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The "Photoshop My Hairline" Thread

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So this may be a long shot, but i was wondering if there's anybody handy with Photoshop and can maybe mock up hairlines. 

Now, i think we need a 100% disclaimer that this photoshop isn't going to be 100% what you'd achieve, but i was thinking of maybe a way where prospective people might be able to "Pre-visualise" their potential hairline thanks to the kind skills of fellow members. 

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Might be a good idea to post a photo of your hairline so people can photo shop it.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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  • Senior Member
1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

Might be a good idea to post a photo of your hairline so people can photo shop it.

I was hoping to see if anybody could actually do it and would like the forum to help out as a whole but you're right. I'll attach mine to this post. 

If anybody can photoshop around the black lines i guess, it would be pretty cool to see 😁


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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Senior Member


I just wondered if any folks could chime in and help with photoshop. 

The two lines show the initial temple point angle the clinic gave and the darker is what i want to do. 

I think looking at it, it is a more aggressive temple point a la Brad Pitt or Jake Gylenhaal but probably would frame my face better. 

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3 minutes ago, Fue3361 said:

I'm no Wizard, but sure, why not haha


Lmao, i look like a Brown Elvis impersonator. 

*Thank ya very much* :D

But you know what, it actually does seem that sort of hairline might actually end up age appropriate but doesn’t look super low or aggressive even if the size from the glabella measurements makes it seem that way. 

I think the temple point design i might get to be a little longer over the brows to try give it a more closed off look. 

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16 minutes ago, Fue3361 said:

I'm no Wizard, but sure, why not haha


Reminds me of @Adam87's result from De Freitas, very similar design. 

You look like you have good hair OP, so be smart with your surgeon choice, and a result not too dissimilar from this photo shop should be achievable. 

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1 minute ago, Curious25 said:

Reminds me of @Adam87's result from De Freitas, very similar design. 

You look like you have good hair OP, so be smart with your surgeon choice, and a result not too dissimilar from this photo shop should be achievable. 

I am definitely conscious about making the right choice and looked into the clinic who I felt best fit the specific temple points and natural results for the frontal hairline. I knew i was on a budget too, but i think i've made the right choice in who i want. 

The problem right now is just getting the Visa stuff sorted in time and not being left in the lurch. I have postponed and re-arranged to May to allow enough time for the Visa to get granted. All things going well, i'll be sharing my journey on here. I 100% think the back and forth in my mind is just because i want to get that right result the first time in terms of the design. That photoshop kinda gave me a good idea of how the temples could look and i think although i've already adjusted them once, i'd probably change them just a little more to box in. 

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43 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

Who have you chosen? 

And what is your age/medical regime? 

I've settled on Eugenix. 

32 and taking Dutasteride 0.5mg/day for the last 9+ months. 

I got classed around a Norwood 2 but my progression has been very slow over the last 10+ years which i'm incredibly fortunate for. I feel like my temple points fading at my mid to late teens may have been a specific targeted almost Retrograde Alopecia. Luckily doesn't seem to have affected anywhere else like it would. The hairline has probably regressed so slowly i didn't really pick up on it as much maybe as i should have earlier. I feel like it's mainly over the last 3/4 years max that things progressed more noticeably and probably from the Pandemic onwards moreso. Since using Dutasteride i have seen a positive benefit and i think that should hopefully continue. I do wish i probably started Finasteride 5+ years ago. Even when i was in my early 20s but glad i started when i did and wanted to be more aggressive so started Dutasteride as my brother had used it a year prior with no issues. I pushed through the sides as i've mentioned elsewhere and tbh, i think so far taking progress videos every month, then 3 months or so has shown a slight improvement to my situation. Getting Nizoral into the mix, addressing my low Vitamin D and staying on top with a pill every few days and recently adding T-gel to address my scalps itchy, dry flakiness and inflammation has probably helped a lot. I was going to try start using a derma pen but can't find a good one just yet reasonably priced. 

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