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Everything posted by ADX1369

  1. The feedback I am getting is ultimately the questions I have. I guess I need to go meet with Nadimi since she is local (USA) and I have that ability, and see what expectations I should have with a procedure from her. Her skill is unquestionable in my opinion. I think it comes down to what do I want and what can she realistically give me. I REALLY want to restore my frontal line and have some density there.
  2. I appreciate the feedback. This was such a wide difference that I wanted some input. My plan is to visit Konoir/Nadimi and hopefully speak to both of them. Obviously with Bicer being in Turkey, in person is a bit more challenging.
  3. I should clarify. BOTH were willing to do crown work as a second session at a later date. The 2500 quoted from Nadimi and the 4000 quoted from Bicer was for frontal area and midscalp.
  4. Hello and good afternoon, This is my first post on this forum. I have been a long time reader, but registered in order to ask a question. After many years of contemplating having a procedure done, I am finally taking the steps to speak with various clinics. I know the comparison might seem odd between these two doctors, but I wanted to raise a question about some of the information I got. I had virtual consults with both. Dr Nadimi recommended 2500 grafts focusing on the frontal and midscalp area via FUE. Dr Bicer recommended approximately 4000 grafts to the same area. I gather they both take different approaches to transplantation, with Dr Nadimi being more conservative. As someone presented with two very different graft amounts by these doctors, what are the questions I should be asking myself and the doctors. Is there a risk to going big with 4000 graft? Is Dr Nadimi able to do more with less. Would 4000 create an artificial look etc. Thanks in advance for any guidance you all can offer me! Best
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