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5 Months post Fue Questions/ Concerns

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Today marks the 5 month mark post 2,000 Graph Fue. I had 1,000 to create a new hairline and 1,000 to create additional density to mid Scalp. So far my new hairline has only a few hairs here and there in the front. the new left temple region has significant growth. The right temple is only slightly better than middle new hairline and far behind the left. Where the old hairline was to mid scalp has experienced significant growth but extremely patchy. Obviously 5 months in is still pretty new and i should get a lot more growth for the next 4 months or so, but i'm concerned with how much hair has gone to certain spots and almost nothing in others . I've read growth can be uneven coming in at different rates everywhere, but this is weird how much difference there is. Should i be concerned at this stage?

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At 5 months, I honestly don't think you should be concerned at all. In fact, some people don't experience any growth until this point. The fact that you are seeing some growth is certainly a perk. But hair often starts growing in at different times and different rates. So as much as I know you want the final result to be in and here already, try your best to stay patient. You have another 7 months or so before the majority of your hair and results are in.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

No, don't stress yourself at five months post-op. At this point, all you can do is maintain a healthy diet and wait. Thanks for sharing.


All the best

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Understand your concern but as has been said it's early days yet. Plenty of time for slower growing areas to catch up.

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

Managing Publisher Bill is spot-on. Stay patient, you have a lot to look forward to in the next few months. You will have a "Symphony" of hair by the Spring. Best of luck.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Regular Member

After a ton of reading on Fue Timelines from Doctors and Doctors answering questions from people in my situation it's even more concerning. It seems the general consensus is by the 6 months mark one should see 50-60 percent of final results. I'm now 5 months and a week in and i'd say i'm at 25 percent or so. I don't i have unrealistic expectations having looked at hundreds if not thousands of pics/ videos before doing the surgery. Typically by 6 months in one has at least a new hairlined framed in. often times lacking density but at least something. I have a handful of hairs in the frontal middle of my new hairline. I'll try to relax and let time pass but i honestly haven't seen much of an improvement from the 3 months mark to now 5.25 months in.

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  • Regular Member

I sent an email to my doctor to voice my concern about my results. The nurse called back claiming that hair takes longer to grow in in areas you were completely bald before. This makes 0 sense to me but is consistent with what has happened so far. Any truth to this or doctor just coming up with excuses?

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