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is this possible

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i have just had a hair restoration job and was told it would last around four hopurs but the surgical team fiished in less than two hours. After the surgery, the front of my head has small hair transplanted but on the top of my head there are only tiny slits with no hair. the doc says that in the top area only the bulb is transplanted that's why i do not see the hair. is this possible? and is it possible to do a major transplant surgery (of around 6000) with two people working on it in less that two hours?

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i have just had a hair restoration job and was told it would last around four hopurs but the surgical team fiished in less than two hours. After the surgery, the front of my head has small hair transplanted but on the top of my head there are only tiny slits with no hair. the doc says that in the top area only the bulb is transplanted that's why i do not see the hair. is this possible? and is it possible to do a major transplant surgery (of around 6000) with two people working on it in less that two hours?

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the doc says that in the top area only the bulb is transplanted that's why i do not see the hair. is this possible?


Never heard of this before! Maybe a Doc could chime in here! Seems a little deceptive to me.


andis it possible to do a major transplant surgery (of around 6000) with two people working on it in less that two hours?


6000 grafts or hairs? Either way 2 hours seems a little to quick to me!

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There is no way a surgery of 6000 grafts was completed in 2 hours. (even if you are referring to hairs)


I don't want to worry you but I recieved just under 2,400 grafts, there was the Doctor, I believe 6 cutters/techs and 2 techs placing grafts. (not sure if the techs that placed the grafts were amongst the cutters as I fell asleep for sometime)


Anyways, I was there all day, I went into the office at around 8am and it was maybe 9am by the time we got started, we didn't finish to late afternoon.


Now, I did get opened up again to get some more grafts which added time, but only the time it takes to cut, remove the strip and stitch up again as the end number of grafts was still 2,381.


We didn't even stop for food - I have a strange thing about needing to see my food prepared before I will eat it.


I just can't see how any clinic could harvest and place 6000 grafts or even hairs in 2 hours.



the doc says that in the top area only the bulb is transplanted that's why i do not see the hair. is this possible?


As for the above, that sounds like a load of crap, I wouldn't believe a word of it.

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My money says you got up to 500 grafts and up to 3000 slits in your scalp. Just Kidding ;-)


Maybe your watch stopped running? seriously though I have a hard time believing even 3000 (6000 hairs at an avg of 2 hairs per graft) grafts could be harvested via strip and placed in 120 minutes. I mean do the math. do you recall them using an automatic stapler or something to seal you up?


I call foul on this.

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I agree with all of you that i did not receive what promised (my guess is i received 500 only) but my problem is that i have gone through a lot of pain (donor side) and had complications (infection and the wound opened after the stitches were removed) so i can not even think of repeating HT so i am full of disappointment but do not know what to do about it. the doc refuses to admit it. Any suggestions.

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Hi East, sorry to hear about your story,


but before anything, here is 3 important questions :


1- Who was the doctor and at which clinic (name, city, country)


2- When was the date of the surgery, and when did you have the stiches removed?


3- How much did you pay for the procedure?


Also, if you want the best advices for your case, it would be necessary to include pre and post-op pics of your situation...


Best of luck

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Did you by chance, post your story on another forum?


I agree that the above doesn't sound right. However, I did recently read about case where grafts were transplanted after the top of them were trimmed, leaving it appear that no hair was transplanted. There were legitimate reasons for this case.


If I were you, I'd go back to your doctor and ask for clarification as to what was actually done.



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I am familiar with the case Bill is referring to. it was a surgery performed by dr. rassman. the patient had a browlift during which a strip was taken and used for his ht. the patient claimed the strip was disposed of and nhi "pretended" to perform the surgery. dr. rassman claimed the patient could not see the grafts because they were shaven completely down. i have never heard of this practice until this particular case, but it doesn't mean it's not plausible. sorry, but i forget the exact reason rassman gave for doing it this way. either way, 2 hours is very short for that many grafts, especially when only 2 techs are working on you. please clarify if it's 6k hairs or grafts and post some pics if you can.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I beleive the reason Dr. Rassman trimed the grafts to the root was because the patient had severe ridging from previous procedures. By triming the grafts so small and thin, he was able to make extremely small insisions therfore minimizing anymore ridging. By the way Dr. Rassman never removed a strip. It was taken from the top of the head in a forehead lift by another plastic surgeon. Dr, Rassman then picked up the "strip" from the other clinic, along with the patient and brought him back to his clinic, trimed the grafts, and placed them into the hairline to try and disguise his previous ridging...Very interesting story..But I don't think this is the same patient.



Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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I didn't think it would be possible to receive a refined FU hair transplantation of 3000/6000 grafts/hairs in two hours of surgery with just two techs....even with a dozen techs. If you have a dozen techs all cutting the grafts the cutting could be done but the planting is a limiting factor since the max number of techs that fit around the head to plant is just three. After the strip is harvested, the doctor also needs time to make the incisions. I'd have to see it for myself to see three planting grafts @ 1000 grafts an hour and all at the same time.

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