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Volcanic Ash Sweeping Europe


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  • Senior Member

I'm sure by now the world is aware of the aviation problems Europe is having due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland and the resulting ash clouds covering large parts of Europe. The UK, like a lot of other European countries will soon be entering its 4th day of complete flight cancellations (absolutely no commercial flights taking off or landing) with no sign of it ending anytime soon. Has anyone's transplant been affected by this and what has their clinic's response been?

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Hey Sparky,


The likelihood is you won't see anything but it is there.




Sorry, I realise this may be better suited in the "Off Topic" section. I would have moved it if I'd noticed before the reply.

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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


I have a surgery planned next week on monday 26th of April in Istanbul. I am living in the Netherlands. My flight is booked at 24 April so I hope the problems with the ash won't affect my surgery date.

I took a period of 3 weeks off for this surgery so it would be a big disappointment to have to cancel the surgery because of the ashes.

The surgery is planned with dr. Kulahci from Transmed by the way.

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Im booked with Dr Pathomvanich this wednesday/thursday and have serious doubts as to wether ill get there now, still no sign of flights starting up again and i fly tuesday to amsterdam to pick up a connection to bangkok, ive just emailed Dr P and the tour company with my concerns, just my luck :-(

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I can imgaine your concerns man since its not only the ashes you have to worry about, its also the potential problems in Bangkok. But don't worry too much because nobody can stop natural causes. Just see what happens, if your luck provides you a hair transplant now then you will have if not then you would have to rescedule i guess. Things happen which nobody can do anything about.


I sincerely hope things clear up on your precious journey.

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  • Senior Member

Hey Djames,


I don't want to worry you anymore but I think it is highly unlikely you will get to Thailand by Wednesday. A lot of airlines have already canceled flights for Monday and from what I understand even when flights resume, priority will be given to the 1000's of passengers stranded around the world.


What did Dr. Pathomvanich say regarding the situation?

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hI Maxxy,

Yeah im kind of accepting the fact im not going to make it. Im still awaiting a reply from the doctor, im sure in earlier emails it was mentioned you dont get a refund of deposit if its 14 days previous to surgery but they do hold the deposit for future resheduled surgerys which is fine. Of course these are different circumstances and maybe he will refund as id not be able to say when i could go again, i imagine the airlines are going to hike the prices up to a shocking level in the aftermath of this. Ill await the doctors reply,





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I could be wrong but I believe we are covered by an EU law that forces airlines to offer a full refund or reschedule the lost flights. I also believe there are restrictions in place to stop airlines profiting from situations like this.

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Good luck to anyone trying to catch a flight for their transplant procedure! I'm sure your doctors will be accommodating and helpful.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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The government are overeacting as per normal, there is only 1 egg cup of ash per sq mile and its finer than talcum powder.

My godbrother is a pilot and says it wont affect the engines.


The case they are basing the grounding of planes on happened 28 years ago, and the plane flew straight into a thick ash plume.

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Well, i was unlucky and never made my surgery with Dr Pathomvanich, still no signs of Planes being back to normal. Its going to be a headache resheduling now, id planned this trip to Bangkok really well and also the running of my business while i was away. Ive apologised for the short notice and the Dr said he will hold my deposit for a new surgery. I hope anyone else who is due to have a HT can get their on time and not have this kinda hassle.


Wish me luck next time, lol



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We had 3 patients from UK and 1 from Ireland scheduled for this week. The are all rescheduled for later dates since they are not able to fly in. We were able to get last minute fill ins to replace their time slots but I know how frustrating this has been for those patients who had to miss their surgery dates. Best of luck to all those who had to miss their appointments.

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Yeah, it's a bad break for many. We had three Italians and a Spaniard that had to cancel this week.


I wouldn't say the government is overreacting. The ash caused damage to some Nato F-16 engines...


"BRUSSELS ??” A senior Western diplomat says several NATO F-16 fighters suffered engine damage after flying through the volcanic ash cloud covering large parts of Europe. The official declined to provide more details on the military flights, except to say that glasslike deposits were found inside the planes\' engines after they patroled over European airspace. Last week, two Finnish Air Force F-18 fighter-bombers suffered similar damage while flying through the ash plume that has paralyzed air traffic over much of Europe. Both landed safely, but their jet engines will require expensive overhauls. Volcanic ash tends to stick to a jet engine\'s interior parts, such as the turbines, where it melts to form a glassy coating. This restricts air flow and heats up the engine, leading to engine failure."

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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