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2250 FUT 25 year old NW3 Male


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I've been lurking on this forum for awhile now and have just gotten a hair transplant on 1/18/2021 with Dr. Justin Misko located in Lincoln, Nebraska and wanted to share my story and progress. 

About me:

Male, 25 years old. NW III

My dad is around a NW VI and I unfortunately was following his hairloss timeline.

I take orally 5mg of Minoxidil and 1mg of Finasteride every day (No side effects whatsoever) for the past three months.


I had met with a few hair transplant specialist in the Midwest region of the United States and unfortunately with pandemic I decided to limit my search but get answers for every single question I had. I met with Dr. Misko and he answered all the questions I had about the procedure and about the risk involved with a person of my age getting a hair transplant. He was very honest and that's what I loved about him. He let me know he had techs that have 10+ years of experience and that they would take excellent care of me so I decided to do the transplant through him. I was also given 3 PRP treatments (one a week before, one at the 3 month mark, and another at the 4 month mark). I got all of this for around $8,750 for the PRP and FUT procedure. 



I arrived at the facility around 7am and filled out the waiver forms and picked what I had for lunch. I was then brought back to the operating room and met with the lead tech for the team and also the two others that would be assisting. We drew out a hairline that was still conservative and had a little recession but nothing that looked too unnatural. After the hairline, they injected local anesthesia into the back of my head in the area where the strip would be taken. I was taken to another room and was told to lie down on the bed face down. They made sure every point around the strip area was numbed and would inject more anesthesia wherever I could still feel a poke. The strip was taken out without any trouble and everything was sewn up with sutures. I was then taken back to the first room where the techs began working on separating the grafts. This process took A LONG time. (I came to find out my donor area was super dense and they had to be extremely careful when separating as they didn't want any chance of dissection) I fell asleep for an hour and awoke to my lunch for the day. After lunch, the lead tech came in and started injecting local anesthesia into the frontal third of my scalp to numb in for the incisions. After that process, Dr. Misko came in and starting performing the incisions. We both agreed a dense pack at the hairline was best and that we would work our way back with any extras. That process took about an hour and a half as the doctor wanted to make sure the incisions weren't too close to cause the grafts to die from lack of blood flow. After that was finished, the lead tech came to start placing the singular grafts for the hairline. She was super focused the entire time and made sure to take her time. Eventually the frontal middle part of the scalp was packed and it was time to work on the recessed corners and sides. One of the other techs came over and both started implanting the hairs. I was told they had pulled around 2450 grafts and decided to place them within my native hairs and pack more behind the hairline. I finally finished up around 8:30pm and was sent home with a bag of shampoo, conditioner, saline spray, and a calendar of do's and don'ts.



I thought the techs were AMAZING. They were calming and were very dedicated to providing me with an excellent hair line. Doctor Misko was amazing and checked in a few times to see how I was doing and thought this would be a home run (let's hope!)

I will attach a few photos:

Two pre-op (One dry and one wet)

One with the hairline design

One with the incisions and hairline packed

One with the frontal middle packed:

One with the final result (bad lighting I apologize)



Let me know if you have any questions and send me lots of luck!








Edited by hairlossNE
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Day 3 Update:

I've never been so swollen before in my entire life! Yes, I have slept at a 45 degree angle and have made sure to keep my head up... I feel like an over inflated tire! But other than the swelling everything is going well! The scabs are present and the itching has started. Can't wait to get through the shedding phase and see what's instore for me in a few months!



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Never heard of this doctor, I’ll he rooting for you, please keep us updated on your progress.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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5 minutes ago, hairlossNE said:

@giegnosiganoeThe front was super weak. I grew my hair out to cover that and the balding areas.

I see. It doesn't seem like many grafts were placed in that area, right? Do you think that central weak area will stand out compared to the hairline and temples?

Edited by giegnosiganoe
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@giegnosiganoe  That's my thought exactly. Totally prepared to get another transplant down the road to hit the weaker areas. Oral minoxidil has been awesome! No sides and it doesn't leave a greasy feeling on the scalp. I did notice my hair was thicker in my thinning areas before I buzzed it down so when I'm allowed I'm going to continue using it. 

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10 minutes ago, hairlossNE said:

@giegnosiganoe  That's my thought exactly. Totally prepared to get another transplant down the road to hit the weaker areas. Oral minoxidil has been awesome! No sides and it doesn't leave a greasy feeling on the scalp. I did notice my hair was thicker in my thinning areas before I buzzed it down so when I'm allowed I'm going to continue using it. 

How did you get a hold of it? My physician didn't want to prescribe it to me, not sure if it's worth shopping around until I find a doc who will.

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Day 10 Update:

Swelling has subsided and most of the scabs have been removed. Had a few hairs shed while gently massaging the scabs off but know that is normal. A little redness in the recipient area but no pain or sensitivity of any kind. The scar is looking good! I have a suture that needs to be taken out and will have that done on Friday!

First picture is of recipient area and second is of donor area.



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On 1/25/2021 at 7:21 PM, hairlossNE said:

@giegnosiganoe  That's my thought exactly. Totally prepared to get another transplant down the road to hit the weaker areas. Oral minoxidil has been awesome! No sides and it doesn't leave a greasy feeling on the scalp. I did notice my hair was thicker in my thinning areas before I buzzed it down so when I'm allowed I'm going to continue using it. 

What pharmacy did you get it at? I have the prescription but every pharmacy I’ve gone to doesn’t carry it. Did you ask for minoxidil or loniten? 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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3 hours ago, hairlossNE said:

@Melvin-ModeratorI got my prescription for minoxidil from my local Walgreens!

Did you ask for loniten?

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Sorry for the lack in updates! I got pretty busy.

Around about day 21, I had a massive shedding phase where around 95% of all the implanted hairs had fallen out. Trust me, it's not fun watching the hairline slowly disappear after every shower. I believe I am smack dab in the middle of the ugly duckling phase and  just patiently waiting for the growth to occur around month 4 and 5 hopefully. I do feel the implanted hairs poking through and that makes me feel so optimistic! The donor area has healed up magnificently in my opinion. I can barely notice the scar there. The scar itself isn't bad. There is a little numbness still there but other than that it is good. Hoping for the best! I am attaching photos for Month 1 and 2.

Month 1:







Month 2:







Week 10:


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Thanks for the update, everything looks right on track 👍🏼

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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