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Diffuse Pattern Alopecia - Hair Transplant Advice

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Hello everyone !

I hope you are all keeping well.


My age is 21 years. My hair loss started at the age of 16. I have diffusion pattern alopecia as my hairs have become very thin with reduced density and the hair fall is persistent. I have attached pictures of my current condition. After a lot of research and consultation with a local specialist available in the region, I have been given option of hair transplant.  I plan to do transplant from Turkey as there are not many options available where I stay. However, I have some concern about which I am struggling to get clear answers. Please if you can address those as it would really help me in proper decision making. I have been under a lot of stress because of my early hair loss. Also to mention that this is a genetic issue in my case as my father was bald and brother has also lost almost 80 percent of the hair at age of 26.


My first concern is that although I have male pattern baldness started a long time back and progressing at a high rate, I still have many thin hairs present on the scalp. Will this be a hurdle during surgery and will these hair fall permanently as a result of shock loss. I want to reiterate that the presence of these hairs does not make a big difference as they are extremely thin producing an image of low density and baldness as can be seen in the pictures.


My second concern is that in my current situation, will one hair transplant cover the scalp zone affected by the alopecia or will I be needing multiple transplants?  I have a fully grown beard and am also willing to use that as reinforcement for donor zone. I personally want to get covered all of the area with hair thinning to produce a coverage.  Are there any similar cases or experiences available as before or after surgery with a similar stage of alopecia.

I also want to request for some professional surgeons in Turkey who can tackle my issue and relieve me from this every day stress in life.


I thank you all in anticipation and  hope to get some good guidance from your experiences and knowledge.




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I have to say that your donor area does not look very strong. With such a high level of loss at such a young age your going to really struggle to get coverage.

You have not mentioned meds ? Fin and Minox would help retain what you do have. And yes your right, any weakened hairs could be at risk of being shocked out.

Another issue would be that a ethical Dr/Clinic would not agree do doing a ht until your at least 25.

You mention Turkey, which is worrying as your most likely looking at low cost as opposed to skilled Drs. It’s very unlikely any of the decent Drs in Turkey would agree to carrying out a ht. Dr Bicer, Dr Pekiner and HLC for example. 
A hair mill would agree to do anything but it would not be in your best interest. 

As you will end up Norwood 6 at least we would normally suggest you maximise your donor area by starting out with FUT. As I mentioned I just don’t see your donor area as being particularly strong.

Get a online consultation done with a few decent/ethical Dr and I’m sure they will be giving you the same advice. Start on meds and review in a couple of years at least. 
Or consider/try shaving your head. It may sound extreme but it’s always a option for people who have a high level of loss. 

If you do start down the hair transplant route you will spend a lifetime chasing your loss. Please think carefully about this. You could end up with FUT/FUE scars and still not have acceptable coverage. 

Edited by JohnAC71
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Thank you for your feedback.

With regards to weak donor area, I thought of using beard hairs to balance the requirement of grafts. Also, I have taken med for sometimes but did not find any considerable change in my condition.


If I may ask, why do you say that any ethical Dr/ Clinic would not agree to do a ht until 25. Is it a standard or requirement of being above 25 years old. (Just asking for the sake of information as I have read many other comments with a similar advice).


I am in communication with some clinics in Turkey and yes as you predicted they are willing to perform ht but I donot understand why it is not recommended. I am willing to accept the shock loss but What my understanding is that as the ht will cover the bald (thinned hair) zone and eventually I will have some coverage instead of being fully clean bald. As the current state of my hairs gives a complete illustration of being bald; therefore, I thought that ht would improve the condition as compared to this.


please if you can also elaborate of why do you believe that I would be chasing hair loss. I just want to understand the possible scenario I.e. if after hair transplant all the native hairs fall, but still there would be transplanted hairs present to give some coverage; or are you suggesting that at this stage ht would not be successful because of existing hairs present and that the surgeon would not be able to transplant in the desired area/ pattern? 

please if you could explain more to clarify my doubts.

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Unless you have stabilised your current loss with meds (such as Fin) you will continue to lose your hair. Personally I think you may end up at the highest Norwood level (7). Please take time to at least see if meds will stabilise your loss. As you have already mentioned you also have a high level of loss in your family. 
If you further thin out or have your donor area over harvested it’s going to be really noticeable. High Norwoods can maximise their donor area by starting out with FUT. Only Dr Bicer is still performing FUT (very rarely) in Turkey. Your at risk of running out of scalp hair if you start With FUE with a not particularly strong donor area. Yes you can supplement it with Beard grafts. But again most Hair mills (Like Cinik) won’t be taking a high amount from this area. 
Spend as much time as you can researching cases like yours, there are many. High level of loss and no meds/young age and looking for Turkey options is very high risk. Please do consider consulting with some of the forums recommended list:


I have helped and seen many poor results/choices from members such as yourself  over the years. I am not saying a hair transplant isn’t possible (in time) I’m saying meds and careful planning is going to be key. And choosing a decent Dr is part of that. Someone like Eugenix/Dr Bisanga/Vertex or HDC who are excellent with the high Norwood levels. But all of these will not consider you at 21. 
@Doron Harati is the rep for HDC on the forum. Maybe @DrTBarghouthiwill also be kind enough to chime in 🙏


Edited by JohnAC71
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Please let me know which clinics you have been in contact with already ? I can pretty much say it will not be a Dr performing the procedure. It would be a tech driven hair transplant at a hair mill. Be interesting to hear the names ? Thanks 🙏 

Edited by JohnAC71
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@JohnAC71is correct 100%, it seems you're gonna be NW7 which aren't good candidates most of the times, certainly we wouldn't accept 21 years old paitents, that's unethical! 

At age 24+ a paitent may start to consider HT.

You need to wait more years to see if you're not going to be NW7.



HDC Instegram:


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Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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I'm sorry to say this but you are not a candidate for a hair transplant. Unfortunately all you will be doing is moving one bald area to another. The result of this will not only look unnatural but will leave you with scarring that you wished you never had. The reason that ethical surgeons require patients to wait until they are around 25 years of age is because they want to establish the pattern of hair loss that someone will be facing. Unfortunately you have already established a pattern at 21 that is so far advanced that for a surgeon to even consider performing surgery on you will leave you disfigured. I know this sounds harsh but such is the reality of many clinics all over the world but especially in Turkey. They will tell you whatever you want to hear and then you will be left wishing you never had surgery in the first place! This happens again and again. You will then be left no longer worrying about hair loss. You will be left wearing hats and hair pieces to hide the damage. I say this from experience. Learn from my experience and save yourself not only money but years and years of scars and regrets. The below photos aren't just from having a hair transplant at 18 when I was never a candidate. The below photos are actually of over six years and six more surgeries with a plastic surgeon to get the results of a hair transplant to look as good as this! You do not want to end up like myself along with thousands and thousands of other people who did what you are considering. Please take my advice. I would hate to see you back here asking what can I do now that I look like this.



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Listen and follow the advice of @JohnAC71 and @Gatsby, forget all those hair mills that in Turkey have told you that they can operate you, and that you will have a great result, they just want your money, you will arrive  there, everything will seem nice, hotels, transfers, smiles as soon as you arrive at the clinic, but then when you realize that things did not go as they promised you, the clinic will not even respond to your messages and your  mails, and you will come back here, as he says @Gatsbyto ask what can be done, hoping, above all that something can be done, because he is not sure that it will eventually be fixed.

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The agents I sued that took me to a black market hair mill on my first godawful HT in Arenamed in Turkey, also took 21 years old for a procedure and guess what? 

He will testify against then for what happened to him.

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Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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Thanks for the mention @JohnAC71


@M.Malik Medications in the form of finasteride is my current advice. It is too early to embark on any HT at this age and with your current pattern. Get it stabilised first and then you can plan the course of action. It is quite dangerous to do anything at this point.  

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Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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@JohnAC71 @Doron Harati @RandoBrando517 @Gatsby @Egy @DrTBarghouthi

I am really thankful to all of you for your sincere advice and have changed my mind regarding HT. I had no idea about this perspective of having a HT and thought that it would be a permanent solution to my current state.

I will start medications as suggested and wait to see the results.

Is PRP and laser treatment also recommended ?


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Prp and iprf can be effective but I don't know how it will help your case due to early high regression.

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Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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PRP and Laser treatment are not going to benefit your current position. What will be important is starting on Minoxidil & Finasteride. You could visit a dermatologist and/or your own Dr to discuss this course of action. 
I am pleased you have reviewed your situation. 🙏

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I am so glad that you have dodged a bullet. Many guys your age (and even younger) unfortunately don't make it to a forum. When they do it's after have made the wrong decision are asking for help after having been butchered. If you were to have surgery now (and only an unscrupulous surgeon would take you on) you will only be left with thousands of tiny scars or a long, wide scar at the back of your head. The hair will continue to militarize and you so you will be left with only less hair than when you started. 

Speak with your doctor or a good dermatologist and look at minoxidol and finasteride. Keep us updated and all the best.

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1 hour ago, M.Malik said:

Thank you very much for your advice. I highly appreciate that.

I have started consultation with local dermatologist to get prescribed doses of medication.

That’s really good news 👌 so pleased you arrived on the forum before you went ahead and got a Ht. We was honestly were just looking out for you in our advice. Please do keep us updated 🙏

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