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Bisanga 2983 grafts (full process and result))

JD Jones

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Hi all,

I've been meaning to write this post for a long time.

(Short summary,a bit about my circumstances, meds in the past,decision to get ht,dodging a bullet with Turkey,procedure and full results with Dr Bisanga,details of decision to book Bisanga again for 2nd ht in Jan 2023)

Its a very long post but read on if interested!

A bit of background.I started receding in my mid 20s,not very aggressive but progressive recession in the front and the crown beginning to thin by about 30.At this stage I started taking finesteride which worked well and seemed to recover the crown whilst stabilising the front,I didn't worry about hairloss for a few years.

I was living in Asia at this time and finesteride was available over the counter,I didn't do any research on it whatsoever and wasn't aware of potential for side effects.Looking back now I had an occasional ball ache,nipple sensitivity,man boobs and watery semen.I didn't really pay too much attention to these at the time as I never connected them to finesteride. 

When I moved back to Europe at age 36 I had no access to finesteride and didn't think about it too much,I guess I had become a bit complacent.Over the next couple of years my hairloss really accelerated,I couldn't go back on finesteride even if I wanted to at this stage as I had met my partner and we were trying to have kids.

It was at this time I started looking in a hair transplant. I had thought it would not be financially possible as any time you'd hear about a celeb or footballer getting one it would be 30 or 50 grand.Then stuff started popping up in my fb feed about Turkey,I joined a fb group that was run by a company acting as a middleman for ht places in Turkey, I could get a ht for €2000! I studied this for a bit and actually booked through these guys for a clinic called Smile.I didn't really know what to look out for or what a good ht looked like but as I educated myself I decided to back out of this deal.Im very glad I did as the quality went way down at this time and a lot of guys were butchered and had to go for repairs or live with it.I dodged a bullet and learned a valuable lesson,the ht world can be cut throat and you need to know what you're doing.

Another year of researching and I understood that if I was going to go through with this I would need to have one of the top surgeons.I looked into a few but had also decided I wouldn't be making a choice until I'd had an in person consultation. Dr Bisanga was holding consultations in London which was a short plane ride for me so I went with the Mrs and made a weekend out of it!

At this stage I have to talk about my BHR rep Ian who was a big part of my decision. Hes had two hts himself so knows what he's talking about.Without Ian I may not have chosen Bisanga,for every minute I've spent speaking with the Dr I've spent at least an hour speaking to Ian.Always available,very informative,never trying the hard sell and very patient! Also very honest and delivers on what he says,I can't speak highly enough of him.

This was December 2019,it was a very brief consultation,I was a bit deflated as the doctor had recommended 4k grafts when I had sent pics but on seeing me in person reckoned he could only get 2500,my donor wasn't great.I had thin calibre hair and 70fu per cm2 at the back and only 55fu per cm2 on the sides.However I was confident in what the doctor was saying and his reputation so I booked with him in his Athens clinic for the first week in Jan (4 weeks after consultation) 

I arrived in Athens the day before the surgery and had a nice hotel right next to the clinic.I went in to have bloods and hairline design with the Dr at about 8am.I had explained I wanted a high conservative hairline and the doctor was happy to hear this,he drew it on but I insisted he went higher still,I got the feeling most patients want it moved further forward and not higher!

Surgery was a long day that didn't finished til 10pm.The needles were a 4 out of 10 pain wise.Bisanga did all the incisions and 80% of the punches as I had agreed with him and my BHR rep Ian.The doctor extracted mainly from one side and the back keeping one side largely untouched or "Virgin scalp",this is a technique that Bisanga uses,the reasons for which have been covered elsewhere on this site and in more detail and knowledge that I could explain it.There were 2 teams of techs implanting,the resident Athens team and another team from Brussels who were there on the day.The Belgian techs were noticeable better and seemed more experienced than the Athens techs.This is just an observation and perhaps not a reliable one as I was floating on a lovely cloud of Xanex or whatever at the time!

When we finished I went back to the hotel and crashed til I had to go to the clinic the next day to have bandages removed.I had a flight to catch the next day and that was it.

I had no real problems sleeping for the first 8/9 days with a neck pillow,the scabs came off after that so could sleep normally.The numbness repaired itself in the recipient area bit by bit over a month or so. Unfortunately I had bad shock loss in my donor,this usual clears up in a few months up to 6 months but in my case it took 8 months.Ian was very reassuring during this time and as we could clearly see from the extraction pattern it wasn't over harvested so was just a waiting game.

Outside of the shock loss the recovery couldn't have gone better,I shed about 70% of new hairs but I was a quick grower and by 4 months I'd nearly be happy if that was the final result!

Also worth pointing out here that the timing of my ht was very lucky,I had it done on 9th Jan 2020 ,lockdown started 8 weeks later so that worked out well!

As mentioned earlier I'm booked with Bisanga to do the crown and a few other bits in Jan so will follow up with that.The reason it took me so long contribute this post on here is like many others I completely switched off from the ht world once my result was complete. I only got back into it recently when I decided to have the 2nd ht.It will be a slightly different set up for the 2nd ht in that I'll be flying to Brussels this time and as organised with Ian Bisanga will be performing all aspects fully of the surgery (except of course implantation which is always done by his teams of techs)

Now that I've won the prize for longest ever post on HRN I think it's time to show some pics.

Any questions please feel free




Edited by JD Jones
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One month's pics over 12 month period with a pic taken on the 9th of each month starting on 9th Jan 2020,the day of surgery right through til 9th Jan 2021,exactly a year later


Ps,can somebody let me know how to edit,my first post is a mess with typos ,thank you!















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Hello, thanks for sharing your experience and results. Do you take any medication now?

I had my brief consultation with Dr Bisanga yesterday and I had to fly to Brussels for that.

He told me he strongly recommend to take oral Minoxidil in case I want to do a HT..

I definitely do not consider taking oral Finasterid because of possible side effects. I’d rather lose my hair than having sexual disadvantages.

Edited by Celli
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Looks very good thanks for sharing 🙌🏼

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4 hours ago, Murat-kz said:



4 hours ago, Murat-kz said:

Looks nice at least with this low resolution. Will you make photo with higher resolution ander the intense lighting?


I don't know much about high res pics etc,I just have a very bog standard phone.These are some that were taken outside or under really bright light.

I had FUE.







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2 minutes ago, JD Jones said:


I don't know much about high res pics etc,I just have a very bog standard phone.These are some that were taken outside or under really bright light.

I had FUE.







Looks natural to me. Congrats!

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6 minutes ago, JD Jones said:


I don't know much about high res pics etc,I just have a very bog standard phone.These are some that were taken outside or under really bright light.

I had FUE.







And how much did you pay for 2 500 grafts will you say?

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Ian at BHR has also kindly sent me on some proper pre ht pics to see where I started and also some directly after to show implantation and donor extraction pattern.

Things to note here are I have a weak donor overall both in terms of fu per cm2 and calibre of hair.However one thing in my favour is there was zero miniaturisation in the donor and also one unusual thing was how far the donor goes down my neck.You can see in the pics the doctor went much further down the towards the base of the neck than in most hts.These hairs were also mostly fine singles so ideal for a soft hairline.

Also as mentioned in original post you can see almost one side of the donor was left untouched.









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3 hours ago, Celli said:

Hello, thanks for sharing your experience and results. Do you take any medication now?

I had my brief consultation with Dr Bisanga yesterday and I had to fly to Brussels for that.

He told me he strongly recommend to take oral Minoxidil in case I want to do a HT..

I definitely do not consider taking oral Finasterid because of possible side effects. I’d rather lose my hair than having sexual disadvantages.

Hi there,

Yes Bisanga is a big supporter of oral minoxidil. In my own case I started using topical minoxidil 3 weeks after ht,I didn't like the idea of taking oral as its a heart medicine as I'm sure you know. I did switch to 2.5mg oral about 3 months ago and it's made a difference,my hair is looking better,I know it's working as there's a bit more body hair aswell (not so welcome!)

I did have dizzy spells,palpations and felt faint on occasion since starting the oral,I don't think its for everyone and cant see myself on it for life.

It's a decision to think about,maybe start at the 2.5mg and see how you go.

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7 minutes ago, JD Jones said:

Hi there,

Yes Bisanga is a big supporter of oral minoxidil. In my own case I started using topical minoxidil 3 weeks after ht,I didn't like the idea of taking oral as its a heart medicine as I'm sure you know. I did switch to 2.5mg oral about 3 months ago and it's made a difference,my hair is looking better,I know it's working as there's a bit more body hair aswell (not so welcome!)

I did have dizzy spells,palpations and felt faint on occasion since starting the oral,I don't think its for everyone and cant see myself on it for life.

It's a decision to think about,maybe start at the 2.5mg and see how you go.


Oh wow.. Dr Kostis told me he never heard of anyone having side effects from oral minoxidil.

I also don’t like the idea of taking any not necessary medications for my whole life. Even though I don’t face any side effects now, you never know about the long term disadvantages.

This is the only reason why I am not sure about doing a HT at the moment. :(

Topical minoxidil or even topical Finasterid would be fine for me but I have not heard from anyone who has big success with it. But I am not sure ..

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53 minutes ago, Celli said:


Oh wow.. Dr Kostis told me he never heard of anyone having side effects from oral minoxidil.

I also don’t like the idea of taking any not necessary medications for my whole life. Even though I don’t face any side effects now, you never know about the long term disadvantages.

This is the only reason why I am not sure about doing a HT at the moment. :(

Topical minoxidil or even topical Finasterid would be fine for me but I have not heard from anyone who has big success with it. But I am not sure ..

Please don't let me put you off,Dr Kostis is a doctor and I am not!

My own GP said the amounts taken for hairloss ie 5mg or in my case 2.5mg is pretty negligible for your heart.

I used topical minoxidil for a few years and it did work for me,im just experimenting with the tablet form and will go back to topical again probably next year.Topical finesteride is something I'll start as soon as trying for a kid is off the table,many people have great results with it.

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3 hours ago, Calihome1 said:

I agree, although I too see a few more with temples.

My temples were fairly OK 3 years ago when I went for 1st ht.I don't think they need work now either for my next ht bit am open to opinions....

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5 hours ago, mrmane85 said:

Any updates @JD Jones?

Yes,I had 2nd procedure with Dr Bisaga on the 10th jan.Ill wait for clinic pics before posting.Not sure whether to start a new thread on ht num 2 or continue with this one,what do most people do does anyone know?

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8 hours ago, JD Jones said:

Yes,I had 2nd procedure with Dr Bisaga on the 10th jan.Ill wait for clinic pics before posting.Not sure whether to start a new thread on ht num 2 or continue with this one,what do most people do does anyone know?

Because they are back to back surgeries I would probably just continue on this thread so it's easy to follow. You can edit  the title so it lets people know the dates of each surgery + how many grafts were used in each one. 

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