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Dr Feller - 1000 FUE - Sep 09


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Dr. Feller,


I am fully confident that FUE will advance and others will understand the value of the proecedure, however I have to disagree - I think your cost estimates only reflect prices in major US cities such as NY or LA. You have a higher cost of labor and other services.


Some mid-west clinics can afford to do it much cheaper, and the clients, in general do not have the resources as those in NYC, that I know.

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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anyone questioning dr. f's fue prices should go sit in on a surgery with him. i had the opportunity to, and let me tell you; it takes extreme care to perform this procedure.


also, i would rather pay top dollar for fue and feel confident of the results than pay less with a less-experienced doc.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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howdy folks


Had 2500 (strip)with dr Feller in April and it went perfect,only thing I hated was wearing a hat/hairband for 3 months after


would like next year when the final result is in to have more put in hairline with FUE ..

what would recover visually be after this as I dont think something can fall on my head twice in the one year lol...


does hair where it is planted have to be shaven?

does it as red after..


if ya could fill us in on how it looked in the following weeks would be great..!

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It doesn't matter if you have a strip surgery or FUE surgery, the recipient area (and the need to cut or not cut hair) is the same. However, in every case, a pretty good sized area of donor area will need to be shaved for FUE compared to strip surgery.


I will post a link tomorrow to a few patients who've had FUE procedures of different sizes.


Dr. F

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NotJust is manifesting his fascist tendencies and directing his inane economic outlook onto Dr. Feller. I would just love to know the minutiae of every dude's life who acts like a righteous king kong on the price of Feller's FUE (or any doctor's HT) and rip their financial decisions to shreds with the exact inane subjectivity they themselves put on display with righteous pretense. We get it, you wish HTs were cheaper because the price is crucial to you and anything contradicting your price threshhold is upsetting. Ok. That's fine. It's fine for many others regardless. Now just let it be and stop beating a dead horse that doesn't even exist.


edit, to the OP -- the work looks great, and I'm confident that some months down the road you will be extremely satisfied and proud of your investment.


edit 2 -- in retro, NotJust actually takes his self-righteous act to a somewhat offensive (but mostly laughable) level by passive-aggressively attempting to besmirch anyone who dare defy his holy wisdom of finance and the economy; though, were I was pitching and looking to debate as hollow and muddied a position as he I might look to cheapen the debate as much as possible, too.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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you used too many big words and really tore my opinion apart..but I guess its true what they say about opinions....


btw this wont die will it? I mean I just expressed I thought $10,000 for what he got seemed way expensive to other posts and pics of good work... so I am such an evil person for expressing this? I mean read your post..you REALLY tore into me and attempted to ridicule and basically spit on my post...I mean TORE IT UP haus..feel better? if I felt i was as smart and could use big words id take some of teh darts you threw at me at toss a few back...but its late...i gotta work hard to earn my money tomorrow and my dictionary is downstairs..

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Originally posted by notjustyet:

and this is why some docs can and will charge $10...just for hoots he should charge $15 per graft and see if he makes MORE money and works even less.. I am sure there would be a line of guys who dont understand dollar/value ..


" From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"- - Karl Marx


LoOOoooooOOL,a "line of guys who don't understand dollar/value", LOL really? I guess your the first in line pal, because apparently you don't realize: *all* dr.'s paid hundreds of thousands of dollars of their *own* money for their education, not to mention years of hard work, blood, sweat and tears to acquire this amazing skill to go into the medical profession, whether it be saving lives or plastic surgery, *they* made their own individual investment/sacrifice; *they* paid their dues & yet it's people like you w/your ENTITLEMENT attitude that act as though YOUR born w/a *right* to the FRUITS of their labor!


Honestly, you make me sick. What do you do for a living? What's your acquired skill? Should *we* be ENTITLED to the fruits of your labor at a CHEAP price? Whatever it is you do -or more than likely don't do, I doubt you labored and invested as much as any dr. has, and I doubt the service or commodity you provide is as rare and valuable as that of a dr.; let alone an actually SKILLED hair transplant surgeon in a field of quacks and butchers.


You want a "cheap" and "affordable" ht? Then go to a hack, and get what you pay for. Sorry pal, you weren't BORN w/ a *right* to the fruit of other peoples' hard labor. Socialism on the rise! Fu$King lovely! "the only problem w/socialism is, eventually you run out of OTHER peoples' money"...

Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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Originally posted by notjustyet:



you used too many big words and really tore my opinion apart..so I am such an evil person for expressing this? I mean read your post.. you REALLY tore into me and attempted to ridicule and basically spit on my post...I mean TORE IT UP haus..feel better? if I felt i was as smart and could use big words id take some of teh darts you threw at me at toss a few back...but its late... i gotta work hard to earn my money tomorrow and my dictionary is downstairs ..


LOL typical transparent liberal, I love it! You view the world in terms of a dichotomy of two camps: Victims & Oppressors, and of COURSE you always fall into the former of the two categories.


Poor you! You just want a cheap/free ht from THE best in the world, but all of the hard working people who have invested their time, money, sweat and tears ACTUALLY have the audacity to charge you a free market value price! And again, your such a poor victim, you don't even understand the words expressed to you; perhaps we should feel guilty about that too?


Grow up and enter the real world. Under a system *you* would want, we would have never had the innovation or foresight to pass plugs and into mega sessions and fue, because there would be absolutely no fruits to benefit the cost of the investment and creativity, so why bother with the investment? Your ideology absolutely STIFLES competition, and thus innovation, because no one is paid for the fruits of their labors; instead, EVERYONE is entitled.

"From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs"- - - KARL MARX

what a lovely, productive system THAT created!

Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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"Honestly, you make me sick."


WOW..what the hell is wrong with you guys. I mean would you act this way to my face? Think not as id floor you pretty quick.


Feller would still be able to afford his nice home and cars at $8 as he does at $10, I assure you he isnt hurting. He has a line at $10 so this is what he charges. Fine, I just dont like the line of guys on THIS website who cant seem to remove their heads from his teet long enough to realize maybe $10,000...let me repeat $10,000 only gets your temples filled in.


I wont say you make me sick or try to figure out your political persuasion. But I will say some of you guys are really vicious the way you come across the internet. I also notice the complete lack of anyone agreeign with me...so either I must be completely wrong about supply/demand dollar/value or this site is stacked with reps who only posts things like "looks great!", happy growing..until you mention ONE thing about their employer and then the dogs are let loose.


hahaha....you guys kill me..qouting me karl Marx and saying I make you sick or dont understand economics. "YOU LIE!"

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Poor you! You just want a cheap/free ht from THE best in the world,


Come one bud..where did I say this or even imply this? Whenever people start to throw out things that are completely false to prop up their beliefs thats when i stop arguing...

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There has been a variety of opinion regarding the price that Dr. Feller charges for FUE. Some people think his prices are too high and some feel that you are paying for his "skill." Actually, when you go to a doctor who has a good reputation, that you get for free. Physicians rise to their own level of competency in their chosen medical specialty not because of how much money they charge or get paid, it's because of internal factors and motivations. I should know, since I am one of them! The remuneration may be reward that behavior,and foster it's continuation, but the motivation is from within. If you watch some videos of some of the coalition members you see a common thread-that hair transplantation they view as a challenge and immensely satisfying for them from a professional perspective. You would get the same effort (one would certainly hope!) if market forces drove his prices lower.

Speaking of market forces, Dr. Feller charges that amount because he feels it's a 'fair' price. How does he determine it's fair? Well he does that by looking at his expenses, knowing he must pay them (Long Island is NOT inexpensive) and he needs enough money to bring home to accomodate the lifestyle he desires. Pure and simple. He may charge it, and if he has enough satisfied clientele, word of mouth, advertising, etc, to bring in enough new business then he will continue to charge that rate. One might suggest that if he were to 'drop' his fees let's say 20 percent, and he may get 50 percent more business and bring in more money overall, but that depends on whether he seeks more patients. It depends on the busy-ness of his current schedule and his own personal work ethic!

Lastly, you can't look at a piece of steak in a steakhouse and say "wow they are charging me $35 for this steak and I saw the same piece of meat for $10 at the supermarket!" You have to add in all the other expenses before you can determine a 'fair' price to charge. It's distinctly unfair to begrudge a professional their fee when you have the perfect right, opportunity, and prerogative to seek cosmetic procedures anywhere you please.

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I'm going to go against the flow and side with "notjustyet" here. Honestly, many of you have ridiculed him for expressing his genuine opinion and concern about FUE pricing. Frankly, I share his concerns. Other than consistency in growth yield, price is still one of the primary reasons why FUE will never replace FUT via strip.


Though I would never begrudge a professional their fee, "notjustyet" makes a valid point that other leading surgeons have started to charge less for FUE. Some physicians who've recently designed new and innovative tools have even alluded to faster and more effective FUE procedures leading to lower costs. Isn't it the hope and dreams of patients to be able to get the best work at an affordable price? Why are some of you crucifying "notjustyet" for his opinion, which I happen to share?


It's totally up to Dr. Feller as to what he wants to charge. However, there's nothing wrong with a member expressing his opinion that Dr. Feller's costs seem too high. Let's not assassinate him for it.


Now...let's get this thread back on topic. If you want to debate the fees of FUE and the doctors who offer it, I started a new topic to continue this discussion. You are welcome to respectfully continue this debate by visiting "Are Costs for FUE Reasonable?"


Now let's give forum member Cymru1980 back his thread ok?



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Thanks for the story Cymru. I thought it was interesting because we're the same age with very similar hair loss. For me right now I can't really justify the money for the HT and trip down to the US. I found it very interesting tho that Dr. Rahal was there, because I'm actually from Ott. I hope this means he's getting into FUE.

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