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PRP Treatment

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Hi everyone

This is my first post as the depression of hairfall hit me hard. Im 28M and my harifall started few years ago as hereditary. I never cared about it but recently observing myself turning into 40 in my late 20 made me to rethink about it. now I have pattern 3 baldness and the scalp is getting visible. 

After some online research, I felt instead of going to surgery why not to try PRP treatment. So, Im planning to take PRP treatment for hairloss in Melbourne. Can anyone suggest if this is a good idea. and does PRP treatment really works? does the hair line which i lost a year ago is able to comeback? is it affordable & pain bearable compared to surgery? 

I have booked consultation with two clinics in Melbourne. I will keep post the summary of two clinics how they offer and time of hair thickness recovery..




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Hi Raashuae,

It may be wise to save the money you are intending to blow on PRP and put it towards a hair transplant surgery.

PRP will not bring back hair that has long since gone.

Post some pictures so we can give you the best advice. Hold fire on the PRP for now.



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1 hour ago, raashuae said:

Hi everyone

This is my first post as the depression of hairfall hit me hard. Im 28M and my harifall started few years ago as hereditary. I never cared about it but recently observing myself turning into 40 in my late 20 made me to rethink about it. now I have pattern 3 baldness and the scalp is getting visible. 

After some online research, I felt instead of going to surgery why not to try PRP treatment. So, Im planning to take PRP treatment for hairloss in Melbourne. Can anyone suggest if this is a good idea. and does PRP treatment really works? does the hair line which i lost a year ago is able to comeback? is it affordable & pain bearable compared to surgery? 

I have booked consultation with two clinics in Melbourne. I will keep post the summary of two clinics how they offer and time of hair thickness recovery..




Post photos of your situation like suggested above.


Please avoid the Australian clinics, as an Aussie myself I've done extensive research on the situation here and there are no reputable clinics. PRP is a joke and certainly as a standalone treatment is not viable, you WILL continue to lose hair unless you get on finasteride. Your only options are finasteride as the best means of stabilising your current loss, and hair transplants. Most certainly don't have a hair transplant in Australia, our surgeons are talentless butchers.

I'm sure the clinics will try to sell you on the PRP, but realistically its may as well be a witch doctors brew they're selling at a profit margin of 98% because its an easy, and extremely overpriced scam that will ultimately lead to further necessary treatments like hair transplants when you inevitably lose more hair.


Finasteride is your best option for the moment, its cheap and has a very high success rate for maintaining the rest of your hair.

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I had PRP thrown in with my FUE.  I think to entice me to come back for more PRP.  How am I really going to know if it helped at all?

"Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More

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2 hours ago, Shera said:

Hi Raashuae,

It may be wise to save the money you are intending to blow on PRP and put it towards a hair transplant surgery.

PRP will not bring back hair that has long since gone.

Post some pictures so we can give you the best advice. Hold fire on the PRP for now.




as you asked, here are 2 pics I attached..  one reason I'm stepping back to have a surgery is its a "SURGERY'" . 

My brother had FUT which made him to stay at home for a month and the results is not worthy unless going for 2nd session. 

this fears me and due to my job, I cant take such a long leave.



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  • Senior Member
1 minute ago, raashuae said:


as you asked, here are 2 pics I attached..  one reason I'm stepping back to have a surgery is its a "SURGERY'" . 

My brother had FUT which made him to stay at home for a month and the results is not worthy unless going for 2nd session. 

this fears me and due to my job, I cant take such a long leave.



You are a norwood 4 and very close to a norwood 5. Surgery is your only option at this point for a drastic improvement. If you're concerned with healing times the turnaround on my FUE was about 2 weeks. Definitely tough with full time work though.

95% of hair transplant surgeons aren't competent and don't achieve good results on a regular basis, virtually none of them in Australia get good results so I wouldn't take your brothers case as the be all and end all.

Definitely check out the drug finasteride, and research transplant surgeons and options on a site like this. The PRP is just paying for hope, but ultimately won't help your situation. Surgery is no fun but for the most part and if you do your research properly for a good surgeon it has a high success rate and could drastically improve your situation. Large cases of FUE rather than FUT for high norwoods like yourself are an option in 2018 also.



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