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Would you transplant if you were me?

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I started losing hair from the age of 19. I am now late 30s and have a NW2.5. with diffuse thinning at the sides.


I can see where it has thinned going back to about a 3rd up my head, at the sides. The loss has been very slow and I am surprised I have even this much at this age.

I am more bothered about keeping what I have. Problem is, finasteride doesn't suit when I have taken before and I am not going back on it. Minoxidil just makes your hair look shit, even the foam.


What I want to do is to consolidate what I have so that if/when it does thin some more, I still have some left.


I saw a rep at a reputable UK clinic yesterday evening. He said that I need about 1700 grafts to plug my temples. But I don't want that, I want it putting where I already have hair.


He also said that it has started to minituarize at the back and you can see where it is going to end up a NW7 and I 'Really need to get on Viviscal' and it will keep the back intact.

But he made this diagnosis just from standing behind me, not looking closely at the hair at all, let alone magnified. He also claimed that Viviscal is clinically proven but I can find no evidence at all that it helps male hair loss.


He later said that there has been no loss at all at the back, so how could he see where it was going to end up a NW7 from a standing position, not even bending down to look? And when I have done the hair pull test on myself I can tell you that the follicles at the back have NOT minituarized. They are as thick as the hairs at the side.


I am now torn between watching and waiting, having a procedure to TRY to thicken what I already have and just letting nature be.


If I DID transplant the aim would be to not have to worry about treatments and, if it goes any more, have another FUT. So I am not enamoured by this sales pitch.


I also found the rep to be cold, unhelpful and a slimy salesman so am reluctant to go back and ask him any Qs. I am hoping to see someone at Farjo, next.


When my hair is styled you can only see a bit of loss which would be commensurate with my age, like Danny Dyer is. But I can't wear my hair up/spiked unless it is quite a fair bit longer.


I also don't 'shed' as such, there is never any hair in the plughole.


What would you do?

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Without pictures it's difficult to advise you however, since you are now in your 30s and started losing hair at 19, if you are a candidate according to an ethical physician I would say go for it - especially if hair loss is bothering you and you are very insecure about it. I underwent my first hair transplant procedure when I was in my late 20s because I was very insecure about my hair loss and I wouldn't go anywhere without a hat. It took five years and for procedures but it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I don't even think about my hair loss anymore and I'm extremely happy with my results. Sure, I still have some fitting in the crown area and below but, most people think I'm just starting to lose my hair when in reality, I would be completely bald without my hair transplant. I have a very youthful looking hairline and the frontal area is pretty thick looking. Most people don't even know that I've lost any hair until they see the back and even then, I have no bald spots. Long story short, I feel much more confident about my hair now and most people think I'm 10 years younger than I am. So as long as you do your research and select an outstanding surgeon such as the ones recommended by this community, you will be taking steps in a positive direction.


I hope this helps,



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I have some pics but they are at another forum. Any thoughts appreciated!!


(Note from moderator: i'm sorry, but we do not allow any links to this other forum because they do not allow links back to our forum.


I cannot post them here because I borrowed the (crappy!) phone I took the pics on and stupidly dd not save them to my hard drive.

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Without pictures it's difficult to advise you however, since you are now in your 30s and started losing hair at 19, if you are a candidate according to an ethical physician I would say go for it - especially if hair loss is bothering you and you are very insecure about it. I underwent my first hair transplant procedure when I was in my late 20s because I was very insecure about my hair loss and I wouldn't go anywhere without a hat. It took five years and for procedures but it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I don't even think about my hair loss anymore and I'm extremely happy with my results. Sure, I still have some fitting in the crown area and below but, most people think I'm just starting to lose my hair when in reality, I would be completely bald without my hair transplant. I have a very youthful looking hairline and the frontal area is pretty thick looking. Most people don't even know that I've lost any hair until they see the back and even then, I have no bald spots. Long story short, I feel much more confident about my hair now and most people think I'm 10 years younger than I am. So as long as you do your research and select an outstanding surgeon such as the ones recommended by this community, you will be taking steps in a positive direction.


I hope this helps,




It has had a bad effect, it set off a depression that has meant that I have made some bad life choices. So it is fair to say it has in a cause-and-effect type way screwed up my life. It's like a continual dark cloud that has been hanging over me, meaning I cam never feel content.


In many ways, I think it would be easier, psychologically, to wake up NW7 from no loss, literally overnight. Yes, there is the shock. But it is the drawn-out process which extends the psychological torture, as you to and from between stages of acceptance and denial, trying to imagine how far it will go, by when, tell yourself it isn't going any more, then noticing it has, getting ready to go out and thinking your hairstyle looks good, then the knot in your stomach as you realise it aint always going to be there.


Also, Mods, at some point in the future I am going to ask the mods on that other forum to pull the thread because I am paranoid about being ID'd, will you guys do the same here, if/when I ask, please?

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  • Senior Member
I have some pics but they are at another forum. Any thoughts appreciated!!


(Note from moderator: i'm sorry, but we do not allow any links to this other forum because they do not allow links back to our forum.


I cannot post them here because I borrowed the (crappy!) phone I took the pics on and stupidly dd not save them to my hard drive.

Copy the image address links, PM those links to me, I'll host them on a neutral image site and I will then repost them in this thread for you

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  • Regular Member

Hi Seemer,


Doesn't sound like your hair loss is aggressive. If it was me, I would use the Minox at night, Nizoral shampoo, and laser comb 2-3 times a week. You might even think about a topical DHT blocker.

I swear by my laser comb, best 4-$500 I ever spent. Taking action always will make you feel better.

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  • Senior Member

Hello Mr. Seemer,


Forgive me if you have stated so but I do not see anywhere that you are taking proven medications to stop your hair loss. Given that there are no photos that are posted I can only say that before you proceed with any surgery you should see if you can recover some of your hair through medical means, such as Regaine or Propecia. These can be effective for not just stopping your loss, which is the biggest long term benefit, but they can also reverse your loss to at least a minor degree, major in some cases.


If someone offers you anything else you can research it online to see if it is indeed what you are being told but currently only the two I have mentioned are FDA approved for hair loss. Once you learn about these medications and you have spent several months on them then you will be in a much stronger position to move forward with a surgery. Without one or both of these medications, having a hair transplant will be no different than building a house without a strong foundation. What has been constructed will eventually be in need of being rebuilt again.

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Dr, thanks for your detailed reply.


Indeed, I am not on any preventive medication, save for Nizoral and Revigen (which I know are not approved treatments).


Regaine makes my hair look terrible, style-wise and, I always think: if I am ever in a position where I can't use it for a period of time for some medical reason, you are in big trouble.


Finasteride, I hated the mild gynaecomastia and as I am not a testosterone/DHT monster (little body hair) I just felt a bit emasculated - low sex drive, potency, etc.


I know that if I have a HT that it will need doing again, at some point, and I am budgeting for one procedure now and one in the future, if/when needed, as a way of keeping hair without meds.


But thanks again for your advice, and from a pioneer in the field too, I am honoured!

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Dr, thanks for your detailed reply.


Indeed, I am not on any preventive medication, save for Nizoral and Revigen (which I know are not approved treatments).


Regaine makes my hair look terrible, style-wise and, I always think: if I am ever in a position where I can't use it for a period of time for some medical reason, you are in big trouble.


Finasteride, I hated the mild gynaecomastia and as I am not a testosterone/DHT monster (little body hair) I just felt a bit emasculated - low sex drive, potency, etc.


I know that if I have a HT that it will need doing again, at some point, and I am budgeting for one procedure now and one in the future, if/when needed, as a way of keeping hair without meds.


But thanks again for your advice, and from a pioneer in the field too, I am honoured!

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