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Choosing a surgeon is pointless

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What's the point of choosing a quality surgeon if the technicians are doing the.majority of the work? We choose a clinic for the doctor not the technicians. My brother went to dr. Diep and all he did was the extractions and went back and forth between patients. Which is illegal I'm sure.

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Extracting the grafts and creating the sites are the two most important aspects of a hair transplantation, a hair transplant is a team effort, performing more than one surgery is not illegal, neither is having technicians place the grafts. Choosing a surgeon is not pointless, because you’re not only choosing the doctor, you’re choosing his track record and staff, this post highlights the importance of research. Is important to understand how a procedure is carried out.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Dr diep does two patients if it’s fut n a smaller procedure .. for FUE he does only one patient since it’s more time consuming ... that’s one of the reason I decided to pay double for FUe so I can be the only patient that day ..

How did ur brother transplant turn out ? Was he satisfied with the growth ?

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Dr diep does two patients if it’s fut n a smaller procedure .. for FUE he does only one patient since it’s more time consuming ... that’s one of the reason I decided to pay double for FUe so I can be the only patient that day ..

How did ur brother transplant turn out ? Was he satisfied with the growth ?


My brother did fue and he wasn't the only patient for diep. He had 2100 grafts and diep went back and forth with 2 patients. So I don't know why you were lucky to have diep all yourself.


My brother got quick results with 3 months. He's at the 8th month mark. Do you tend to see any improvement after?

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Extracting the grafts and creating the sites are the two most important aspects of a hair transplantation, a hair transplant is a team effort, performing more than one surgery is not illegal, neither is having technicians place the grafts. Choosing a surgeon is not pointless, because you’re not only choosing the doctor, you’re choosing his track record and staff, this post highlights the importance of research. Is important to understand how a procedure is carried out.


I get your points but I chose not to go to Dr diep but to HLC in Turkey because the doctors do the extractions and planting the grafts. They only do 1000 max a day to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. For my case. Day 1 will be 750 grafts and same.number for day 2.

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My surgery is in a couple of months .. when I did my booking I asked if I was the only patient that day.. she said yeah ..

so I don’t know .. I hope I be the only patient .. unless they book another person with me in the upcoming months.. anyone else had surgery with diep ? Were u the only patient that day ?

FUe requires a lot of attention to detail n time .. I really do not want to spend so much money n not get the docs full attention ..

but at least ur brothers hair is growing ..

I’ve noticed most his patients have fast growth ..

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My surgery is in a couple of months .. when I did my booking I asked if I was the only patient that day.. she said yeah ..

so I don’t know .. I hope I be the only patient .. unless they book another person with me in the upcoming months.. anyone else had surgery with diep ? Were u the only patient that day ?

FUe requires a lot of attention to detail n time .. I really do not want to spend so much money n not get the docs full attention ..

but at least ur brothers hair is growing ..

I’ve noticed most his patients have fast growth ..

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My surgery is in a couple of months .. when I did my booking I asked if I was the only patient that day.. she said yeah ..

so I don’t know .. I hope I be the only patient .. unless they book another person with me in the upcoming months.. anyone else had surgery with diep ? Were u the only patient that day ?

FUe requires a lot of attention to detail n time .. I really do not want to spend so much money n not get the docs full attention ..

but at least ur brothers hair is growing ..

I’ve noticed most his patients have fast growth ..


Yeah I get your concern..I remember reading someone's post saying dr. Diep only does one patient a day but during my consultation, I asked him if I would be the only patient he said no because I only had a small procedure 1200 grafts so they squeezed me in. But my brother had a larger procedure 2100 grafts and he still had the doctor go back on forth with 2 patients. Maybe you have a larger procedure which is why you would only be the only patient. How many grafts are you scheduled for ?

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Mines 2000 ..

How far ahead did ur brother booked his procedure ? Right now they are booked 8-9 months in advance .. but u can get an earlier date if u there’s an opening /cancellation .. or squeeze u in with another patient .. I was offered two earlier dates . May and August .. but decided against it since it didn’t fit my timeline. I bet if I choose those dates I was probably going to be squeezed in with another painter but I don’t know ..

So ur brother is liking his transplant right ? Is his 2000 grafts just to his hairline ? My recession isn’t bad .. so it’s all going to my hairline n about 150 to my temporal points ..

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Mines 2000 ..

How far ahead did ur brother booked his procedure ? Right now they are booked 8-9 months in advance .. but u can get an earlier date if u there’s an opening /cancellation .. or squeeze u in with another patient .. I was offered two earlier dates . May and August .. but decided against it since it didn’t fit my timeline. I bet if I choose those dates I was probably going to be squeezed in with another painter but I don’t know ..

So ur brother is liking his transplant right ? Is his 2000 grafts just to his hairline ? My recession isn’t bad .. so it’s all going to my hairline n about 150 to my temporal points ..


He booked in like 6-8 months advanced but had a cancellation so he took an earlier date. It went on his hairline and behind it. He likes his results so far at 8 months. Its only going to get better from here on.

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Thanks .. that’s good to know his hair is growing well.. best wishes to u on ur upcoming surgery.. I would advise u wait a little longer however .. 1200 grafts won’t get u very far.. u will continue to recede n just be chasing ur hairline ..

I had an scheduled surgery in decemeber 2017 for 1200 grafts also with another doctor.. I just started receding n losing hair since last year n I panicked.. n wanted a hair transplant ASAP .. good thing the doctor canceled on me n advised me to stay on propecia for a year first n see where things go ..

In a span of a few months my hair has thinned n receded even further that’s why I need 2000 grafts now .. n wasn’t too anxious about getting an earlier date with dr diep ..

My surgery is not until November .. by that time I be on propecia for a year..n more hairloss by then .. n if my hair gets worse I just get more grafts done on my first surgery. Worse thing we can do to ourselves is panic n chase our hairlines ..

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Hair Transplant surgery is a long process, my FUE was on the smaller side (2,300 grafts) and I was there from 8am until about 5:30pm. if a doctor was to do every single aspect of the surgery himself day in and day out without any techs assstance I doubt it would still be of the same quality. These guys are humans as well, and are suspectible to fatigue and making mistakes especially in an environment which requires their 110% attention at all times.


Would you rather the doctor do everything in light of the above? Or let him do the most important aspects of the surgery (punching of the grafts, incisions in the recepient) and let the trained techs do the remainder to keep him fresh?


Now on the other hand you are well within your rights to ask about the experience levels of the techs and their training, and also what the doctors involvement is on the big day. If it's a case of the techs doing 95% of the work, then I'd be concerned.

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Any doctor that does multiple patients a day and allows the techs to plant all of the grafts is a dick. Plain and simple. How greedy can these doctors get? $$$


Diep does great work but if that's true I'm done saying nice things about him.

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Any doctor that does multiple patients a day and allows the techs to plant all of the grafts is a dick. Plain and simple. How greedy can these doctors get? $$$


Diep does great work but if that's true I'm done saying nice things about him.


It's TRUE. Dr diep has 2 patients per day regardless of its FUT or FUE. He does the extractions but thats about it. He didn't even do the recipient holes. He went back in forth between 2 patients asking how they are feeling and then he stays at his office the majority of the day. You are not going to dr.diep but to his TECHNICIANS. Luckily my brother got good results but it's still a concern how he operates.

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Thanks .. that’s good to know his hair is growing well.. best wishes to u on ur upcoming surgery.. I would advise u wait a little longer however .. 1200 grafts won’t get u very far.. u will continue to recede n just be chasing ur hairline ..

I had an scheduled surgery in decemeber 2017 for 1200 grafts also with another doctor.. I just started receding n losing hair since last year n I panicked.. n wanted a hair transplant ASAP .. good thing the doctor canceled on me n advised me to stay on propecia for a year first n see where things go ..

In a span of a few months my hair has thinned n receded even further that’s why I need 2000 grafts now .. n wasn’t too anxious about getting an earlier date with dr diep ..

My surgery is not until November .. by that time I be on propecia for a year..n more hairloss by then .. n if my hair gets worse I just get more grafts done on my first surgery. Worse thing we can do to ourselves is panic n chase our hairlines ..


Thanks man! Wish you luck too. And that's great advice. I'm not going to rush this. Mayne do some natural remedies first like scalp messages and onion/coconut oil hair treatment and see if I get results. If not,then a hair transplant is my only option

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I still don’t know if dr diep always books two clients a day ..as of right now I think I be the only one that day .. ur brother chose to take the earlier date than he was scheduled, so they probably squeezed him in with another patient ..

from what I read here from other posters dr diep draws the hairline , does the extractions and incisions .. the most important parts of surgery ,, while the techs implant the grafts .. that’s pretty standard stuff nowadays ..

That’s why I always liked doctors that does everything ,.. I had chosen two different doctors before .. but after much insistence from the members here to choose a coalition doctor. I went ahead with diep , because he’s close by and has excellent results and does agreessivd hairlones .. ..

So I just have to put my faith in diep n his clinic to give me great results .. I am paying $16,000 for this . So I’m expecting a good transplant ..

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So Mirada are u on meds ? Finasteride ? I’ve been on it for 7 months now , .. feel like it helps with less hair falling . I’m still hoping it will thicken up my current hair ..

looking back at my pictures a year ago. I was a Norwood 1.5 with nice hair .. never thought all of a sudden I be needing a transplant ,, Once u starts noticing ur hair get thinner Hop on meds before it’s too late .. once they start falling they go fast . So don’t waste ur time with natural supplements n oils n stuff .. they don’t stop the dht from making ur hair miniaturized.

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I still don’t know if dr diep always books two clients a day ..as of right now I think I be the only one that day .. ur brother chose to take the earlier date than he was scheduled, so they probably squeezed him in with another patient ..

from what I read here from other posters dr diep draws the hairline , does the extractions and incisions .. the most important parts of surgery ,, while the techs implant the grafts .. that’s pretty standard stuff nowadays ..

That’s why I always liked doctors that does everything ,.. I had chosen two different doctors before .. but after much insistence from the members here to choose a coalition doctor. I went ahead with diep , because he’s close by and has excellent results and does agreessivd hairlones .. ..

So I just have to put my faith in diep n his clinic to give me great results .. I am paying $16,000 for this . So I’m expecting a good transplant ..


I have had two surgeries with Dr. Diep I can assure he does the extractions and incisions, the technicians play a key role as they would with any surgeon, as I previously said you don’t only pay for the surgeon but their team.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Thanks for confirming what I thought HT.. I wouldn’t choose doctor diep if he doesn’t even do the incisions.. the surgeon needs to draw the hairline , perform the extractions n do the incisions .... it’s important .. even though there are top clinics out of country that has great techs that does most the work while the doctor supervises. They need to let u know and u need to ask the credentials of the tech that is working on u on that day .. or else Mirada is right .. who cares about the doctor .. imma email doctor dieps clinic and make sure if I’m the only patient for the day , if not, I’m okay with it , but I need to be aware of it .. imma also double check if he’s drawing the hairline , does the surgical

extractions , and making the incisions .. these are important information that every patients need to know and ask .. some might be okay with it and some don’t .. but we need to ask we r paying good money ..$16,000 dollars I’m paying for this surgery , and some others even paying more or less.. so don’t be shy and ask the clinic ..

before going on this website .. I was so scared n panicked with my hairloss I would of chosen any clinic .. n would of put all my trust n money on Any doctor that promises me good results .. but now I’m more knowledgeable .. $16000 for 2000 grafts for 8 hours of work .. that’s a lot of freakin money right ? We should be treated like their best and favorite customer , even though it’s just for one day :)

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Oh yeah .. n yes Mirada..

It matters which clinic and surgeon u choose .. pick someone u r comfortable with that u feel will give u good to excellent results .. this is surgery bro .. u can get butchered or need a repair job if u don’t choose a good clinic .. we might be another patient and if we don’t choose them they have other customers in the line .. but we also have power and through research and patience n money we have options on who we choose .. in the end , it’s our hair n looks that we have to deal with for the rest of our lives .. best of luck in our hair restoration journey

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