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5 and a 1/2 months, 800 grafts, Dr De Reyes

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Update at about 7 and a half months.

First picture is under flattering lighting. Second pic is a sunny day pic, third and fourth are with the flash on. I can still see new hairs sprouting and I hope this continues because the density still looks below the 50FU per cm2 I paid for.





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I think overall it looks pretty good.

Especially pics 1,3 and 4.


I do agree there is some lowered density and it doesn't help that it's right in the middle of your hairline.

Maybe another hairstyle parting it slightly to one side instead of in the middle for example could help with the overall look if doesn't improve from here.


If you were to go for another procedure for added density it would require shaving to avoid damage what you have currently but it could be done as many including myself have done before.

The docs I mentioned above would be good to research in the meantime, and if it does thicken up you could just leave it.


Lot of alternatives these days including great HT surgeons worldwide.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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There's far too much distance between a lot of the hairs. Some patches look high density th n others have massive gaps between hairs. Not sure if it's hair that didn't take, if hair may yet sprout or if those spots just weren't planted. I'm definitely up for shaving down and adding density and I appreciate the recommendations, thanks!

I think I medium length combed forward style like Ed Sherman might cover up the thin spots a bit.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Just over the 8 month mark. New phone with better camera so better photo quality. Photos taken under bright light with the flash on. Does this look like 50 FU per cm^2? At this stage I would imagine there will be some maturation but very little new growth.







Edited by WantSephirothHair
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Hard to tell really, you appear to have fine (or medium/fine) blonde hair and the length makes it more difficult to discern the density. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume this is 50/cm2 though. It does look like a successful op though in terms of what the doctor actually planted.


Personally I would recommend that if you do go for a follow up, you go to someone who has a bit more of a reputation as a "hairline specialist". They're not going to force you to get a low, nw-1 esque hairline, just be very clear about what you want! :)


It may even end up being advantageous that you've already had this op, as it's probably easier to recreate a very high density over a couple of procedures than it is in just one sitting (which is why i suspect the dr in question insisted on 50/cm2). That said, there are several top docs who are quite happy to transplant @ 60-70 fu/cm2 in one sitting and obtain excellent results.

Edited by thatoldchestnut
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I think it is important to be patient, as you are still only 8 months post operation. I've had two operations with Dr De Reys, and my growth was particularly slow. The growth after my second FUE with Dr De Reys continued to improve from 12-18 months. I am not sure if it is normal or not, but it did happen. I know it is hard to be patient, but it is a waiting game.


Also, I know Dr De Reys generally quotes fewer grafts than most doctors (he was much lower for me too), which might mean you have to go back to add some density. It might not be what you want to hear, but I was very satisfied with my hairline and front region after my second operation.


One thing I can say is that Dr Raghu Reddy (coalition FUE surgeon) praised Dr De Reys work very highly, so I think you can be confident he will have done a good job in terms of looking after your donor area.

Edited by Edsarn2017
Typographical errors!

 9133 FUE grafts over 4 operations:

1)  Dr De Reys - 3000 grafts in 2012; 2) Dr De Reys - 1800 grafts in 2014; 3) Dr Raghu Reddy - 1200 grafts in 2017; 4)  Dr Arshad - 3133 grafts in 2019


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You're GoldenMane right?


Hard to tell really, you appear to have fine (or medium/fine) blonde hair and the length makes it more difficult to discern the density. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume this is 50/cm2 though. It does look like a successful op though in terms of what the doctor actually planted.


Personally I would recommend that if you do go for a follow up, you go to someone who has a bit more of a reputation as a "hairline specialist". They're not going to force you to get a low, nw-1 esque hairline, just be very clear about what you want! :)


It may even end up being advantageous that you've already had this op, as it's probably easier to recreate a very high density over a couple of procedures than it is in just one sitting (which is why i suspect the dr in question insisted on 50/cm2). That said, there are several top docs who are quite happy to transplant @ 60-70 fu/cm2 in one sitting and obtain excellent results.


Yes, but I'd like to avoid cross pollination and retain anonymity on this site if possible!

Yes one advantage of having a second pass is that I'd imagine less grafts are lost if done over two sessions and the surgeon has the skill to avoid transection. The uneven density at the center of my hairline and thin spot that was seemingly ignored leads me to believe that I may not have received as much care as some of his other patients.

I don't consider this HT a failure by any means, but so do think of it as a work in progress in terms of density. In terms of styling options, I'm not really any better off than before, I still look like a guy with visible frontal thinning at 8 and a half months, except now I look like a NW2 thinning in an NW3 patternt

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I think it is important to be patient, as you are still only 8 months post operation. I've had two operations with Dr De Reys, and my growth was particularly slow. The growth after my second FUE with Dr De Reys continued to improve from 12-18 months. I am not sure if it is normal or not, but it did happen. I know it is hard to be patient, but it is a waiting game.


Also, I know Dr De Reys generally quotes fewer grafts than most doctors (he was much lower for me too), which might mean you have to go back to add some density. It might not be what you want to hear, but I was very satisfied with my hairline and front region after my second operation.


One thing I can say is that Dr Raghu Reddy (coalition FUE surgeon) praised Dr De Reys work very highly, so I think you can be confident he will have done a good job in terms of looking after your donor area.


From what I've read, I should have about 75-80% of my full result now. And most if not all of the hair has sprouted. While I fully expect maturation, thickening and length, O don't think that will be enough to make up for some very low de duty spots.

I k is I should wait for 18 months, But Im pretty certain that I need additional density in spots, particular just left of my central parting.

I'm not doubting Dr Rey's care with my donor, it's a precious and very limited resource and conserving it is paramount. That's why I chose him. But I also don't want to look like a balding guy, and I still do.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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It's partially in my head and partially for real. 9 month update. These pictures were all taken with the flash on except the last one. It is looking a little better. I can still see some new hair sprouts. I'd still say the density is quite uneven. It looks very natural, I really like the shape on the right side, less so on the left side. The right side seems to have a little higher density too. It actually looks pretty good during day time and under natural light. It looks less good at night time with unnatural light or single light sources.

I'm considering having a second HT this winter, shave my head and reinforce everything on top for added density. It might be better to go with FUT for that to maximize my potential graft yield. Not concerned about scars, can just get SMP for that.






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Cheers! I'll say this, Dr De Reys has very natural looking results. The hairline design definitely looks normal. The right temple is fantastic, exactly what I wanted. The left side... We'll I'll wait and see... The density still isn't what I wanted, but it has increased so my earlier fears that all hairs had sprouted were unfounded. In some parts I'm happy with the density, elsewhere less so. I hope the density will even out. I'm definitely going to have another HT by I won't change the hairline shape, that's fine imo. My next HT will b for reinforcement and added density.

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For my next HR I need someone who is skilled at placing grafts between existing hairs without transection. I don't yet know who is best for that. I'm not 100% satisfied this far. Maybe this is unrealistic expectations, or maybe it's due to Dr Rey's design/decision/technique. I'd rather let the results speak for themselves. If anyone thinks my results look good then then consider him recommended. If people think my results look bad then obviously look elsewhere. If people think my results are decent but unspectacular, then that's what they are. 800 grafts, conservative design and a doctor considered to be ethical, but conservative.

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It's definitely not a bad result though, I'll say that. I'm

Not a repair case, I have a natural looking result, I do look better now then I did a year ago. Is it an improvement? Yes definitely! Is it the result I was hoping for? No, not quite!

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I think from the start though you have had unrealistic expectations about what to expect. You have a great result already and you're only 9 months in. Average is 12 months for the full resut and can take even longer in other people. He is a conservative doctor but he has a reputation for that so you can't say you weren't expecting it. I agree with thatoldchestnut - I think it is very solid (but then, easy for me to say that as it isn't my hair).


Keep posting progress, I have enjoyed following it and it will help other people, myself included, in making a decision.

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I will. You're both right! I will say this; Dr De Rey's is a good surgeon, and he got probably the best result possible for 800 grafts. He did a good job. A conservative job, but a good job. Given my expectations I should have gone with a surgeon who plants grafts at higher densities. For hairline work I maybe could have chosen another surgeon. I don't regret having surgery with him exactly. I look better with a natural result, but if I could go back in time, I might have chosen a hairline specialist or someone who plants grafts at higher densities

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The problem is, you could have gone with Ergodan etc. who do high density work but what is your balding pattern and what is your family history? Are you going to need (substantially) more work done in the future? If so, I think mid- to long-term you will appreciate having gone with Dr De Reys who has given you a good, natural looking hairline with not many grafts used. And there is still 3 months+/- left of progress from this HT to wait for.

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My maternal grandfather is NW6 and has been as far back as I remember. My dad is NW3-4 at 51 but I think I take more after my maternal grandfather unfortunately. I was NW 3V at 26 prior to fin and Minox. Given my NW6 destiny I wanted s conservative surgeon, hence I chose Dr De Rey's overt Erdogan. But I still want the nice dense hairline. I guess it's all compromise. I'm following Dr Tsuji and Kyocera, Shiseido, Replicel very closely...

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In that case I think you will appreciate having gone with Dr De Reys in a few years. I am NW3v now at almost 32. I want a conservative doctor to do my work this is why De Reys is on my short-list. I just wish he posted more cases online!

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