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Hello all,

First time poster here. I've recently started an Instagram account to chronicle my FUE journey with Dr Reddy in London.

If you would like to follow my daily update pictures and videos please check out my account @myjourneyfue.

Some initial photos attached.






Edited by myfuejourney
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I’m following you on IG man, you’ve made an excellent choice choosing Reddy 🙌🏼

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Hi all. Yes happy to share my journey here too. 

In the photos on my original post you can see the thinning/receding areas on my temples and crown. I feel like the lighting in photo of the crown probably made it look better than it was. However, I have been on a strict Finasteride and ketoconazole regime for 6 months and have experienced improvement in my hair. I have never tried minoxidil and was advised to avoid it until I had my transplant procedure.

In the photos on my original post you can see the natural thickness of my hair and the density in the donor site which made me a good candidate for FUE.

Today's photo shoes Day 1: a 0.5 grade trim all over while we refined the hair line. I wanted something natural rather than what I see as the current trend of an artificially 'square' hair line.

I hadn't had my hair this short since I was a teenager. I always had a thick head of hair but never a hair line that was perfectly straight. I have a large head/face and square jaw. In the Doc's experience this should be balanced with the forehead and so an artificially low hairline avoided.


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You are one of the fortunate gentlemen out there, who have very pronounced temple points, which essentially narrow the appearance of the forehead. This allows for more modest in size hairline restorations to be carried out, yet still delivering a very juvenile shape at the end result. Your hair quality looks good, and I like Reddy's hairline work, so I'm sure you will be in for a great result! 

Can we have more details about yourself if you don't mind - age, age of onset of balding, family history, donor capacity, how many grafts were used this time round etc. 


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Sure. I'm 33 and noticed initial receding in my late 20s and thinning of my crown. This got progressively more apparent over the last 2 years until I decided to do something about it. My dad's side of my family including my dad and my cousins have tended to bald extensively although his dad had a good head of hair until he died. My mum's side are mixed Italian and Chilean which has led to my dark/thick hair and the men in my mum's family apparently had limited hair loss.

I have a lot of facial and body hair and put on muscle easily. It's only my theory but I tend to see correlation with that and balding.

I'm not sure what my donor capacity is but we aimed for 2,000 - 2,500 grafts in this 2 day procedure. Most of the grafts were 3s and 4 count hair follicles.

I meant to attach my full face image previously.


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