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Please evaluate my donor area

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I know a big part of a hair transplant being successful is having a good donor area to transplant from.

I always assumed I had a pretty good donor area but never got it evaluated so I was wondering if anyone who is experienced with this can take a look at the pictures and let me know what they think.

Just basically trying to determine if I have an average, below average or above average donor.

I also took a video as well with a comb being run through the hair:





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Let it grow a few weeks and take the photo again.....

You have dark hair and light scalp...the contrast does no help, particularly since your hair is rather short.  I know of some doctors would get the idea you may be thinning in the area.  To be absolutely sure, wait a few weeks.

You also seem to be experiencing a bit of retrograde

What hair loss pattern do you deem yourself to be?  Family history?

Are you doing any type of medical therapy to help you with retention?

Have you met with a hair transplant professional? An evaluation with a knowledgeable doctor would help.....


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  • Regular Member

Can you explain what you mean when you say retrograde?

I'm probably a norward 3 at the moment - hairline hasn't changed in a few years. Only some recession in the temporal area. Most of my family have the same hairloss pattern where there is only hairloss in the frontal area but never any hairloss in the mid scalp or crown.

I've never taken any medical for hairloss since and since my hair has stabilized in the last several years there would really be no point.

Did meet in person for a consultation with a local clinic a couple years ago. The lady said my donor looked fine and said I could have at least 3 hair transplants in the future if I wanted.

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Retrograde is loss that happens from the bottom up in the donor area.

Hair loss is like that.  It can go years without manifesting itself.  Keep an eye out for shedding and miniaturization of the hair.  

If the lady said so, it must be true......why then the concern?

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Sometimes don't feel like I can trust the opinion of one single person especially when they're financially motivated to sell you something. Would feel much better if I got an opinion from more than one person. Plus the place I got the opinion from isn't known to be the best clinic when in comes to hair transplants (they're basically the Canadian version of Bosley). I first went to them when I knew nothing about hair transplants and before I was a member of these forums.

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I think you have a good donor zone. The biggest take away for me is the coarse thickness of the hair. 

You appear to have thick south asian hair that makes hair transplant results look fuller and denser with less hair.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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