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Cobblstonning and ridging advise ( lessons learnt)

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I know most of the people here try to ignore my threads as there is nothing new just complainninf but really


i m trying to find solution and myabe someone here can advise me, as there is some people already suffer from the same thing



I attachex some pics, so please can you advise me what i should do ?


After 16 months, this hair transplant turns to be a disaster,


Under each hair there is like a scar, the whole skin is ruined


Yesterday, new friends who do not know i had HT told me, it seems i have a skin issue in my scalp as there are a lot of acnes


I heared that and really i could not know what i felt, sad, depress, angry, i feel i m disfigured forever, i cannot know how i will continue living with this curse on my head, i want to beat myself until death for this huge mistake that cost me not only my money but my appearancd to the last day of my life



My head are full of scars now, which clearly appear to everyone


I cannot continue living like this, i need solution, i cannot believe that the whole fucking technology and advancements in this world has stopped for my case


If there is such risk in the hair transplant, why nobody warn from it ?


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Lessons learnt from this dark industry




- Nobody told me that, in hair transplant if there is even 1% error it will not be reversed, i will hold those error to the last day of my life. Instead they tell me the hair is permenant and will not fall and, cobblestonning and ridging are rare and cannot happen in this time with small instruments, so it is a safe things but it happen with me and from the good doctor also, and it it can happen even with best doctor in the world


- Everyone talks easily about hair transplant ( no pain, small journy, a lot vidoe with smily faces) without focusing about skin surface in any of those videos, and nobody care about the skin like it is byproduct and it is normal to be disfigured in order to have hair


- Nobody told me that the hair transplant means sacrfice healthy skin to have disfgured one with hair


- Nobody care about details, they will show you bald scalp and then hairy scalp but what is happen below the hair, it should not bother anyone, at the end you have hair so anything else will not be problem even if there is only raw flesh bloody skin under the hair


- Everyone talks about incisions like it is nothing and cannot make any scars and the truth is they do scar in receipient area and worse than the ones in the donor area


- Nobody told me that there will be change in the scalp skin texture becuase of the incisions, ( i think the scalp skin is the toughest skin in the body and it is not easy to be injured and once there is injury there, it is a dead end but even the incisons cannot make scars )


- Nobody tells me that the scalp will not become smooth anymore and the hair roots will bring the attention of everyone in the room, instead they to me, i cannot distinguish betwen the natural and transplanted hair


- Nobody tell me that the body reaction to scalp incisions is unpredictable and each body will react in different way, and to make it worse there is no test or at least warning there is a possibility of body reaction in wrong way.


- Nobody tells me there is a chance that the surgery can trigger some skin disease such as LPP or eczema that cannot be treated


- Everyne talks about small incsions and nobody care about the whole area that is going to be under knife ( so in my case the total size of injuries that i had in receipient area only is (around 280 cm and same size in donor area) and we should believe with all of those incisions there will be no scars at all be because they are small incsions,



- they told me the redness will disappear in 2 months but the truth is it will continue at least 9 months and the numbness and hypersensitivity to sun or external factors can persist for years and sometime it is unbearable


- they will told me there is a new technique or new machine with one of best doctor in the region and he generate the best results, but at the end it was not only scam but a crime against my body


- I saw friends, collegues, celebrities have hair transplant so i want to have one thinking if they did it that means it is something safe and i can do it. so start see videos and some positive results, and then i became an easy target for this clinc


- Everyone told me to do the best research to choose the best surgeon, but it seems i need more than that ( before my surgery i focus on the postivie resutls and after surgery i start see the negative results) and everyone tell me do not worry you will be happy at the end which did not happen, again even with the best research you cannot know the details, and when you see a thread related to poor repair guy like me, you start think this is even from old era or he did not choose well good surgeon.


- I thought always the problem will be in the donor area and in case the hair did not grew i will get back to my old status, but that did not happen, the scalp become like a war zone


The truth is the hair transplant is a barabrian surgery that they should stop marketing it like small surgery and like a dentist session,



I m ready to pay any amount just to remove this nightmare from my life, i will not live properly anymore with this disfiguration.


I m in 2016 and talk like the guys who did the plugs in 1990, so nothing progress, it is still the same bararian party with different tools

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Very sorry for your bad experience...

I can't agree with most of what you said. I'm not sure who your surgeon is? Your pictures are very small and not really able to tell if your scalp looks like a " war zone "?

To me, it just looks like acne. Ultimately it really was YOU who made the decision, I wouldn't blame this on the hair transplant industry...

This is not 1990 as you suggest, I had a procedure in 91&92 and was completely unhappy...I was young and scared and was losing my hair, ultimately it turned out excellent in 2012 when Dr Rahal performed my surgery. I certainly wouldn't suggest another surgery for you as you don't seem to want anything to do with the hair transplant industry but there are some Drs who could help you!

- sorry for your situation but it's not the industry fault. Good luck


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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The name of the surgeon is


Catagay Suzgin and he claimed he is (ishrs and eshrs) and he is dedicated to Fue from 30 years and know dr Bernstine and he is only doing now stem cell FUE


They sold it to me in a way that all other techniuqes are rabish and do scars and their technique is the most advanced one and they do not scars at all


I was too naive to trust those monsters


I m thinking to send a claim to ishrs and eshrs about this doctor and told them about what he did to me


And i m going to tell the health care authority about this,


this is a barberian crime

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I send to them all my pics and even spoke to them


They want me to visit them


I already saw dr Bisanga


and he told me, i should focus now on treating the skin first and after that i can go to belgium to see what they can do

He is totally agree that the hairline need major repair by raising the sides to make it look more natural as i do not have temple points, ( or do a temple point and lower the hairline a little bit) and increase density in some places and do second procedure for mid scalp


I m thinking to repair the hairline only before jumping in another big procedure espically i do not have much left in the donor area

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I should try it, but first i need to finish the issue of the skin


This drives me crazy, imagin i just walk out today outside 5 minutes and get back indoor and now i feel burning sensation and the receipient area is pink, i m now be ome afraid to go out because i know i will have a problem,


I live like a vampire now

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