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Quitting Finasteride after 15 years - what to expect.


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I have been using both Rogaine and Finasteride for around 15 years. And they have helped. I have a pretty good head of hair, very much against what my genetics would have dictated. I attribute much of my good head to either/both of these medicines.

Now I will need to be off Finasteride for about 6 months for fertility reasons. My question is if I stop it cold or even slowly, what to expect. Will I start shedding a lot or it will be gradual, and I can be back in 6 months with minimal head damage. What is the best way to go off this medicine ?

Thanks for the advise folks.


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the best way to go off medicine is to slowly low the dose per month. You should not go off very quikly but slowly lowing the dose as the time goes until you stop it permanently. But the question is why you want to stop finasteride? Do you have side effects? why dont u just keep it very few times a week? Like 2 mg a week?

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Thanks. Well I didn't care for the many years that  I took it, but now there is  clear indication that it has effected my sperm quality to an extent, and I would like to see that reversed if possible ( without any reversal of hairline ).... I will reduce slowly means I should taper over a month? And how do I keep the hair it has contributed to?

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If you are asking how to keep your hair that was protected by finasteride, well if we knew the answer I think everyone would just quit and keep their hair hehe.

Unfortunately, you likely will lose ground once you quit, however I think your fertility is more important than that. 

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Well, so you guys know, I did what is called a standard semen  test and culture, which tests volume, sperm concentration, morphology and motility. And many parameters are degraded to some extent. Do keep in mind that I have used finasteride for over 16-17 years, and I am over 50. Some degradation is due to age, but the doctor says some is likely due to finasteride. Enough literature around to say it does affect sperm quality. 

Therefore I am considering stopping it for some time, as an experimental test to see the improvement. I am just concerned of the impact it will have on my hair. I have spent way too much time on it not to worry. And @asterix0 yes, I am also asking how to keep the hair as I go off it.


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5 hours ago, rocketmas said:

Well, so you guys know, I did what is called a standard semen  test and culture, which tests volume, sperm concentration, morphology and motility. And many parameters are degraded to some extent. Do keep in mind that I have used finasteride for over 16-17 years, and I am over 50. Some degradation is due to age, but the doctor says some is likely due to finasteride. Enough literature around to say it does affect sperm quality. 

Therefore I am considering stopping it for some time, as an experimental test to see the improvement. I am just concerned of the impact it will have on my hair. I have spent way too much time on it not to worry. And @asterix0 yes, I am also asking how to keep the hair as I go off it.


How about switching to topical finasteride or Dutasteride(once a week)? 

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Thanks @JP28

Topical finasteride dos get absorbed into the blood and theoretically have the same side effects +/- depending on absorption. Dutasteride I have not explored yet and is not generally given as a substitute for finasteride. Its an additional supplement I believe ? 

Perhaps I should read about Dutasteride. How any mg/once a week do you suggest ? In which case, I should just reduce Finasteride from 1 mg daily to perhaps 1 mg every 4th day ? This may not be a bad idea ..

Open to suggestions.

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There's no legitimate body of medical studies that show finasteride effects fertility or even birth defects, as long as the mother doesn't handle the pills. You're over 50, that's the elephant in the room when it comes to you being not up to snuff.

When our reproductive systems were evolving into what they are today we were lucky to live 20 or 30 years. They weren't made to last like everything else. You're already pushing it trying at this age, both in terms of successfully fertilizing an egg and with the increased chances of birth defects, even if you never took any medication ever.

If I were you at this age I'd be trying to go the invitro route anyway, let them analyze and verify your best sperm and then use one of them to fertilize the egg in the lab.   

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@Ciaus . Thanks for the reply.

There is no doubt and I acknowledge that age is a factor for sure. But there is no doubt that some of the outcome is due to Propecia.

Documentation and research does say it suppresses the male hormone production and may cause side effects such as quality of sperm, and male breasts, etc.It may happen in a low percentage of people taking Propecia, but it does happen. Anyway, the point of my male is not to debate this but to get recommendations on best way to get off Propecia without effecting my hair.


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On 6/17/2021 at 10:30 AM, rocketmas said:

Topical finasteride dos get absorbed into the blood and theoretically have the same side effects +/- depending on absorption.


It seems like that would be the first thing to try though and see if your sperm improves any with that. If not then you can go further and try cutting out the topical too.



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