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7 months post-op and no new hair growth

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Has anyone experienced being around 7 months post-op and not seeing any real new growth? I'm not exaggerating and there has been no real change in my hairline after having 1100 grafts on December 18th. I thought it would take some time, but I'm basically convinced that it is not going to grow at all now.


Any feedback, suggestions, or comments are welcome.

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  • Senior Member

7 months is still early in the game; however you should notice some noticable growth by 7 months post-op; as a general rule, you should have over 50% of your final result by now; are you on finasteride to slow/prevent future loss? It is possible that you have lost some native hair in the last 7 months due to MPB progressing; thus, the net gain in hair is miniscule. As HairDew mentioned, pics would help members on this site to assess the situation.

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Here is a comparison picture from Feb. 2008 (top pics, 10 months pre-op) and July 2009 (bottom pics, 7 months post-op). Also, I am not, and have never been, on any hair loss medications. You'll have to factor in somewhat different lighting etc, in the pics, but you can see that it's pretty much the same (for example, my right side has a kind of bald spot further in the hair in 2008 and now). I never had much shock loss and have seen almost NO new sprouts - I've been watching pretty closely. Basically everything has REMAINED/LOOKED THE SAME both before and after, except immediately after the procedure, of course.


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  • Senior Member

P.D sort of echoed my thoughts exactly. However I'll assume the lighting is covering up some areas with significant thinning and give you the benefit of doubt in that an HT was warranted.


At 7 months it is often wishful thinking to tell someone that with zero noticeable growth that somehow hair will magically begin to sprout at some future point. What does Dr. Dorin have to say? I suspect your grafts, if they grew at all, essentially replaced hair that was perhaps lost to shock loss or continuing MPB.

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You went to a very good doctor. growth rates can vary and sometimes the results are so gradual it can be difficult to detect as you see yourself every day. Give it a couple more months. Also based on your hairloss, the 1100 shoul just give you some extra volume as you were not very thin to begin with.


Relax and enjoy the wait



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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The boys hit the head on the mark. Dude you had tons of hair. It is very early but the lower right picture looked pretty good to me.


1100 grafts is not a small amount but if placed in the hairline it would only advance the hairline a very small distance, like 3mm(a guess). Post op pictures would help greatly and any monthly photos you may have kept for your own records would be worth posting.


One question: how old are you?

My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Wong


715 grafts at Bosley, 2004

3238 grafts by Dr.True, Mar 2008

3393 grafts by Dr. Wong, Jul 2009

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No visible signs of growth at 7 months is rare but possible. Though you certainly didn't need that many grafts, I imagine Dr. Dorin's procedure should thicken up the thinning areas in the hairline.


In my opinion, contact Dr. Dorin directly to get his professional opinion. He's a quality physician and stands behind his work. If in the event after the hair transplant matures (1 year after the procedure), that you didn't experience the anticipated growth, I'm sure Dr. Dorin will do everything in his power to rectify the situation.


In my opinion, discuss your concerns with Dr. Dorin and give the transplant some time to grow out and mature.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Thanks for any positive feedback guys. Regardless of whether or not I needed the procedure (that is irrelevant at this point btw), it was done and by a top doctor, from what info and research I've seen.

I recently saw a couple friends from back home who haven't seen me in over a year and they said they see no difference whatsoever in my hair before and now, but they did notice I put on more muscle weight (I've been going to the gym a lot this year).

I just want the positive end result after all is said and done. My worst fear right now is that HT will not work on me and will not only yield no results now, but none in the future. I'll keep waiting patiently though, as there is nothing else I can do!

Thanks again!

Oh, and I am 31

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