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How is my donor area?

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The attached photos is when I was about 9 months into Finasteride. I've been on it for a bit longer since then, but it seems like for me, it has been more maintaining than have actually regrown anything. I still have some time until I would even be able to get a transplant, but I thought I would see what your guy's opinion is on my donor area. Me personally, I'm concerned that my hair is naturally fine/thin, as well as my crown may be thinned too far down close to my donor area. Any opinions you guys could give would be appreciated.



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10 minutes ago, zorro153 said:

The attached photos is when I was about 9 months into Finasteride. I've been on it for a bit longer since then, but it seems like for me, it has been more maintaining than have actually regrown anything. I still have some time until I would even be able to get a transplant, but I thought I would see what your guy's opinion is on my donor area. Me personally, I'm concerned that my hair is naturally fine/thin, as well as my crown may be thinned too far down close to my donor area. Any opinions you guys could give would be appreciated.



If you have been maintaining on Finasteride then it's doing its job tbh. Finsateride is designed to stop you losing more hair where possible by slowing the progression or halting it via scalp DHT inhibition. 

Without having any before pictures its usually harder to tell what progress you had. Sometimes it's very subtle. I would personally in your situation start using Minoxidil in combination with Microneedling once you hit the 12 month mark. 

A 10 year Japanese study has shown that Finasteride if effective will continue to work but the issue usually is people don't tend to keep track that long. Sometimes even stopping. 

Minoxodil 2x a day is usually the biggest adherence issue imo with it being a topical. That's why oral Minoxodil is gaining more traction recently but i personally don't know if there's been any real studies on combined oral Finasteride and Minoxidil use. I would say its easier to use an oral for Finasteride and topical for Minoxidil in combination with a derma pen at 1-1.5mm depth once a week. 

You actually can then try consult with some places and do your research as well as save up. Your hair loss pattern isn't also that looking because it seems the loss is more diffused. 

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Your donor area really needs examining in person. Whereabouts are you ? It’s good that your maintaining on Fin, that means it’s doing it’s job. Minox can also help improve your current hair. 
From what I can see I would say your final Norwood level would be 6-7 as it appears you may have the dipping in your crown. 
Hopefully if you keep up the med regime you will continue to retain. As a lot of clinics require you to be on Fin for at least 6 months then you should be in good stead to be considered for a hair transplant. Take a look at the forums recommended list:



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Being on Finasteride is definitely a wise thing. I would suggest given your donor and potential pattern to focus on the frontal 2/3 and stage the crown for later. 

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Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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From the pictures that you presented, the donor area looks pretty good.  I think it’s good that you are also on finasteride and that it seems to be helping you maintain the existing hair that you have. As you already stated, finasteride usually does a lot better at maintaining existing hair then regrowing new hair.  Sadly, many hair loss suffering men stop using the medication because they think it’s not working when in îoreality it is. Without it, they may have lost a significant amount of additional hair, Meaning that they will require a much larger hair transplant session in order to meet their hair restoration goals.

best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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15 hours ago, JC71 said:

Your donor area really needs examining in person. Whereabouts are you ? It’s good that your maintaining on Fin, that means it’s doing it’s job. Minox can also help improve your current hair. 
From what I can see I would say your final Norwood level would be 6-7 as it appears you may have the dipping in your crown. 
Hopefully if you keep up the med regime you will continue to retain. As a lot of clinics require you to be on Fin for at least 6 months then you should be in good stead to be considered for a hair transplant. Take a look at the forums recommended list:



I'm located in the US currently. Yeah, even though I was hoping for regrowth from Finasteride alone, I'm still very happy that my hair loss isn't getting any worse. As for Minoxidil, I might end up using that, but popping one pill a day is a lot more time convenient than applying Minox twice a day. I definitely plan to stick to Fin at least for as long as I want my hair.

Out of those surgeons you recommended, I've only really looked into Dr Bicer personally. I liked the look of her results and she seems to take a more conservative approach which I like. The other Dr in Turkey on the list Yaman, I wasn't too impressed with him. So if not Bicer, maybe someone in the states.

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/2/2022 at 10:05 AM, hairman22 said:

Your donor looks fine. I would say just above average.


You can get a very good result.

You need to go a Doctor wgo works on high norwoods Zarev or Eugenix.

I wouldnt go to Turkey

I think it was just a typo but i couldn't find anything on a doctor wgo.

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