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My hairloss situation

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Good day everyone,


A little bit of background about myself, I'm in my late twenties and have been losing my hair for the past 8 years or so. I have been on proscar and rogaine for over 5 years with a decent amount of maintenance up until recently. This past year I have noticed my hairloss progressing while concentrating mainly on the crown area with thinning in the frontal zone. I am very open minded and interested in getting a hair transplant, and am currently researching surgeons. I am currently working in the US and cannot visit a doctor for a consultation for some time, so I'm simply searching on here, and looking for opinions on whether I'd be a good candidate for a HT. ideally, I'd like coverage all over, including the crown area.

I've included pictures.







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  • Senior Member

That's something I'd discuss with the surgeon. Some prefer to do the crown in round two, but since there is a contrast here with your white skin, you may choose to do it in round 1, but it's unlikely you'll harvest enough grafts to get good coverage there and the front during the first op unless you go for a really big strip session.

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Just curious as I have not yet done a vast amount of research, what would be the problem with doing a really big strip session in the first place? If I ultimately decide I'd like to get full coverage eventually, wouldn't it make more sense to get it all done in one shot and minimize my recovery time with multiple future procedures?

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If you're looking to do things in one shot, you're probably a H&W candidate. I've seen them stretch the strip they take from your donor so to speak a bit more than other surgeons do. But again, that shouldn't be your primary concern. You should consult with a few of the best top notch docs recommended here and see what they recommend for your individual situation. HT's are not cookie cutter surgeries.

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  • Senior Member

maybe?? but are you taking into consideration what your progressive balding pattern will be when you're in your 30's, 40's or 50's even if you get a HT now?? What work and donor will you need for future loss??? That's the key to planning a HT particularly for someone as young as you...

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I don't think that high sides means much at 28. Are you dedicated to fin? Your a nw4/5 and maaaaay reach a 6. So I think you should transplant that way. What does that mean? That means if you do the crown, it should be done conservatively, like a light dusting, and your hairline should be laced conservatively. You'll need to retain enough hair in the bank to fill in the sides if they drop. Take a look at the case Dr. Bloxham posted today or look at a younger Louis CK for an example of how sides can drop. Not saying this to knock you down, just want to keep it real and make sure you're making good long term decisions.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I agree with spanker, but i will take it one step further and say that even with fin its likely the crown will continue to expand, youve been on fin and min for 5 years and have continued to progress, unless you switch to dutasteride i don't see the loss stopoing only slowing.


Planning is crucial, I dont advise a mega session, no surgery is guaranteed and if you take 4-5K grafts at once you may be in a bad position if the result doesn't meet your expectations. I recommend focusing on the hairline and midscalp 2,500-3,000 grafts.


Youd be surprised how a great hairline can change youre appearance, the crown i would wait, you dont want to end up with an island of hair like a donut hole.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

I don't disagree with what you guys are saying. He should plan conservatively for sure, but if he's on fin, I think he's going to be in decent shape assuming he continues. But yeah, two moderate sessions spaced years apart may be better than going for glory in one megasession.

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Thanks for the input everyone. I believe I have my fathers hair genes, so if that is the case my sides and back should remain strong and thick for another few decades at least. That's what I'm hoping for. I've sent some photos to H&W, I've checked out some of their work and it's quite impressive to say the least. Mega transformations I've seen. And yes, I have been using fin consistently for many years.

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  • 9 months later...

Hey guys,


It's been a while since my last post, and I've delayed this whole HT and am now about to take the plunge with H&W. My hair loss appears to have stabilized, I've been taking finasteride/minox for about 7 years.. I was initially quoted 4-5K grafts with H&W almost one year ago. My goal is to maximize coverage while thickening/rebuilding my hairline at the same time.

I'd simply like hear people's opinions on my situation. Is 4-5K sufficient to meet my goals? Do I appear to have the density required to pull off a large procedure like this? I'm currently doing laxity exercises to maximize my return.

Any and all input is very much appreciated!





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