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Dr. Bisanga - INSIDE THE OP ROOM (With Result) - Making Recipient Sites

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In this latest presentation from our "Inside the Op Room" series, Dr. Bisanga shows and explains his approach to cutting recipient sites, discussing angles, feathering,  hair groupings and light penetration to best achieve the desired "illusion of coverage".

This is a very educational video and even more valuable is that we have this very patient´s own documentation and result thread to show the evolution and growth of this procedure (below).


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Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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2 minutes ago, follically challenged said:

Great videos. Love the education Bisanga is providing.

But on a technical video making note....please lower the volume on that intro, haha, it almost deafened me and every single person in this cafe!

I thought it was my iPad 🤓clearly not 😂

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Thanks for the feedback and sure we can lower it a tad on the intro..Watching it in a cafe is some serious dedication, thank you...I translate the videos into Italian and have them on while I talk to my phone to translate simultaneously and for sure all my neighbourhood are up to scratch now on the Bisanga approach! 

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I represent Dr. Bisanga.


Dr. Christian Bisanga is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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1 hour ago, sl said:

Thanks for the feedback and sure we can lower it a tad on the intro..Watching it in a cafe is some serious dedication, thank you...I translate the videos into Italian and have them on while I talk to my phone to translate simultaneously and for sure all my neighbourhood are up to scratch now on the Bisanga approach! 

yep, such loud intros don't grab the viewers attention like you may hope... they just hurt eardrums and receive dislikes, haha (though of course i wouldn't dislike Bisanga content)

interesting. So the Italian market is big for Bisanga? I didn't know that

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Valid points.. To be honest we try to make our material available to other languages and French, Polish, Spanish and Italian. Italian more so because I speak it personally and want to lead also by example to those who have been asked to translate, so they can see I take my own medicine when asking for translation and don't ask anything I myself am not willing to do. A lot of Italians will go for cheaper packages and I know that so it is a labour of love to get educational material to them and really not to bust into the market. 

The material we are producing, the Bitesize and the In the OP-Room are really unique and the user gets years of experience from a doctor in just a matter of minutes and this really is not the norm, so I have also a passion to get it out and not really worry about if someone comes to us or not but to show them things that will then make sense and material that you cannot get from other videos.

We are very international and actually the demographic has changed since 2009/10 and largely due to budgets and some who have more interest in price than the pedigree and results and some countries have declined while others have a different view on the priorities. We are very busy and well booked up and for me education always beats sales and good results, customer service and access to educational material is really important, so I translate it even if it won't make me a dime I am just glad to get it out there..






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I represent Dr. Bisanga.


Dr. Christian Bisanga is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Interesting video!

I don't understand why some people defend the "corn row" implantation designs. The results always suffer. This video explains why the incisions need to be staggered, un-patterned. 

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