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Getting a crown transplant

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Hi all, I am 33 years old and am interested in getting a crown transplant + fixing the tip of my hairline. You'll see in the photos that the tip of my hairline has a dip. I am curious about your opinions on if I would be a good candidate. I have a few additional comments/questions.

1. I am worried that if I do a hair transplant in the crown and in the front part that the density of the transplanted part would be different than the other areas making a buzz cut look weird.
2. I have seen little to no change in my hair for the last 2-3 years. Does this mean that my hair is stabilizing?
3. Would I have to take fin or something else alongside the hair transplant?


Thanks in advance!

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Screenshot from 2022-11-02 03-38-11.png

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1. I am worried that if I do a hair transplant in the crown and in the front part that the density of the transplanted part would be different than the other areas making a buzz cut look weird.

I would focus on the front before the crown. The front is what matters the most, if you still have a receded balding hairline, it's gonna bother you. However, a thin crown can be easily concealed with hair fibers. 

2. I have seen little to no change in my hair for the last 2-3 years. Does this mean that my hair is stabilizing?

No, hair loss is accumulative, 2-3 years isn't an indication that your hair loss has stabilized, especially if you're not using any medication. 

3. Would I have to take fin or something else alongside the hair transplant?

You don't have to, but it's advisable to get on medication. You have to treat hair loss at the root cause. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Buzz cuts usually looks fuller, but as @Melvin- Moderatorsaid, it's better to take care first of frontal area in most cases, anti hairloss meds usually work best for the crown, it's only a suggestion but not must of HT.

You need to grow hair 2 weeks for better HT exam consultation.

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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You should consider getting on finasteride first because you have a lot of miniaturized hairs on your crown. If you can thicken them up with medication then you won't feel like you need a HT in the crown.



Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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