and emotional issues. It's not easy living every day for a few years with a botched hair transplant until you can get it corrected.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Take a look at our recommended Drs and get cost estimates from them based on how many grafts you'll need. That's the best way to go about it. See the link below.



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Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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With $10,000-$12000 in Turkey, you can cover your medical expenses, travel costs, accommodation, and still have some buffer for unexpected expenses. My brother actually went there for a procedure, and it went pretty smoothly. The quality of care was impressive, and he saved a significant amount compared to getting the same treatment in the US.

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