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Dr Diep Review


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In early 2017 I decided to undergo a hair transplant surgery performed by Dr Diep at MHTA at Los Gatos, California. The surgery was scheduled for August of that same year. Before I made my decision and picked Dr Diep to do my surgery I conducted a very thorough and exhaustive reasearch for over a year in order to find the best hair transplant clinics and doctors not only in the US but in the world. To me having a surgery is something extremely serious and delicate; and I wasn't going to leave it in the hands of just anybody. I wanted to find somebody that I could trust and that would help me achieve the best results possible. That being said even if it meant traveling across the world to find the best doctor... that was something I was willing to do. During my research I payed close attention to the years of experience that the doctors had been conducting hair transplants, their methods and techniques used and reviews, pictures and videos of the results of their patients. Dr Diep set apart from all the doctors that I conducted my research on. His results were impeccable; the density, the way he recreated the hairline and temples and the very natural look of his hair transplants was clearly superior than the other doctors. Dr Diep's patients after having had their hair tranplant seemed as if they had never had any hair loss issues. That was something that many other doctors failed to achieve; most of their patients after their transplants seemed as someone who is in their beggining stages of balding.

Now... 14 months after my hair transplant I am very pleased with the results and glad that I took the time to do my reaserch which led me to pick Dr Diep. I have no regrets and am extremely happy that I did not fall by a doctor or a clinic like many out there that try to convince people by offering them a cheap price or that lack the knowledge, skill and experience needed to achieve the best possible results. That is something that I did achieve with Dr Diep. Honestly, I would highly recommend Dr Diep. I know how exhausting it can be to pick a good hair transplant doctor and how hard it can be to trust reviews on the internet. I myself was very suspicipus of this and started doing my own reaserch from scratch. I hope my review will help a lot of people make the right decision and  make them feel very happy and satisfied afterwards; hopefully it can save them time and headches from not knowing what doctor to pick. So if you are as suspicious as me when reading other people's reviews; I would suggest that at the very least you consider Dr Diep and do your reaserch on him. You will find out for yourself that his results are some of the best in the world. You won't only thank him after he performs your hair transplant but you'll probably want to thank me too lol.


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Honestly, these sort of threads do worse than positive. Without pictures,  it makes it seem like a fake review. Now I’m not saying it is, I am a Dr. Diep, patient myself, so I know firsthand he’s a good surgeon, but others researching may not know this.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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