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At 10 days post op can I.....

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I'm getting 3k FUE grafts on Feb 16th. Feb 26th I have a big work dinner.


Should I be ready with an excuse or do you think scabs, etc. will be not super noticeable by that point?


Is it worth it to have some dermatch on stand bye?



Had 3k With Umar on Feb 16, 2009


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I'm getting 3k FUE grafts on Feb 16th. Feb 26th I have a big work dinner.


Should I be ready with an excuse or do you think scabs, etc. will be not super noticeable by that point?


Is it worth it to have some dermatch on stand bye?



Had 3k With Umar on Feb 16, 2009


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You may or may not be ready to show off your scalp 10 days post op. You may be a fast healer. But if you are a slow healer than dermmatch is a must. It is has been my saving grace since I've been a slow healer and grower.


On another note... 3k grafts for a FUE procedure seems awfully large. Dr. Rassman says that the largest FUE session he has done is 2,500. And he pioneered the technique.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Dont do it.

The work dinner will be quickly forgotten, but if you show up looking gruesome theyre going to be talking about if for a long time to come.


Prudence better than regret.


Make up a good excuse ahead of time. A family obligation in another town is good.

hardcore long-term veteran of hack plug doctors to ultra refined coalition doctors.


knowledgeable about show business hair transplants

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I agree with you for the most part. As for the 3000 FUE's it will be done over 2 days, about 1500 per day which is doable.


The dinner is actually with a customer and not people I see everyday, so I'm hoping i will make it and I will definitely ask the doc about toppik or dermatch. There will be about 20 people there and I'm hoping the lighting wont be too bright.




Had 3k With Umar on Feb 16, 2009


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Hey guys,


I have my HT on the 12th and a sales awards dinner - presentation on the 31st. I have been planning on not going using the out of town excuse. Would you agree? Its a huge deal in my business to get awards but I think im going to bail on the event. Thoughts?


3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


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I'd go.


But I don't mind people knowing I had an HT.


You could see my shockloss at the donor site with both HT's I've had but I just tell people I had an HT if they ask what is "up with that".


They get all interested and I can't shut them up. (I kind of like the attention! Especially from the females. icon_smile.gif)


The VAST majority of people probably didn't notice anything though. (In my recent HT, no one has said anything.)


One man asked me once, "why the heck did you do that?" I told him, "because I'm vain for Pete's sake". He laughed, then looked at my scalp closer, then we went on to other discussions.


(And he was a high level executive where I worked. He really didn't care IMHO. Most likely he appreciated my honesty. We remained friends at work until he retired and still email each other alot. So, my point is, he didn't really judge me one way or the other in the final analysis IMHO.)


That is all there has been to it for me. No big deal and, from all I could tell, most people could really care less.


I kind of wish they cared more! icon_biggrin.gif

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Yes, that's different Canadian.


You'd have to probably cut short the rest of your hair to look right and tell them you had an HT.


I'd bet most people would be interested rather than critical. In fact MOST people IMHO!


But I understand. Personally I'd go, but it's a personal choice.


I mean, you could say "yes, I'm vain and scalp inspections will be allowed at the end of this speech". I'd bet people will laugh and you will be inspected. icon_biggrin.gif

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If you are getting the front 1/3 shaved you are going to feel and look alot different than you do now. You will be 19 days post-op and if you didn't have to shave I would say it is not a big deal. But, since you are going to have to shave (why is that ?---using Wong or Hasson?) I would ask not be to shaved if you would like to make attend the sales event and not feel your best.


Good luck.


And for Abedogg I would not go to the dinner or change it. Really the first 20 days without shaving you very aware of your HT procedure. If doned the on the hat in public for the first 45 days because of the "donor cut" and the line in the back and sides that showed. But, you are doing an FUE which is a different story will you have little red marks everywhere the Dr. removed the hair ?



Good luck!

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By 10 days the donor area should be relatively healed. I'm more concerned with the recipient area.


I plan on shaving the entire head for the procedure so it grows evenly. Otherwise the back will be shaved for the FUE and the top will be long which would look ridiculous in my opinion.


Anyway, I will let you guys know how it goes. I pretty much have to go to this. Its one of our bigger clients and the company has invested some money in this. Plus the customer doesn't like my boss who would be my fill in.



Had 3k With Umar on Feb 16, 2009


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Canadian-- I'm also in a business where we win awards and am also thinking Rahal for an Ht.


When will you return to work and what's your plan of action?

Also, Does Rahal always require to shave?

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Rahal told me he will be shaving the front 1/3.

Im cool with it and have come to terms with the fact im going to look like a freak for a while after. I wont be shaving my head until the stiches are removed at the two week mark.



Im glad to hear that the donar area should be realatively healed by the 2 week mark. I dont want to shave the whole head prior to the HT as I want to hide the scar for a few weeks. Good luck with the meeting, I think it will be clear that you had HT but really you have no choice, you have to go to the meeting. So I guess thats life! Let me know how it goes. Good luck




I am in real estate and the awards dinner is a big deal. However I dont think I will go to it as I dont want to wear a hat while wearing a suit (it would look silly)and the scar will be a dead give away!


I plan on not leaving the house for 2 weeks after the HT. I have prepared the house with everything I need and of course my wife is going to have to pretty much take care of the kids (2) for at lest the first week. After the two week marker I plan on shaving my head and then wearing hats all the time until my hair grows back.


To make up for the Hat wearing. I plan on dressing business casual, i.e. designer jeans, nice shirt, maybe a tie and dress hats. I picked up a London Fog and Calvin Klein hats so they look some what dressy.


I live in Ottawa which is damn cold pretty much until march - april so I should be able to get away with covering my head with hats and beanies etc. (kinds works with winter jackets) That should get me to the 4 month mark. Hopefully by then I can take of the hat in public!


I have also been wearing a hat for the past few weeks and only one person said something about it. I guess you just have to do what you have to do to be comfortable.


Whats your plan?


Thanks guys the feedback is helping me make decisions. 2 more sleeps till the big day! Yikes!


3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


My Hair Loss WebLog


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