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22 years of age want your thoughts.

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Hello all, been a lurker on here for around a year and have decided to finally to sign up and seek some of your advice. Before I start I just want to say how helpful this website has been. Thanks to here in the 18 months or so Iv absorbed so so much info on hair restoration- from step by step procedure of hair transplants to every single surgeon and there results to the risks and rewards and so On.


Now onto my hair. What bothers me isn't thinning or balding, infact in the last 4 years of monitoring my hair closely i believe Iv hardly lost any. It's the hairline that has caused so much grief stress and lack of self esteem from an very early age. It's the classic horseshoe shape which means Iv never been able to have a normal looking hair style. Instead I have to resort to the weird part over and as a result which we've all been there leads to time consuming effort to make it even look like a style. The worry isn't over, you go outside any bit of rain wind is going to spoil all that, your receding hairline becomes more apparent, your thinking is anyone looking or noticing? It's too much to deal with at a young age. I could kind of accept it more if i was in my forties even thirties it's part of getting old not at the ripe age of 20 Which is why I'm seriously considering a transplant in the next year or 2.

What are my expectations? I am in no way looking to lower my hairline or even have a straight nw1 hairline, I'd rather opt for a safe conservative approach as I know this is a lifetime investment. I want a transplant for practical reasons just as much as vanity ones. Like I said not have to worry every single say what it's going to look like, I want to feel better about myself and I want hair as well to frame my face. i am not taking medication ATM, I would consider fin after transplant but atm Iv felt Iv not needed it unless I did notice thinning I would maybe jump on it. Before I post pics il briefly go over my family history so you have as much information as possible. My father is a nw3 same horseshoe look but more receded. Good news is he he has no loss on crown bar a bit of thinning on top he is 47. My mothers father was a nw2-nw3 again highhairline but kept a lot of his hair. Thanks if youv taken your time to read this I am looking forward to your feedback, how much longer shall I wait for one ? How many Grafts would I need and where? Hairline? Temples? I am in uk and my fav surgeons are keser and erdogen in turkey and lupanzula and bisanga in Belgium. I only want the best money isn't a problem. All my pictures are hair wet.





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I guess if it bothers you it bothers you , I personally think especially since your hair is wet think it looks pretty good and it's not not the classic horseshoe look that's when you have crown balding too and just the sides in tact . I'm pleased to hear you don't want to lower or straighten your hair-line too much I think young guys with a slight recession can look cool and have a bit of an edge as long as rest of hair is solid, of course i understand why it would bother you , you seem to have a sensible approach and I'm sure you will get some good advice on here .

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I don't think you should do anything at this point. I did think you should be on fin if you're serious about keeping your hair. Good luck.

Edited by Spanker

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Honestly, most balding men would kill for that hairline and actually get transplants to try and achieve it.


I'd try out preventative treatment such as finasteride and reassess in a year, you look good, and that hairline will look age appropriate in the coming years if you get to keep it.


Honestly, a slight recession is often deemed distinguished.


BUT given your family history I'd try out finasteride NOW.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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This forum cracks me up, always the old heads telling young nw3s they don't need to touch there hairline.





I had my first surgery at 23, and was in the same position as yourself. Rahal put 2300 grafts on to my entire frontal third.



If you are stabilized with medocatiom.and willing to vomit to life long treatment then hair restoration isna reasomable. However, if you are not willing to take finasteride then it would be a big mistake to undergo restoration.




Expect to need additional work on the future




People seem to.forgrt that having a nw3 on your teenage years and early twenties is not the same as being fourty. It's a crippling feeling jodomg behind a comb over and low.self.esteem.while everyone else your age is living freely.



Get it done, and be that person you want to be.




Message me if you want to talk to someone who's been through the ropes and has suffered baldness since an early.teenager.



I can provide you a better insight

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Exactly. No 20 year old frankly gives a damn if some 45 year old paper pusher would be happy with a norwood 3. Take advantage of your 20's.
All well and good if you intend to die young or can prevent the hair behind it from continuing to thin at all, otherwise you'll look like Joe Biden.




Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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The only thing wrong with that is you found the most homoerotic picture of those two. Otherwise his hair looks good for a guy in his 70's.
That's an incredibly unnatural hair loss pattern that looks like plugs.


He's actually benefitted from greying softening how bad that hairline looked when he colored it.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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OP - your hair looks great. However, like others have said, if you are serious about keeping the hair you have then start on meds. This is especially important if you have a transplant done at such a young age.

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In my objective opinion your hair looks fantastic. I understand your concern regarding your recession, but the density you have throughout is great. My personal advice to you would be to jump on some rogaine foam, try finasteride. If you have some side effects from it then get off it immediately, for that is what I did. In conjunction to being on these treatments you will be saving money, as well as seeing whether or not your hair loss will continue to evolve to a higher norwood. If everything stabilizes for 3-4 years, and you do not incur any further loss, then you may consider going to a reputable surgeon to have your hairline worked on. But by all means do enough due diligence before jumping into a procedure.





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