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New guy seeking information.

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I am a new member and am considering hair transplantation, surprise! At sixty-eight, I am quite a bit older than most here. Nevertheless, I am vigorous and still working full time at a mid-level management capacity.

I began losing hair in the crown area in my early forties. That has become more pronounced along with on top.  

My hair loss pattern doesn't really seem to fit the Norwood Scale. My forehead has been high since my mid0teens and has receded an inch, at most. The top has maybe 25% fewer hairs but they seem to be normal in thickness and growth. The crown has far fewer hairs and miniaturization in about a 2.5 inch diameter. The crown is what actually bothers me most. the back and sides appear to be of normal density and average thickness. Most of my hair is white or getting there pretty quickly and my skin tone is fair.

I have tried to take photos but have not come up with any that seem to be very helpful.At my age I do not need a young man's hairline although I wouldn't mind it being lowered a bit. I don't need great density. I would like my rown to be covered with hair that grows normally as I had long hair as a young man. I've told friends I want to look like a musician, even an old one!

Any thoughts on my situation will be very much appreciated. I am an experienced traveler, have lived in Mexico, and speak very passable unaccented Spanish.

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  • Senior Member

U came to the right forum .. there’s a few members here that’s later in age as urself.. that had a transplant .. there results came out really well n are regulars here .. u should make an effort to absorb as much information as u can n choose the right doctors n procedures that suits ur needs .. u never too old to feel comfortable in ur own skin .. better to enjoy nice hair now than dead is what I say .. :)

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  • Senior Member

Hello John.

My story was very similar to yours as far as the loss age and pattern.  And I am a Musician and also 68. Going on 18.  I have had two procedure, the first at 64.

Here are two pics of me for you to consider what could be.

Bald guy and Hair guy.




I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

John Tinsley,  I am 71 and just had my 2nd transplant on Sep10.  2300 FUE.  In Nov. 2011 I had 2000 FUT at age 64, with wonderful results.  I could never figure out where I placed on the Norwood scale either.  I just knew my top was thinning.  This time I did it to get a fuller look in front, and the doctor said I have a great donor area, and in a year and a half I may consider filling in the crown area more.  If this transplant goes as good as the first I will be in 7th heaven.  I am being even more cautious with the transplants this time than I was the first time.  I mix baby shampoo in a cup of luke warm water and poor it over the transplants without touching them.  I do use my fingers on the donor area.  I then rinse with a few cups of luke warm water, again not touching the transplants, and I let my hair air dry.  I also spray the grafts with a saline solution several times a day.  Good luck on your journey!

"Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More

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