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Nadimi vs Bicer

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Hello and good afternoon,

This is my first post on this forum. I have been a long time reader, but registered in order to ask a question. After many years of contemplating having a procedure done, I am finally taking the steps to speak with various clinics. I know the comparison might seem odd between these two doctors, but I wanted to raise a question about some of the information I got. 

I had virtual consults with both. Dr Nadimi recommended 2500 grafts focusing on the frontal and midscalp area via FUE. Dr Bicer recommended approximately 4000 grafts to the same area. I gather they both take different approaches to transplantation, with Dr Nadimi being more conservative. As someone presented with two very different graft amounts by these doctors, what are the questions I should be asking myself and the doctors. Is there a risk to going big with 4000 graft? Is Dr Nadimi able to do more with less. Would 4000 create an artificial look etc. 


Thanks in advance for any guidance you all can offer me!



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Two great surgeons with perhaps differing philosophies. Can you share some pictures? 

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Just now, GoliGoliGoli said:

4000 seems MUCH closer to the number you need if you want coverage in all your "problem spots". It seems the difference is that Nadimi would not work on your crown at all, whereas Bicer would. 

I should clarify. BOTH were willing to do crown work as a second session at a later date. The 2500 quoted from Nadimi and the 4000 quoted from Bicer was for frontal area and midscalp.

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4000 still seems like closer to the real number even if just talking about frontal/mid-scalp. 

I know my Dr says he often over estimates the number of grafts needed during video consults. "Under promise-over deliver" type of thing because if the the true number needed is less everyone's happy. 

More expensive Dr's would be less likely to do this because they don't want to scare customers off by saying they need a huge number of grafts that is going to cost a huge amount of money. 

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I appreciate the feedback. This was such a wide difference that I wanted some input. My plan is to visit Konoir/Nadimi and hopefully speak to both of them. Obviously with Bicer being in Turkey, in person is a bit more challenging. 

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Nadimi is known for being conservative to a fault.

I think no matter who you go to, you are looking at 2+ procedures. 

But im worried if you go to Nadimi your 1st ht will be underdeveloped and you will be in permanent ugly duckling mode till youre next surgery.

If you were a nw3 or less i would have a more optimistic opinion for nadimi for your specific case. 

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I don't know how Bicer/Nadimi pricing works but a lot of Dr's cost per graft goes down as your graft count goes up. So I agree with HappyMan you might as well get the max number of grafts per session so you are maximizing your value and actually getting a result you are happy with. 

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I think Nadimi is one of the best at giving the appearance of density with fewer grafts. She trained under Konior for years whose is known for one of the best at that. 

If you look at her reviews, you'll see that even though she tends to use fewer grafts, the sessions are still longer, probably due to her attention to detail. She also uses the same team of technicians as Konior. 

I'm not familiar with Bicer. 

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The feedback I am getting is ultimately the questions I have. I guess I need to go meet with Nadimi since she is local (USA) and I have that ability, and see what expectations I should have with a procedure from her. Her skill is unquestionable in my opinion. I think it comes down to what do I want and what can she realistically give me. I REALLY want to restore my frontal line and have some density there.

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Based on my research I believe like Konior Nadimi is able to do more with less, and I think she is one of the very best, I’m scheduled with her in November.
If you have the ability go see her in person and that should solidify graft count.

Edited by Chetman2112
Poor spelling
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On 8/24/2022 at 7:56 AM, Z-- said:

Nadimi, no question. Bicer is a very solid and budget friendly choice. Nadimi on the other hand makes a few grafts look like many and ensures better graft usage. 

This. Nadimi is a top surgeon.

Just look at the patient results on this forum, everyone is happy with their results.

She'll make the 2500 give the illusion you had more + she'll take good care of your donor, which is just as important. 

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