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"The Twins" Gemini 1 and Gemini 2...The Video...

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Oftentimes we are asked if we perform procedures on actors, politicians etc. While we do we obviously cannot disclose who these patients are because of patient confidentiality requirements.


However, two stage actors from New York have agreed to document their experiences with us for others to learn from. Both Paul and Peter have extensive acting backgrounds and have traveled North America performing Broadway shows as well as on and off Broadway in New York over the course of many years. While this is not very unique the fact that Paul and Peter happen to be twins is! We are in a very rare position to offer a side by side documentation of twins before, during and after surgical hair transplantation.


This is the first of a three part video series introducing you to Paul and Peter. Over the next few weeks I will post the continuing segments and eventually their results.


Gemini 1 and Gemini 2 Testimony Part 1

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I really love seeing patients at the beginning of their journey do their homework and find quality physicians who will do the job right. Though I can't relate to how hair loss impacted them professionally, I remember how much time I spent in front of the mirror analyzing the extent of my baldness and becoming depressed about it.


For those of you interested in following these patient's journey as they restore their hair and youthful appearance, visit their hair loss patient websites linked below.


Gemini1 Hair Loss Patient Website


Gemini2 Hair Loss Patient Website


Best wishes,



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Hey, Everyone!


This is Peter ("Gemini2"), and Paul and I are very happy to report that our Journey with Hasson and Wong was absolutely a joy from the moment we walked in the doors of the clinic!


Please read our individual blogs to get a more "in-depth" Moment-by-Moment/Month-by-Month account of our procedures (see "Gemini1" and "Gemini2" in the blog areas...), with pictures and dated entries to document the journey; but suffice to say that even just 6 weeks post-op, we are certain that choosing Hasson and Wong for our procedures was one of the single best personal AND PROFESSIONAL decisions we've ever made... If you're thinking about a transplant with H & W, you've found the very, VERY BEST!


More to Come as the Journey Continues...!


---Peter and Paul ("Gemini2" and "Gemini1")

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Friends,


This is Paul checking in, on behalf of the "Gemini Twins".


As Pete suggested in his entry here a couple of weeks ago, the best way to keep up with our individual results and reactions is to follow our journals on the blogs (under "Gemini1" and "Gemini2"). However, we wanted to put ourselves out here on the Forum as well, with periodic individual and mutual updates. Basically, we'll take any chance we can get to talk about the great experience we had with the gifted Dr. Hasson and his awesome team of hair-restoration pros.


We just hit the 2-month mark today, so we compared notes on how we're feeling, with almost identical reactions.


We're in that depressing (though entirely expected) "Charlie Brown" phase right now--that is, sporting a big, round, bald head with just a few curly wisps protruding from the forehead. We have each regained almost full flexibility and feeling in the back right side of the donor area. However, we are both still experiencing numbness and tightness in the back left side of the donor area. It's actually reassuring that we're both having this experience, since it would be much more alarming if one of us was, and the other wasn't. Still, we're not particularly worried at this point, since everything else seems to be improving as Dr. Hasson told us it would.


I know Peter mentioned in his last entry just what a reassuring experience it was dealing with Dr. Hasson and his team during our procedure, but I wish to second that sentiment here. In the darkest days of the recovery process (like those we are going through now), it is so much easier to trust that everything is going to be alright when a Doctor you entirely trust has told you it will. But the only way Dr. Hasson earned that trust was to treat us with great care, respect, and compassion throughout the process. Peter and I consistently remind each other how lucky we feel to have found Dr. Hasson and the H&W Clinic. It was without a doubt the finest choice we could have made for our hair-restoration needs.


Please feel free to write either one of us with questions about our experience with this great group of folks. Meantime, we are wishing the very best to all considering the procedure.


More soon.



"The Gemini Twins"

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Gang,


Paul checking in on behalf of the Gemini Twins at the 3-month mark. Wish we could say we are in great spirits, but--like just about every other patient on here at Month 3--we're in the lowest phase of the process right now. Only a little new growth to report for each of us in the recipient area, but obviously, that's par for the course at this stage. There has been continued reduction in swelling in our mutual "problem area" (back left donor area), but we both continue to experience some pain, numbness, and sensitivity there. Hoping and trusting that this will keep improving until it is non-existent (hopefully in another month or so). We're hanging in strong during this phase, and it's great to have the support of Dr. Hasson, his awesome team, and other successful patients on this forum. Thank you ALL for your continued encouragement! See you all in a month!


--The Gemini Twins


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Hello Gemini twins !!


I'm also in the entertainment biz (musician), and I am following your progess closely! Thank you so much for keeping us all posted.


I'm just curious to know what your average donor density (for each of you) was ? I know that H & W wasn't able to harvest as many FUs as planned, and I'm wondering if that was because of below average donor density (FU per sq. cm) or less than optimal scalp laxity ? Or possibly a combo of both ?


Anyway, hang in there brothers because the best is yet to come! I am still a virgin head, and I'm actually a little jealous that you guys have had this done sooner than I am able to!!


I really can't wait (literally) to see both of your final outcomes, as I think I'll be in that chair myself well before that 12 month mark comes!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey, There, Labrat!


Thanks so much for the comment!


Yes, you are correct on the donor-density issue: we did not get nearly the grafts we had hoped for going in--(only about 2800 for Gemini1 and about 3200 for Gemini2) but please understand this was not really due to any fault of H&W...


One of the biggest reasons we chose Hasson & Wong was because of their excellent reputation for high-density mega-sessions (you can see many examples of these results in their high-def videos posted on their home site).


As you can imagine, as actors, unlike a regular office or desk-job, the change in appearance during the extended 5-12 month recovery process GREATLY affects our casting and employment options, and we really only wanted to go through this process ONCE if we could help it.


Hasson and Wong have been the pioneers in 4000-5000+ mega-sessions for many years now--They have consistently achieved these (and even higher!) numbers in single sessions, and we were of course hopeful for those kinds of results in our procedures...


BUT as you have very rightly pointed out, MUCH depends upon the donor himself, and every donor is different, the yield of grafts depending upon a number of factors, including scalp laxity, donor density and area, as well as quality of hair, etc...


For Gemini1 and I, the lower-yield was indeed a combination of slightly lower-than-average donor density, and, you put it perfectly--"less-than-optimal" scalp-laxity. Indeed, even though we BOTH were RELIGIOUS about doing our scalp-laxity exercises for months leading up to our procedures, Dr. H reported to us when the surgery was complete that he would put us in the top 5-10% of "tightest scalps" he had EVER worked on, which severely limited our donor-yields...


What I want to ADD to this, is that for any "average" surgeon out there, 2800-3200 grafts would probably be on the higher end of what could be expected in a single session, and we both feel that due to Dr. Hasson's expertise and mastery, he WAS able to get MORE grafts than any other doctor would have been able to, and UTILIZED them better than any other doctor would have as well!


While we were certainly disappointed with the smaller-than-hoped-for-yields, we know our numbers are the exception that proves the rule, and that most "average-scalped-guys" could likely expect even better numbers...We are also confident that Dr. H got a better result FROM those yields than any other surgeon would have been able to--and for this we are exceedingly thankful!


We are eagerly awaiting our results as we really do believe that even 2800-3200 from Dr. H is going to make a HUGE difference, and we'll certainly post those results as they come in!


Also, Dr. Hasson has assured us that, depending on our satisfaction with this first-procedure outcome, there is always the option/possibility of a second-procedure (as scalp laxity returns after healing, more donor hair is able to be harvested) to achieve the hoped for 4000-5000 target numbers, and BELIEVE ME, if we chose to do this, we would NEVER go with a doctor OTHER than Dr. H!


Thanks again for your kind-words, encouragement, and question: hope our answer helped clarify some things. And by the way, congratulations on finding Hasson and Wong for your upcoming procedure--both my brother and I are so thankful we went with H&W for ours, and our only real regret is that we didn't do it sooner!


As the Nike commercial says, "Just Do It..." I'm telling you--ESPECIALLY AS A PERFORMER--you WON'T regret it!


Best To You, and Keep US Posted!


---"Gemini 1 and Gemini 2"

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Hey, Everyone!


Though I just posted a lengthy reply to a specific question from Labrat, I also wanted to check in with the Forum as a whole on behalf of Paul and I (the "Gemini Twins").


We have just reached the 4-month mark, and continue to have (pardon the pun) virtually "identical" progress/results...!


We are both (THANKFULLY!) seeing the first signs of REAL growth--especially in the front and at the hairline. And while it is truly JUST the FIRST signs (hopefully there is MUCH more to come!), it is a good deal more encouraging, as for the first time EVER, we are actually watching our hair grow THICKER rather than THINNER in front and on top!


What last month were just wisps and very fine single hairs here and there, are actually thickening, lengthening, and providing at least the START of some actual "frontal coverage" for us...


Pain and itching continue to lessen greatly with every month, and now it really is much more often a question of "tenderness-to-the-touch" than anything else, and only very occasional itching... We both continue to have some minor sensitivity, numbness and tenderness in our "problem area" (on the back left side of the donor area), but it gets better by the day, and we are hopeful in another month or so it will subside altogether...).


The "pinkness" of the recipient area has improved greatly as well, and is now a very light-pink: almost unnoticeable for both of us, unless you were actually looking for it.


The biggest evidence of the improvement between last month and this month is the fact that we both are routinely going out in public without our baseball caps now, and we have both returned to auditioning for the first time since our procedures as well--(albeit with the help of a bit of Dermmatch to help "fill in the blanks" still there...!) This was a huge step for us...


We remain in touch with the office of Hasson and Wong, and they continue to provide much needed and appreciated help, guidance and encouragement--they are so committed to the long-term support and care of their patients, it NEVER goes unnoticed or unappreciated!

They are the Best!


As always, please check our individual blogs/sites for more detail of our specific experiences, and thanks for your continuing questions and support!


We'll keep on keeping you posted!!




--Peter and Paul ("Gemini 2 and Gemini 1")

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Friends,


Paul checking in for the Gemini Twins at the 5-month mark.


As you'll read (more extensively) in our individual journal entries, we've each seen slow but steady growth this month in the donor area. We "think" we seem to be on track, but we are having a mutual concern about the current thinness around our entire hairlines. That is, the central part of the donor area seems to be growing quite well, while the front hairline (especially in terms of density) seems to be growing slower and thinner. I think one could easily attribute this to the assumption that the 3-and-4 hair grafts were probably placed a bit further back, while the 1-and-2 hair grafts were used up front. I have looked at other guys' pics on this and other forums, and the results differ significantly at 5 months, but there are enough guys who have similarly thin hairlines at this point to reassure us that it is likely just "that point" in the growing process. Hopefully, we have much thicker hairlines ahead!


We both also concur on how much body and strength the Proscar (finasteride) seems to have given our hair in the past 5 months. It's definitely a noticeable difference, for which we're grateful (and it bodes well for continued use of the product!)


Best to all of you in the coming month.


See you in March!


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Looking good to me bro. I'm sure that by month 8-11 that front will thicken up considerably.


Just a question about you guys being in the 5% minority of the tightest scalps Dr. H has ever worked on: did he notice this and point this out in the initial consultation ? I imagine that there must be some way of knowing pre-HT that the scalp is tighter than normal ?


I've only had one consult with a Ht doc and he said my laxity was above average and excellent. I can pinch a full thick layer of folded skin between my fingers anywhere in my donor area, and especially on the sides. Also, with the palms of my hands I can move the entire scalp around on my head and it slides up/down/front/back very easily and can stretch quite far if I apply pressure. This has to be an indication of a relatively loose scalp, I would think ?


Was yours and Gemini 2's really hard to move around when you were doing the stretching excercises ?

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Originally posted by Gemini1:

Hello Friends,


Paul checking in for the Gemini Twins at the 5-month mark.


As you'll read (more extensively) in our individual journal entries, we've each seen slow but steady growth this month in the donor area. We "think" we seem to be on track, but we are having a mutual concern about the current thinness around our entire hairlines. That is, the central part of the donor area seems to be growing quite well, while the front hairline (especially in terms of density) seems to be growing slower and thinner. I think one could easily attribute this to the assumption that the 3-and-4 hair grafts were probably placed a bit further back, while the 1-and-2 hair grafts were used up front. I have looked at other guys' pics on this and other forums, and the results differ significantly at 5 months, but there are enough guys who have similarly thin hairlines at this point to reassure us that it is likely just "that point" in the growing process. Hopefully, we have much thicker hairlines ahead!


We both also concur on how much body and strength the Proscar (finasteride) seems to have given our hair in the past 5 months. It's definitely a noticeable difference, for which we're grateful (and it bodes well for continued use of the product!)


Best to all of you in the coming month.


See you in March!


Hi! I just found this thread and found it very interesting. I am a patient of Dr. Wong and my hair quality may be close to yours.


I believe your observation is correct -- that the 2s, 3s and 4s placed more centrally account for more perceived density on the top than in the hairline. Even if it appears post operatively, that more grafts were placed in the front. It may also be that small 1-hair grafts are not as hardy as larger grafts.


If a patient has a large number of grafts focused in the front 1/3, there are alot of multi hair grafts in the front which translates to significant density. But the photos of the incisions may not show this. In photos, it is difficult to see the distribution of grafts.


I have returned to Dr. Wong for a second procedure with hopes to thicken the front and top. Check out my blog to see my growth progress. I would say that you are 1-2 months ahead of my growth from #1.


Good luck.

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Thanks for responding. I read your blog with great interest, and appreciated your comments and insight. I am wishing you great fortune with your second procedure with Dr. Wong. Drs. H and W are the absolute best in the industry, so I am certain they will take very good care of you to your satisfaction.


Thanks for writing, and all the best.


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  • 1 month later...

"Gemini Twins" 6-Months Post-Op


Hi, Everyone! This is Peter ("Gemini2") checking in on behalf of myself and my twin brother, Paul ("Gemini1") at the 6-Month Mark, and it's definitely STARTING to get EXCITING...!


Paul and I continue to have very similar ongoing experiences in our results, and have taken heart in the fact that we both seem to be advancing at the same pace...We feel lucky to have each other for a frame-of-reference, and hope we can continue to provide the same for all of you...!


We are both enjoying what seems to be ever-increasing coverage and growth--especially on the top--and have both remarked how exciting it is to catch glimpses of ourselves in the mirror with an ever-darkening hairline...! The hairs started out very fine and light, and the progress is always slower than one would like, but DEFINITELY steady... As the momentum grows, so do our hopes...As seems to be the case every month, the more that comes in, and the thicker and stronger the hair grows, the faster we WANT it to grow--but ultimately there is no doubt that it IS coming in!


We have always heard that the 7 and 8 month marks are where you begin to get a stronger picture of what you might expect longer-term, so we are hoping that the trend continues and increases!


On a slight "down-side," we have also both noticed a slight increase in sensitivity and mild discomfort returning to mostly the donor area, but also a bit in the recipient areas... At first we were individually concerned, but again, when we realized that we were both experiencing the same thing, we relaxed a bit, and theorize that perhaps with the healing that is happening, the nerves and sensation are returning to the area, and this is actually ultimately a good thing!


We will check in with Dr. H. on this to be sure, but until then we continue to be increasingly impressed and excited by his amazing work, and SO thankful that we chose H&W for our procedures...!


Eagerly anticipating the 7-8 month growth!


Stay Tuned...

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Gemini1 and 2,


Thank you both for sharing your experiences and documenting your progress on your patient websites.


I received an email from Peter regarding the patient blogs and missing photos and responded. All of the photos appear to be there as far as I can tell. Please let me know if you're seeing something different.


I'm looking forward to seeing your final result in a few months from now.


All the Best,



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