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Dr Mohebi - No Growth At 10 Months

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I did 2800 grafts with Dr. Mohebi last Fall - 10 months in I have zero growth. Feel free to PM me for details. Having had a successful HT prior to this one with a different doctor, I sensed from the first day of post-op there was problem based on how painful the closure was and subsequently how poorly the scar healed. At 6 months after the first procedure, performed 5 years ago by a doctor who is routinely complimented and held in high esteem here, I saw signs of growth and by month 9 (and on) the results were noticeable. No post-op issues whatsoever, and graft count was basically the same.


I was on Finasteride for 1 year prior to the procedure with Dr. Mohebi and have remained on it since (almost 2 years consecutive now). I reached out at month 6 and found it very difficult to get the doctor himself to respond - I say this because I was reaching out to let him know I was somewhat concerned (only mildly at that point) that, at month 6-ish, I was not seeing any evidence of growth - like, none whatsoever and in fact it seemed like I was losing a substantial amount of hair. That was certainly a reasonable concern of mine at that point. After 4 attempts to reach him, he replied and blamed me for how poorly the scar healed and how difficult the post-op period was. I followed all of his instructions to a 'T'. What possible incentive would I have to do otherwise?


Again, post-op after my first procedure was a breeze. He now says that the way I look at month 10 is due to shock loss.


I do not drink nor do I smoke. I made no changes to my diet prior to or post HT with Dr. Mohebi and I have not taken any supplements/medicines of any kind other than Finasteride and Biotin.


I am a public figure and will not post pictures here but feel free to message me and I'll be happy to share what I have.


Today I went for a haircut from a guy who's been cutting my hair on and off for several years, although due to my schedule I had not seen him in about a year. He whispered 'what are you doing about your hairloss?' while I was in his chair. 10 months and $15,000 later.


One other thing I'll say is that due to the poor/non-existent results from Dr. Mohebi's procedure, I honestly have to admit that it is really - really - depressing styling my hair each day now, because of what I'm now 'working with' as opposed to just one year ago. It's a real bummer to say the least.


Although it may seem otherwise, this is not a take-down piece. Having had two procedures now, both with markedly different results, I am simply letting anyone know who is considering a HT, or a second HT, either with Dr. Mohebi or with someone else, to proceed with a great deal of caution. Again, the scarring, the intense post-op pain, the hair loss instead of growth and quite frankly Dr. Mohebi's poor attitude has found me in a very regrettable situation. Beware.

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  • Senior Member

As im sure pics would help, the fact that you would experience 100% shock loss from what iam assuming is (FUT) is unacceptable...I would be pissed off to say the least!

12/11/17 2500 FUE Grafts with Dr. Steven Gable

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  • Senior Member

Sorry to hear of your experience. I know that Dr. Mohebi routinely schedules a day after procedure follow up wash, then a 2 week check up to remove staples, and then a 6 month and a 1 year follow up appointments. Did you have a 2 week visit and a 6 month visit? Were the concerns verbalized to him then?

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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  • 1 month later...

hi there - yes, of course i followed up with him. i alerted him immediately to the pain related to the closure and then again in terms of how difficult the area was to heal. he was dismissive and rude to say the least, and blamed me for the poor healing - something about not following his instructions, which, again, i followed to a 'T'. it was very disheartening. when i realized there was a growth issue, i notified him right away and again, he was very dismissive. like i did not know what i was talking about, or i was not seeing right.

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At 10 months you should definitely have some growth. Have you contacted Dr. Mohebi and shared your concerns? What has he said? While we welcome patients to share their genuine experiences good or bad on this forum, we also encourage patients to contact their physician to try to work out their concerns.


At this point you've already named the physician and you've already said you have no growth. I strongly encourage you to share before picture and photos of your hair now so we can see what it looks like. I will also be contacting Dr. Mohebi so he can provide his input on this topic.


Dr. Mohebi is an excellent surgeon with a renowned reputation. I trust he will stand by you and make things right.


Best wishes,



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  • Administrators

To be fair to the doctor and potential patients I think it would be appropriate to provide pre op photos, the photo you posted saying "would you be happy with this" is a difficult question without knowing what you looked like prior to having surgery.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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We heard back from Dr. Mohebi and he thinks he knows who you are. That said, he's reached out to you several times and he said the only response he received from you is that you want a full refund or you will destroy his reputation. If he indeed has the right patient, this is not the kind of thing we support on this community. Dr. Mohebi is willing to work with you but he will have to evaluate you first. Please reach out to the doctor by phone so you two can talk and possibly come to an amicable solution.


That said, in case he's wrong and he doesn't have the right patient in mind, please contact him anyway, identify yourself and give him permission to share his side of the story. This is part of our fair forum policy.





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  • 2 weeks later...

hi there HTsoon - please read my original post carefully. all i know is that i just spent my post-shower time this morning - like i do every morning - piecing together the hair on the top of my head like Christian Bale in 'American Hustle.' and every morning that i do this, i think about the in-excess-of $15,000 Dr. Mohebi charged for this pleasure. i am now post-op 1 year and there has been extremely little-to-no growth whatsoever.


i am reporting this simply for the newcomer here, per my original post. for the gentleman who is considering his first HT, who has possibly saved his money for a year or more to make it happen and is trying to determine whether or not he is choosing the right doctor .... contrary to what you see and read here, i am here to tell you these doctors ARE fail-able. an HT can go bad, as in my case. going with Dr. Mohebi turned out to be hair-suicide and i certainly intend to pursue every legal remedy at my disposal to recover my investment. i really have no other choice given the results i've been left with.


this has caused a great deal of depression and heartache for me. i simply would hate to see another man go through something like this. as such, i have poked my head up here to offer an unfortunate but necessary perspective on this process and decision.


i have had consults with 2 other highly reputable doctors in the last 30 days to discuss a 'repair' (although there is little to 'repair' in the traditional sense) - they both say the same thing regarding why this happened.


and as i have mentioned several times, i have all the emails that were ignored by Dr. Mohebi and some that include his incredibly rude and evasive responses. I will not post them publicly given their value within the context of arbitration. that is on the advice of counsel. but i have them and that is all that matters.


thank you again to those who seem genuinely sympathetic. i truly hope someone here can use this to avoid a similar outcome.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I have yet to receive an email from you identifying yourself privately which I asked you do about a month ago. If we are going to keep this topic available for discussion, you need to identify yourself privately to me since the clinic is having a hard time identifying you. At this point, there's not much to go by.


Also, you only posted one picture asking if people would be happy if they were in your shoes. I was honestly blown away to see someone actually respond with "No, I would not be happy...wtf". I mean...how in the world can anyone evaluate a singe picture when we have nothing to compare it to?


So if you'd like us to continue this thread, we ask that 1) you identify yourself to me privately via email at help@hairtransplantnetwork.com by giving me your full name and date of surgery and 2) you present several before pictures and current pictures of your scalp showing multiple angles of your scalp, in particular where the grafts were placed.


Note: I am locking this thread until you identify yourself to me privately like I asked via email. Once this is done and the clinic is able to verify you, we will unlock the topic enabling you to post the pictures I asked. If you choose not to identify yourself to us privately and/or give Dr. Mohebi permission to post his side of the story, we will have no choice but to archive this topic out of public view, as that would be the only fair thing to do.


Thank you,



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While Dr. Mohebi doesn't know who the poster is he still formulated the below response. Because the topic locked until the patient identifies himself to me and gives his physician the permission to share his side of the story, I am posting it on Dr. Mohebi's behalf.


Dr. Mohebi's reply.


We would love the opportunity to clarify what we believe to be misinformation in this thread, however our attempts to contact who we suspect this patient to be have gone unanswered. Due to the anonymity of this thread and the vagueness of the claims, there is very little we can do or say at this time in response. If this is indeed the patient we believe it to be, he has refused all offers on our end to come in for an in-person evaluation and hasn’t shown up for any of his follow-up appointments since his 2 week post-op evaluation. Without his cooperation, our hands are tied.


The offer still stands to meet with me and my team so we can do what we can to rectify the situation and get to the bottom of what is going on. We are proud of what we do and I stand by my work. I would love the opportunity to understand what is going on here so we can do whatever we can to make it better.

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