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Sudden hair loss - 26 years old

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Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could get some help here. I have an appointment to see my doctor and a dermatologist but I cant get in to see them for a month.


Ive always had kind of a widows peak but very thick hair, but past few months Ive noticed a lot of hair on my hands when I shampoo and style my hair. The loss is pretty noticeable (to me anyway) and it seems to just be getting worse every day. About 10 or so hairs when I shampoo and then 10 more when I style. Who knows how many more when I dry with a towel. When I run my hand thru my hair any other time 3-4 come out. It has really started to thin out all over the top of my head kind of suddenly and I have stopped using the wax I usually use to stick my hair up all over since you can see my scalp now when I do that. I can't stop freaking out about it and its really stressing me out which probably makes it worse, I will look incredibly bad with no hair.


Heres some pics, they arent awesome quality but you can get the point:




Does anyone have any suggestions? I mean 2 months ago there wasnt any thinning at all on top just a little on the temples, and I could style it however. Now its all getting super thin, is that normal? On my moms side, the men have thinned out hair but they arent bald, but I'm not sure about my biological fathers side.


I should mention that I eat pretty healthy, cardio or weights just about every day, take a multivitamin. I used to shower twice a day (morning, after workout) but I've stopped the after workout shower after I noticed so much hair coming out. When I look real close I can see some very thin hairs and some very short ones. Maybe putting in so much hair styling crap and showering too much pulled out a bunch of hairs? My hair also feels kind of stiff and its lost its shine.

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Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could get some help here. I have an appointment to see my doctor and a dermatologist but I cant get in to see them for a month.


Ive always had kind of a widows peak but very thick hair, but past few months Ive noticed a lot of hair on my hands when I shampoo and style my hair. The loss is pretty noticeable (to me anyway) and it seems to just be getting worse every day. About 10 or so hairs when I shampoo and then 10 more when I style. Who knows how many more when I dry with a towel. When I run my hand thru my hair any other time 3-4 come out. It has really started to thin out all over the top of my head kind of suddenly and I have stopped using the wax I usually use to stick my hair up all over since you can see my scalp now when I do that. I can't stop freaking out about it and its really stressing me out which probably makes it worse, I will look incredibly bad with no hair.


Heres some pics, they arent awesome quality but you can get the point:




Does anyone have any suggestions? I mean 2 months ago there wasnt any thinning at all on top just a little on the temples, and I could style it however. Now its all getting super thin, is that normal? On my moms side, the men have thinned out hair but they arent bald, but I'm not sure about my biological fathers side.


I should mention that I eat pretty healthy, cardio or weights just about every day, take a multivitamin. I used to shower twice a day (morning, after workout) but I've stopped the after workout shower after I noticed so much hair coming out. When I look real close I can see some very thin hairs and some very short ones. Maybe putting in so much hair styling crap and showering too much pulled out a bunch of hairs? My hair also feels kind of stiff and its lost its shine.

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  • Regular Member

doesnt look bad dude, but for the sake of it, you may be balding.


I'm in good shape aswell and started loosing at 21, so nutrition is important, but I doubt it would have an effect unless someone is malnurished.


is your dad bald? do you have uncles on either side that are bald? grandparents?


if so, like the majority of men, you are going bald.


just in case though, go see a good dermatologist that can tell you for sure.


good luck

2998 grafts/ Dr. Rahal/ 9/11/2007


My Hair Loss Weblog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Rahal


Pretty damn happy

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I dont know about my dad, never met him and my mom last saw him when he was 22, she said his grandfather had a full head of hair though. My uncle and grandfather on my moms side have thinner hair but not completely bald. It just sucks I have to wait another month to see a dr about it because I've lost so much in the past few months who knows what itll look like by then.

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  • Senior Member

Hey man, I would recommend you get on Propecia ASAP. Like danny said, it doesn't look that bad right now, but you may very well be balding especially if you see a bunch of minaturized hairs (short and thin). If you are in fact balding, those hairs will only get thinner and shorter until the follicle is completely suffocated from its oxygen and nutrients. Propecia will help you keep the hair you have in the middle/crown areas and possibly even in the front. Just keep monitoring your hairloss and seeing if it gets worse. If you are losing your hair, it's definitely something that's tough to deal with but there IS something you can do about it. Hair transplants are the real deal if you choose a good doc and you can get a good amount of hair back.

- 1 HT ~ 3000 grafts

- Regimen:

Propecia 1X daily

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From the sounds and looks of it, it's probably typical male pattern baldness, the most common type of hair loss.


As others have said, Propecia and Rogaine are usually pretty effective in combatting its progression. Starting these treatments early may just help you save your hair.


Be aware that all medications come with potential side effects. Becoming familiar with the benefits, limitations, and potential side effects of any and all medication you're considering is extremely important. Side effects are reported as rare, but are possible and need to be weighed into your decision.


Best wishes,



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Yeah it doesnt look bad, and honestly those pics make it look worse than it is. Id take a pic how I style it normally and you cant see anything. Looking at them now in an un-freaked out state Im like whoa. Ive always had a receded look at the temples but very thick everywhere else, just naturally. I looked back at some high school pics (~10 years) and it looks mildly receded. Ive been talking with my friends about it and everyone is convinced I'm making a big deal out of nothing ("You havent lost anything, shut up") but there is definite thinning all over my head that I have noticed and hair in the drain when there has never been before. One of my friends told me that the same thing happened to him in grad school and he freaked out about it too but one day it just stopped. He has a pretty decent head of hair now, 6/7 years after that, although receded looking but not thin.


Anyway I got lucky and had an appt with my doctor a few days ago. I explained that this was pretty sudden, he looked at my scalp and said it looked fine with regards to disease and whatnot, although he just parted my hair and took a quick glance. My blood tests from my last physical were great and no thyroid problems, asked if I have had some stress and lack of sleep (I've had both of those for several months, noticing hair all over makes it even worse) and that may be exacerbating the problem. He prescribed me some Propecia and Im really pumped about that, my stress level has really fallen and I feel a lot better about the situation but holy crap is that expensive. I guess we'll see if it helps out, I have an appt with a dermatologist on the first week of August.


Its just so shitty that in a few months time something like this can happen, sweet head of hair to "what the hell happened to you". I actually dont mind if I lose it gracefully, but this all at once stuff is no good. I dont want to sound stuck up or anything but I've really coasted by on my looks in just about every aspect in my life and this will really put a damper on that if it keeps going.


I dont know about transplants, they look great on some people (danny's look awesome) but I dont know if I would plant the money on that, fly somewhere to get the actual surgery, then have to cover it up till it grows in, deal with people talking about it, etc. I think Id really just shave it off and then get ripped as hell. Danny, yours look amazing and no offense or anything but do you worry that having it done at a young age that it will look weird when you age and other hair falls out and you have just that transplanted area left? Or am I understanding things wrong, I probably am. It looks great though. Im just hoping this Propecia keeps what I have and then eventually something gets invented that will just totally grow that shit back. Science baby!

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  • Senior Member

All men experience some natural recession at an early age. They lose the teen hairline.


Given that you are 26, and still have alot of hair, chances are good that even if you experience some thinning, it will be gradual and you will still look good through your 30s. By that time, they will have a cure, or you will be well positioned for a HT.


Just get on proscar and dont worry about it.

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That makes me feel a lot better even if its a bold statement. I have a question though, how long until the Propecia kicks in and I will stop shedding so much in the shower? Or is that just a toss up. I dont see so much when shampooing now, just when I towel dry. Arent Propecia and Proscar the same thing?

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DONT towel dry. Just creates friction on your hair and invites split ends. Allow natural drying or even better, use a hair dryer. Your hair looks great!


Also, kind of proof read a few posts. So maybe somebody has already commented. But there is no need to pay inflated costs for Propecia. Generic Proscar/Finasteride, is hugely cheaper and ultimately the same product, but with differing mgs. I realise that this is a little brief, but search Generic Propecia, and Finasterife on these forums and all will be explained. Good luck my friend. And relax, at 26, you are fortunate to be in the position "follicularly", that you are in. You may not feel this, but believe me, it could be much much worse!!!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

Listen to the guys above. That is just how I started thinning. Go to a doctor & let him have a look and you should probably take finasteride to stop it now. Then you can see if it stabilizes and get a game plan on your long term approach if needed



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

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604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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