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2500 grafts done by DR RESUL YAMAN

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Hi guys,

I have done my HT surgery on 17th December 2016 in istanbul at DR RESUL YAMAN'S clinic on front and temple area. I have a good donor area and no hair loss on top and crown area. I am 33 years old. I requested for a very good density and was told 48 grafts per cm2 is good density. Now after the surgery I read a lot of forums and saw Youtube videos and 48 grafts per cm2 looks like a very average density and the scalp will be seen and it will look very odd and unnatural. After reading on the internet it looks like 60-70 grafts per cm2 is above average and some doctors do 80 grafts per cm2 too for good density? My aim was to get good density and not just have a hair transplant to cover my head with some hair. I have heard that many doctors are capable of doing 70 grafts per cm2 with good grafts survival rate. Please see my picture and let me know what you think. This picture was taken 2 days after the surgery. Do you think I'll get a natural density without any scalp seen after the growth? I can see a lot of gaps in the picture which I think that it could have been filled with more grafts? Please advise.


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50 to 55 grafts per square cm would of reasonable density. There are claims of more density achieved by certain clinics, however trying to do this might impair the microcirculation of the recipient area and result in failure or poor growth.

To get higher density of 60 to 70 per sqcm, you may want to have a second touch.

The reason for gaps in between your grafts is the presence of swelling. Once this subsides, you will see less gaps.


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Do you know what your native hair density was measured at behind your newly transplanted hairline ? Out of interest what was it that made you go to dr Yaman ? What parts did he actually hands on perform in your surgery ? Cheers

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I selected his clinic because of this website recommendation. Density behind by transplanted hair wasn't measured. Only hair thickness was measured in my donor area. He performed extractions and incisions. Everything was done by him except putting the grafts in the frontal area was done by assistants. The way he handled everything was very good. I am not sure about my transplanted density though. I think this could have been better because this is what I was looking for as I have hair everywhere else on my head as you can see.

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For density it will depend on your hair caliber, if you have thick coarse hair you can get away with lower grafts/cm2.


I was going to ask also as to why you chose this surgeon if you are focused on density.

Also just being recommended here is a first step only. I would screen a shortlist of recommended doctors to find who is the best out there (this is mainly directed at others reading this thread).

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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This website is really strange... people ask to post realistic results from this specific doctor but after the results are posted... no one has anything to say or advise or suggest? I will be completing 6 months mark in next 2 weeks and have appointment with the doctor. So far nothing much has changed at the front... big gaps between 2 grafts... Measured 3 big gaps yesterday more than 1 cm2 on the frontal area.... let's see what the doctor suggests as I am a bit worried now because not much will change on the area where hair has not grown after 6 months... :(

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There just isn't much to say. You're just past 6 months along, peoples hair grows at different rates and hair thickens up over time so while it looks gappy right now, we don't know what the finished product is yet. My hair thickened up significantly between months 6-8, upto that point lots of hairs but they were thin and looked weak. It's easy to stress out but you gotta be patient. I'm gonna guess even your docs gonna say wait a year, and then see where you're at so there isn't much advice we can give you right now.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Not looking good so far.... I guess have to wait for a whole year to see final results?

Any advise? At 6.5 months I was expecting more than this. Some areas the grafts have not grown and has atleast half cm2 gaps. Met Dr. Last week for PRP and he kindly mentioned that I may have to do a second operation. So I wonder what happened to the grafts that were planted in the first operation? The whole team of Dr Resul Yaman is great with very positive and helpful attitude and they are willing to do a repair so it matches the density at the back but the thing is what's the guarantee that the hair will grow second time after I go through all that pain and effort and holidays from work again as it didn't grow in som areas at all the first time. So I am not sure... although attitude and customer satisfaction I give them 10 out of 10 but don't know what to say so far about the result... but let's wait and see the results after 12 months. I counted my grafts yesterday by taking a 1cm2 box and I could only see around 20 grafts per cm2 and 48 grafts cm2 were planted. Hope the rest grows in next few months... The thing is that I am not completely bold and it was only about lowering the hair line as you all can see in the pictures. But if the transplanted hair doesn't grow properly then it looks even worst than before the surgery.



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I have yet to see any standout results from this doctor at all (which haven't been posted by the clinic themselves). I wouldn't expect much more improvement from here if any. I would think very carefully before returning to this doctor for a second procedure.

Edited by rickyrixon
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Well lets wait and see what happens in another 5 and a half months. I saw another thread form Regret44 that his results are very poor and the doctor is going to refund the money. To me money is not important. It's the time, pain and embarrassment in public and at work to hide my head all the time with this type of result. It's just stressing me out at the moment everyday every minute :( No hair in those gaps yet so I don't think after 7 months there will eb any new growth... so far it looks like 20 hair in 1cm2 and few spots it's only like 10 hair cm2. I have counted it so many times now... I keep looking at it and have to hide it everytime in this windy weather. Hope for the best in next few months and I'll go and see the doctor after I complete 10 months.

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Hi Hairtransplant33, I had HT with Dr Yaman 10 months ago, he just drew the hairline and made the incisions. I would say he seems a lovely fellow, just a shame he did not speak any English. I also found it a little ironic that he had loads of ISHRS magazines there, which had so many articles saying how membership would not be allowed if so called 'hair techs' were performing the majority of work!!! The 'hair techs' were responsible for the extraction and placement of grafts. There was also a constant rotation of the techs which was annoying. However, having said all that my results are pretty good if not very good. I did not have any shedding at all and the grafts just seemed to grow from day one! My frustration was with the shock loss to the donor area which took over 5 months to possibly recover. I say possibly, as I grew my hair to cover what were small bald patches and have been too scared to cut my hair any shorter than grade 6 on the side and back, although I think it has recovered now. My hair actually looked very good at the 4-month stage! No idea how this forum works, I posted for the first time yesterday with photos of my crown and was hoping for a plethora of responses and advice but have only had 1 so far!!! I started taking Finasteride and have been on it for 10 months and this seems to really have helped things out for me. Good luck buddy and give it some time. I will try and put some of the photos Dr Yaman took!:)





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