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Australian seeking Hair Transplant.


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Hey guys

hope you can help me.

I am a 47 year old male with hair loss & thinning hair & live in Sydney, Australia.

I am seeking about 4000 to 5000 grafts (subject to my donor region) with 2 procedures in the next year or two.


Can you recommend a doctor/clinic either within Australia, Asia or Canada/U.S.A ?


The doctors in Australia do not offer

" high graft " procedures & their reputations are either not very good or unknown. Local doctors including Dr Ray Woods from Sydney, Australia seem to be extremely expensive compared to other doctors worldwide.


I would be prepared to fly overseas for my procedures.


I think my post will be of interest to many H.T candidates outside the U.S.A & Canada.




Sydney, Australia

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys

hope you can help me.

I am a 47 year old male with hair loss & thinning hair & live in Sydney, Australia.

I am seeking about 4000 to 5000 grafts (subject to my donor region) with 2 procedures in the next year or two.


Can you recommend a doctor/clinic either within Australia, Asia or Canada/U.S.A ?


The doctors in Australia do not offer

" high graft " procedures & their reputations are either not very good or unknown. Local doctors including Dr Ray Woods from Sydney, Australia seem to be extremely expensive compared to other doctors worldwide.


I would be prepared to fly overseas for my procedures.


I think my post will be of interest to many H.T candidates outside the U.S.A & Canada.




Sydney, Australia

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Hi Ray,


Probably the best advice I could give you is to do your research. I personally have decided to have my hair transplant with Dr Damkerng Pathomvanich who is in Bangkok.

I have heard many good things about this Doctor from previous patients, other HT doctors and a lot of positive comments from this forum.

At the moment he has a 3 month waiting list it might be something you can look into. Cheers.

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Thanks for your advice.

Dr Damkerng Pathomvanich was one of the docs I was considering. It's a pity no local docs have a high profile. Also, Aussie docs don't seem to offer many grafts per procedure.

The weak Aussie dollar is killing us with a procedure in the U.S or Canada costing about 40 percent more when travel & accommodation is factored in as well.

Keep us posted withyou H.T journey.

All the best


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I was originally planning a US trip to have the transplant done. Unfortunately due to our dollar dropping a transplant that would have cost you 17k is now going to cost you 25k plus travel expenses. I did not want to spend so much. After doing a lot of research it seems Dr Path is the one for me. I will keep you updated.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for your input, it is really appreciated.

Seems Australia doesn't really have a great choice of H.T doctors.

Dr Damkerng Pathomvanich is now on my radar and I will seek further info on his services.

Keep us posted on your H.T journey.

Wishing you all the best & thanks again for your help.

I welcome any further advice or information you would like to share.



Sydney, Australia

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Hey Bosco, I'm from Gold Coast. There are good ISHRS doctors in Oz but ur right, cost, graft limitations(because of staff numbers etc)limit them to around 2,000+. Barry White in Melbourne & Russell Knudsen (Double Bay) are good, but same story.I researched Dr.Pathomavanich in Bangkok and got 3,476 grafts done on Sept 26, 2008. At this stage I'm pretty happy with the growth just starting to kick in around 4 months. I was a Norwood 4 to 5. I take Proscar(cut into 4) 6 days a week + put on minoxidal at night only.The experience was good over there, I took my family for a holiday to Phuket & flew up to Bangkok for 3 x days.He had a wonderful Chinese assistant doctor who spent most of his growing up in Sydney, so he was a good intermediatory. The Thai baht was 28 to our dollar then which was good (32 two months before), but it's only around 22 at the moment which puts up the price a bit. I,m not real good with posting pics at this stage but will get around to doing a blog one day, but if you wanna ring and ask about, heres my mobile (0405)479503.There's a few others I researched too which I reckon are good, which I'll tell you about but Dr.Damkerng I can verify is the real deal. Dr.Knudsen is good for a consultation, Medicare pays the fee as he bulk bills but he is exy for a procedure & has those graft limitations.He is a Golden Follicle award winner, he knows his stuff and is a nice bloke so you can really learn from his info and go from there.

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Parable, I've been reading your posts from way back concerning your HT & Barry White. Did it all get sorted out for you since then with them?I met him twice in appointments & buy Couvre & Toppik from their Gold Coast rep. I had a mid/late 1990's dud job at Intergraft in Brisbane which left lots of scarring in the recipient area (no research on my behalf plus no internet back then),Hopefully my last one with Dr.Pathomavanich keeps working out. Coming up to 5 months shortly and I'm pretty happy.It seems to be filling in the scarred areas good.I'll look at another one to add density and fill in the temple areas in a year or so. I'll either go back to him, Dr.Pong his fmr pupil up north in Chang Mai or even X in India, who even though he isn't that popular on this forum must be doing something right as he gets overall good reccomendations.

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Hi Bosco/Ray,


I know where your coming from. I too live in Australia & almost got a HT here. Researched the Dr's here & read the good an bad stories. Personally I didn't want to take the risk so in the end I chose Dr Jerry Wong (H&W) in Vancouver.



you can read my story here:



In this game the best thing you want to do is take your time & do your research. It's in your best interest. icon_smile.gif


Hope this helps


Asian Player

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Hey Bosco


I am in a similiar position to you. I am an Aussie who plans to have a HT within the next 2 years. I am undecided on where to go and am using this website as well as other sites to help educate myself about hair transplantation and the clinics that are out there.


My opinion about the HTN is that it is a great and very useful website to those who live in America and Canada as 95% of the information and results posted are from North American patients. The Clinics that are commonly recommended (such as the H&Ws and Rahals) have dozens of examples of before and afters and feedback from patients. The fact that there are so many results posted by patients of these popular clinics gives the readers a fair understanding that a high portion of patients are satisfied with the results acheived at these clinics.


Something I always wonder is why don't Aussies post their hair transplant experiences and results like the people in USA and Canada?! How many transplants are there completed in Australia each year? 2000? 3000?


There are only three possible outcomes after a transplant which are:

The patient is unhappy with the outcome;

The patient is content (somewhat ok with it);

Or the patient is absolutly ecstatic.


Why don't Aussies post thier results? Tell us why you are happy or unhappy with your transplant. Let us know who did a good job and who didn't.


When I look up results on this site about any Australian hair transplant clinic I will be lucky to find 2 experiences posted. Regardless if the posted feedback about the Aussie Doctor/Clinic is positive or negative I then have to be logical. I ask myself how many procedures would that Aussie clinic perform per year? Perhaps 200 - 350. How many posted experiences have I found by patients from that clinic during the last 4 years? Lets say 3. Then you do the maths and accept that 3 experiences out of around 1000 procedures (performed over a 4 year period) works out to about 1 out of 330 patients posting a result. That means there are still 997 that have not posted their result.


What I am trying to point out here is that unless you have at least 15 - 30 results and experiences to look up on this site as the highly recommended Clinics within the Coalition often do, you can not use the experiences of a couple of patients (good or bad) as the typical result. The more postings, the more accurate and confident the readers will be with their selection.


Every clinic has stand out results and I am sure if you took the best 10 patients out of any clinic and compared them with others you would be unlikely to see much difference. The question is what percentage of the clinic's patients are happy. How many obtained large graft numbers and high growth yields?


Lets say you were shopping for a clinic in Pakistan. All you could find on the internet about this clinic was one review which was positive. Would this be conclusive that they are a good choice? What if the experience was bad? Would that be enough to put you off? Or do you think logically and say, it is only one experience. I need to see a few more before I make up my mind.


When it comes to Aussies (just like many other countries) using this website, the information is definately useful but due to the lack of postings by Aussie hair transplant patients it does not give readers a fair understanding of who is the ideal choice. As is often stated by the members that manage this website, they can never recommend any clinics in Australia due to a lack of postings on this site.


My research into Aussie Clinics will result in me visiting all the clinics I may consider having a transplant. Asking my hair dresser if any of their regular customers have had a transplant and if it looks good and who was it through? Speaking and meeting hair transplant patients from each clinic. If after doing all this I am not convinced that any of them could do the job, I will just fly over to Canada and do what Asian Player did.


Sorry to blabber on.

AUSSIES, START POSTING YOUR TRANSPLANT RESULTS and make this website more useful for the guys down under!!


JustCurious has left the building.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi Ray,

I'm about to have a hair transplant with Dr Pathomvanich in Thailand.

Have you already had a transplant with him?

If so how did it go? If not I can share my info in a few weeks with you.



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Hey Tony

I haven't had surgery yet but I am getting close to making a decision where/when etc.

I look forward to seeing your progress & I hope you get a fantastic result. All the very best from a fellow Aussie.



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Hi Ray & Tony,

Im also a fellow Aussie & had my procedure with Dr Path 8 weeks ago today. So far things are progressing well.....even have some early growth. I found Dr path and his clinic excellent & very professional....i think your in good hands.

Good Luck,

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Gidday, Im new to this site. Im 55 and I live on the Sunshine Coast of Oz. After some research I have made an appt with Dr Path in Bangkok because the cost here in oz is more than double that of Dr Path and Dr Path comes with high recommendations and is the closest recommended Doc. I emailed some pics and he said I need 4000 grafts at least. They havent asked for a deposit...is that usual.... and emailed me with a date of 24 November for my consultation and 25th for the procedure. How does one pay. Do they accept a credit card? Do I need to take cash? I was going to take a travel card...like a credit card with baht pre loaded on it but accessed thru my bank. Its a big investment for me...Im not rich...I appreciate all who have posted on this site cz its a great help...thanks to everyone...cheers

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Originally posted by hst:

My hair surgery appointment with Dr Damkerng Pathomvanich is on the 15 Sept. I'd read many good comments about him, thus I make my decision to go to him.


Yes I decided on him because of the recommendations on this site. Did you have to pay a $1000 deposit when you first booked with them. Have you decided on a hotel yet. Do you know if they take credit card payments and how does one normally pay for the treatment. My next decision is which hotel to stay at. Bet youre looking forward to the trip. Ill be buying xmas presents there too and trying out the thai cuisine.....Good luck for the 15th

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I did transfered USD 1,000 for the deposit, as per requirement. No booking from any hotel yet but will go there personally to find out more. Dr Path estimate that I might need 2000 grafts for my HT. Their mail stated they don't accept credit cards. I think you better mail to them regarding about the deposit so to reserve your booking with them.

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I was there last month.

Yes indeed, he requires a deposit and he doesnt take credit cards.

For payment there is a bank (SiamBank?) at the entrance of his building. Show them your Visa/Master and get ur baht there.

For hotel i stayed at Royal View Resort, has nice park there to relax and chill especially a day after the Op since Bangkok is a bustling city and air is not great. All restaurants/shops all on same road. Advise u get a foot massage after a long day.

Travel by taxi for first few days (very cheap) until u get used to the area, and then use BTS Skyrail.


Good luck.

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Thanks everyone for your advice. I transferred the deposit thru yesterday so thats good. Im hoping the Oz dollar will keep rising against the baht because Im still saving hard for the cost of the HT. Will cost about AU$12000.Ill probably take cash in baht over. ill wait for the best exchange rate I can get in the next few months. Hey autopilot, was the Royal view resort close to the surgery and what was the cost per night. Did you have to book the room ahead of time. Thanks

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